"What's going on? It's so itchy... uh... it's so itchy. Call the doctor quickly..."

Luoxue said, fearing that the world would be in chaos, "Miss Li, Princess Tuotu just gave you a lice poison, and now your body is probably full of lice."

When Li Ruizhu heard that she had been poisoned, she screamed with all her thoughts: "You vicious witch, I will fight you!"

With that said, he threw himself on the couch and fought with Tuo Tuo.

Tuo Tuo was shot through the wrist by Luoxue's dart. She was grinning in pain and was in agony. When she saw Li Ruizhu rushing towards her and beating her, she didn't care about the man sleeping on the couch. He hit her with kicks and kicks.

Her wrist was injured and she couldn't fight Li Ruizhu with her hands, so she had to bend her legs and kick her hard with her feet.

Li Ruizhu was kicked so hard by her that she happened to see a gold-painted porcelain box beside the emperor's pillow. Regardless of what the box was for, she picked up the box and hit Tuo Tuo on the head.


The gold-painted porcelain box was hit hard on Princess Tuotuo's head with a bang.

Princess Tuotuo screamed and raised her hand to cover the bleeding area. Li Ruizhu took the opportunity to rush over, scratching and scratching, and cursed loudly: "Witch, I will fight with you..."

The two were twisting and fighting together, and no one noticed that the fallen box had been smashed open, a golden light flashed, and two golden things, one large and one small, flew out from it, like bees, inside the room. Spreading its wings and flying, it looks like two light blue clouds shrouded in golden light. They are beautiful and have an almost ferocious evil quality.

"Cloud and Rain Gu!"

Luoxue was shocked!

With greedy surprise in his eyes, now several people in the house have been sprinkled with insect repellent powder. These two poisonous insects will not bite anyone. Luoxue is very satisfied with this.

She took out a bag and wanted to catch these two precious worms. As long as she caught these two worms and killed Li Ruizhu and Tuo Tuo, she would have a chance to let the emperor fall under her spell in the future. .

However, those two seemingly insignificant Gu insects were extremely powerful. They only circled around the room and then flew towards the clean room at the back of the room like lightning. The speed was so fast that even falling snow could not catch up.

In the clean room

Nangong Yi sat opposite Cai Wei, his handsome face was clouded and his expression was very ugly.

Caiwei held his big hand and comforted her softly: "Yi, don't be angry. Didn't they succeed? Isn't it interesting for us to sit here and listen to them dog-eat-dog?"

Nangong Yi's expression was still very bad, and he said in a deep voice: "I just didn't expect that my mother would be so confused and want to use voodoo to control my life. I am really... disappointed..."

Just as he was talking, two shining golden bugs suddenly flew in.

Caiwei was shocked: "Eh? What is this?"

Nangong Yi was startled for a moment, then stood up in shock and struck the two insects with one palm.

The men all had profound internal energy, and the wind from their palms swept over them like an overwhelming force. As their clothes fluttered, the towels, bath beans, soap, rose petals and other objects in the clean room all flew up, flying towards the two little bugs.

The little bug showed no fear, and actually penetrated the wind of the man's palm, and struck Caiwei's neck like a golden lightning bolt.


Caiwei's neck hurt, as if she had been pricked by a needle, and she couldn't help but groan.

When I looked again, I saw a little golden bee had fallen to the ground and was lifeless.

"Weier, what's wrong?"

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