Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1486 The couple returns to Beijing (5)

Steamed duck with fermented wine and cabbage stewed with frozen tofu were also delicious. They were nutritious and delicious. Caiwei ate a lot and praised them without hesitation.

The man smiled and said: "It's just a few dishes, but why are you making such a fuss? If you like to eat, can't I just cook it for you every day from now on?"

Caiwei puffed up her cheeks and said, "Do you really want to raise me like a pig? If you keep eating like this, I will become a fat man sooner or later!"

In fact, she is not afraid of becoming fat. As long as it is good for her child's growth and development, she doesn't mind becoming fat at all. However, she can't let a man cook food for her every day. He does it just once. If she lets a man who has many things to do every day to cook food for her, the saliva of the censors in the court will drown her. !

Nangong Yi took a duck leg and put it on the plate in front of her. He said calmly: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you are fat or not, as long as you are healthy, I will tell you that if you gain weight, you will definitely gain weight." She is plump and plump, she must look better than she does now!"

There is no man in this world who likes fat men. Nangong Yi said this just to comfort her and let her eat and drink to her heart's content. Caiwei felt warm in her heart and said with a smile: "I know, if I want to eat these dishes again in the future, I will ask you to cook them for me..."

After dinner, the two talked for a while. When talking about the Shen Juhua Caiwei saw today, Caiwei said: "The temperament of this Juhua is very similar to Xiangyun. Not only are they similar in temperament, but they also have several commanders." They are so similar that if they hadn't been separated by thousands of miles and their parents had never met, I would have thought they were separated sisters!"

Nangong Yi said: "Speaking of Wu Xiangyun, I remembered it. Now Wu Xiangyun can see the moonlight when the clouds open. I pity my second uncle's Zi Li. After Wu Xiangyun got married, he fell seriously ill and almost died. , after finally recovering, he actually left a letter and left the house, saying that he was going on a trip, but according to my opinion, he must not have given up on Wu Xiangyun and chased him to Qingluo Kingdom!"

After hearing this, Caiwei sneered and said, "What if I chase him? Is it possible that Xiangyun will marry him again? This cousin of yours is really strange. It is quite the first time that an innocent girl from Xiangyun married him. At that time, he was so cold and cold that he didn't take people seriously. Now that they are gone, he is like crazy and doesn't care about them. Who does he think he is? If he doesn't want to, he can kick him away. Do people have to come back with him? Not to mention that Wanyan Jingchen is better than him in everything, even if he is inferior to him in everything, Xiangyun will never look back.  "

"That's not necessarily the case!" Nangong Yi said: "Zi Li doesn't have no chance at all. He still has a bargaining chip. Even if he waits for Wanyan Jingchen to change his heart, he is betting that he will change his heart. Wanyan Jingchen is now a dignified prince of a country and will definitely do so. There are many women who want to seduce him and try their best to seduce him. If Wanyan Jingchen doesn't control it and falls in love with any woman, Wu Xiangyun will definitely be very sad. Then won't Zili's opportunity come?"

Caiwei said, "I'm afraid he will be disappointed. Wanyan Jingchen will never betray Xiangyun!" Her tone was very determined, without any hesitation.

After two lifetimes, she believed that her eyes were very accurate in seeing people. Although Wanyan Jingchen fell in love with Xiangyun very suddenly and settled down quickly, it can only be said that he met the right person. , but it cannot be said that he is easily tempted by women.

Caiwei is known as the most beautiful woman in the Jin Dynasty. Every time she appears in the eyes of everyone, she will be like a luminous body, attracting everyone's attention, especially men, young men. When they see her, they will most likely be involuntarily exposed. She looked so stunning that even if she wasn't stunned, she would still stare at her face in trance.

Only this Wanyan Jingchen, from the first time he saw her, never looked at her again, as if she was just an ordinary person, no different from a woman walking on the street, although this was a bit hurt. Her little vanity, but it also shows that Wanyan Jingchen is not a man who judges people by their appearance.

Therefore, the problem of betrayal and change of heart mentioned by Nangong Yi does not exist at all! However, she cannot tell her arguments to her own man, lest he worry too much.

When Nangong Yi heard Caiwei praising Yan Jingchen, his face turned dark and he said sourly: "It seems that the lady knows Prince Qingluo very well. Tell me, what other advantages does he have that the lady will never forget, as a husband?" It’s good to follow and learn!”

Caiwei suppressed her laughter and said seriously: "Prince Wanyan is very generous. He will never become jealous for no reason just because Xiangyun praises any man! This is indeed worth learning from you."

At this moment, Nangong Yi's face turned completely dark, and he said in a conspiratorial tone: "Madam, I remember that you are ticklish, right?"

When Caiwei heard this, she immediately clamped her armpits nervously and said with a flattering face, "He only has these two advantages. Compared with your advantages, my husband, they are nothing to mention!"

"Oh? I still have advantages?" Nangong Yi glanced at her lazily, his expression still ugly.

Caiwei coughed, raised her fingers, and said with all her family treasures: "Look, sir, in my wife's heart, you rule the world. I am the only one who has the most talent, and is full of knowledge. You have been well versed in the ways of an emperor since you were a child. You can control the situation while sitting firmly in the tent." He is a man with thousands of miles of land, a talent that knows the world, and a soul that is awe-inspiring to ghosts and gods. He is truly the man that my wife admires and adores the most!"


Nangong Yi was amused by Caiwei's exaggerated flattery, and his sullen face softened. He smiled for a moment, raised his hand to pinch her pink and white cheeks, and warned: "Look at how hard you are slipping away." For Xu's sake, I won't argue with you this time. If I hear you praising that man next time, I will definitely make you laugh for an hour or two!"

The two of them laughed and joked for a while, then lay down on the kang to rest. They were going back to the capital tonight. They would not be able to reach the palace until about four o'clock, and they would have to spend the whole night on the back of a tiger. , so they took this opportunity to sleep for a while and recuperate.

On the roof of the royal study, Nangong Yi helped Caiwei quietly get off the tiger's back. Caiwei ordered the white-haired tiger to enter the space again, and whispered to the man: "We're home, let's go down!"

Nangong Yi picked up the heavy girl and said with a low smile: "You can't get down like this, you have to get out."

He was mocking Caiwei for being armed like a ball. Caiwei pouted and said coquettishly: "It's not all you. Scorpion stings and stings cover so many people that you can't even get out of the room." ."

Nangong Yi said: "What are you afraid of if you don't go down? My husband is here, why bother to go down in person?"

The two were talking and laughing when they suddenly heard a "clang" sound and a sharp arrow shot over. Nangong Yi was startled and dodged away, only to see a large group of guards outside the imperial study room raising their bows and arrows at them. One of them, the leader, said loudly: "Who dares to break into the Imperial Study Room without permission? Are you risking your life?"

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