Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1087 Wait until I catch you (7)

Shengjing in Liaodan was not far from Lingbei, only more than 700 miles away. The guards traveled day and night and arrived in five days.

At this time, Lingbei Royal City was already a prosperous scene.

On a road not far from the king's tent, many shops with the architectural style of the Jin Dynasty were built. Many people from the Jin Dynasty were walking on this street. It must be that the owners of these shops want to do business here, even the brothel Chuguan They also came here to look for life. The rouged and powdered madams swung their butts, pointed in front of their own stores, and told the craftsmen their opinions and requirements.

The Monnu people are also changing subtly. Now, many herdsmen no longer herd, but have switched to glassmaking. It is said that the money they earn from burning glass for a month is enough for them to herd cattle and sheep for a year. Therefore, Many people have sold their cattle and sheep and lived a stable life like the people of Dajin.

Saknu came incognito and lived in a gorgeous tent on the outskirts of Beijing. This time, he vowed to catch the cunning woman with his own hands and lock her into the palace in Shengjing. He would never think about it again in this life. come out.

The guards who were ordered to find out the news about Caiwei wandered up and down the commercial street every day, not daring to let go of any news about Caiwei.

After several days of investigation, although there was no trace of Caiwei, a lot of information about Caiwei was found.

For example, the ugly woman with a big black mark on her face on the commercial street is Mu Caiwei's housekeeper in Lingbei, who is responsible for managing everything in Lingbei; and the cripple named Du, and his wife and girls , who is responsible for counting and inspecting the burned glass, and then putting the counted products into storage; as well as those Yaoyao Qiaoqiao's madams, it was Mu Caiwei who entrusted Shen Zhixian of Qing County to lobby several local people. A brothel was transferred here to open a brothel; there are also some people, it is said that they came from the capital, there are some craftsmen, and they come here specifically to do business...

It seems that Butler Daru is still very well informed. The situation here is basically consistent with what he has found out. Since this is her base, she has no reason not to come here. As long as she stays here, she will definitely You can catch her as you wish!

Saknu settled down in Mennu and waited.

The guards under his command knew his temper and wanted to find some women for him to relieve his boredom. At first, Saknu did not refuse, but when the women he found were lying on his bed, Saknu suddenly felt disgusted.

Compared with her, these women simply cannot be called women. Not to mention their ugly appearance, each of them was either scared to tears or looked slutty, which was very disgusting. In the end, these women were all After being rewarded to his men, he stopped thinking about anything else and concentrated on waiting for her to come.

However, after waiting for several days, she did not come, but another person did...

General Li's confidant guards worked hard and finally found Saknu's location. When they saw Saknu, they immediately gave Saknu the letter from their master, successfully completing the task entrusted to him by their master. mission!

Saknu got the letter and learned that Nangong Yi was about to marry her. He was so angry that his hair stood up!


This damn pretty boy actually wanted to marry the woman he liked; and that woman, who was clearly engaged to him, married someone else in the blink of an eye. It was really hateful!

Counting the days, their wedding day will be in five days. Even if he rushes to Dajin non-stop, it will be too late after all.

Saknu's eyes were splitting with rage. Sooner or later, he had to capture this woman and teach her a lesson. To say the least, even if he couldn't capture her, he would still have to snatch her away when he got to Dajin to let her know who she was. He is her man!

Regardless of love, there is nothing that he, Saknu, can't get. "Wu Yaji, is Nangong Shi still in Liaodan?"

Wu Yaji, the attendant next to Saknu, bowed down submissively: "Great Khan, they are still in our Shengjing, and my servant has been sending people to keep an eye on them!"

"Very good!" Saknu gritted his teeth: "Go back to Shengjing!"

Wu Yaji said: "Great Khan, then here..."

"Twenty warriors are sent to stay here. Once she appears, they will immediately capture her and send her to Shengjing day and night..."



When it gets dark, Caiwei wakes up!

She was really exhausted today. She got up early in the morning and worked non-stop for a whole day. After taking a nap on this couch, she suddenly felt that her body was much more relaxed and her whole body was full of energy.

After waking up, she found that Nangong Yi was not there, so she asked Huan Qiu.

Huanqiu said: "The emperor has gone to the Shuntian Palace to entertain the ministers and envoys from various countries who came to congratulate him. He has ordered not to wake you up, but to let you sleep until you wake up naturally!"

Caiwei looked at the burning red candlestick and asked, "What time is it now?"

Huan Qiu: "If I return to my empress, it's time for Xu!"

Caiwei held her forehead, "Ah, it's about time!"

As expected, it is a big bed in the palace. It feels very sweet when you sleep on it, and you feel very energetic when you wake up!

Caiwei got off the ground and felt a little hungry, so she ordered someone to prepare something light for her midnight snack.

After a while, Peiyao walked into the bridal chamber of Caiwei and Nangong Yi and said, "My queen, the midnight snack is ready, please taste it!"

Caiwei left the bridal chamber and went to a room dedicated to eating outside. She saw a round table with carved red sandalwood and seven or eight white side dishes on five-inch white porcelain plates with blue lace. There are five staple foods, including a bowl of Biyingying Bigen porridge, which is still slightly steaming.

When Caiwei sat down, a palace maid came over with a gilded basin, knelt on the ground and asked her to clean her hands.

The water in the basin contains rose petals, soap locust, angelica dahurica, atractylodes, etc. It is said to be a secret recipe of the palace. After washing the hands, it can not only cleanse the hands, but also whiten and moisturize the skin.

She washed her hands and picked up a few crystal steamed dumplings, which were just side dishes and porridge. She finished eating slowly, took a sip, and asked Liu to reward her servants with the leftovers.

After Chunliu went out, Huanqiu whispered to Caiwei: "Your Majesty, the hot water is ready. Please wash up quickly. The Emperor will be back soon..."

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