"First, use a bone knife to drill a hole in the red maple tree, about 5 centimeters deep. Insert the wood chips, and then hang the barrel from which the sap was collected."

Chang Xia didn't find the conduit, so he asked Shen Rong to cut out suitable wood chips.

Instead of the catheter, the wood chips are inserted into the drilled tree hole, and the sap drips into the wooden barrel through the wood chips. Generally, a red maple tree with a diameter of 25 cm can only drill one hole. Too much can easily damage the red maple.

However, the sap of the red maple trees in Hongyeling has never been harvested.

At the same time, the red maple trees here are very old, and basically each red maple can drill 3-4 holes. Red maple trees that are more than 500 years old can drill 6 holes. Like 108 red maple trees that are more than 1,000 years old, it is estimated that 10 holes can be drilled in Changxia, and it will not damage the vitality of these 108 red maple trees. The tree rests.

"Drill holes and pay attention to the spacing between tree trunks."

"The wooden barrels that are hung up must be fastened so that they don't fall off."

"The torch is fixed, pay attention to the sparks."

From time to time, Chang Xia’s exhortations could be heard from Hongyeling. The clan and Shen Rong couldn’t bear her tiredness, so maybe she climbed a tree and drilled a hole. Instead, Chang Xia held a torch in his hand and passed through all corners of Hongye Ridge, reminding the clansmen of their wrong actions when harvesting the sap of the red maple tree.

The entire Hongye Ridge, except Changxia.

Even the elders who came over all climbed the trees, drilled holes, inserted wood chips, and tied wooden barrels. After a complete set of actions, I watched with satisfaction as the red maple sap dripped down the wood chips into the wooden barrels hanging on the trunk.

"It's so sweet!"

"I feel like I can drink a whole bucket of tree sap."

"Don't steal it, just work hard for me."

All kinds of discussions and conversations startled the entire Hongye Ridge.

The beasts lurking at night sensed the movements of Hongye Ridge, and disappeared into the darkness one by one. Not to mention sneak attacks, they don't even dare to approach.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, the roots directly let the clansmen release their own breath.

Sturdy and bloodthirsty.

If the night has color.

Tonight, Hongye Ridge must be blood red.

"Hee Lie Lie—" Pukang was lying on a thousand-year-old red maple tree, sucking the sap with his mouth open. Disregarding face, humiliation or something, he-Pukang has always been shameless, dare to say, look at the iron fist he loves.

Tonight, the elder Jami did not come.

After all, the tribe needs people to sit in the town, and they all come to Hongyeling. If something happens to the tribe, the problem will be big.

With a head full of black lines, he silently looked at the humiliating scene of Elder Pukang under the firelight.

Raised his hand and covered his eyes.

Can't see.

As long as he can't see it, he doesn't know what's going on.


The root here is pretending to be deaf and dumb, and the other clansmen trembled and dared not speak.

A roar containing anger pierced the sky.

Pukang froze for a while.

Depend on! ! !

He just remembered that Jami didn't come, but he forgot that there was another Ximu.

"Pukang, you bastard." Ximu growled, from a distance, stomping his foot, flashed to the trunk of the red maple tree where the elder Pukang was located, raised his hand and hammered the elder Pukang three times angrily, " Pucon, if you haven't picked up 100 barrels of red maple sap tonight, you are not allowed to eat the maple sugar brewed in Changxia."

"The tribe can support you alone, enough to support a small tribe."

"Pukang, you are too presumptuous."

"Chang Xia said that 40 liters of red maple sap can make 1 liter of maple syrup. It's a waste of you to drink so much. You can eat it anyway, so let's eat the bark!"

Immediately afterwards, Elder Ximu's mind was clear, sentence after sentence, sentence after sentence.

Chang Xia didn't know if Elder Pukang was dizzy or not.

However, she was a little dizzy.

So, Chang Xia stepped back quietly.

Elder Ximu is unsmiling and taciturn. However, once he angered him, he could evolve from being taciturn to a chatter, but he was methodical when he talked, and it could last from dawn to dawn the next day...

According to Chang Xia's knowledge, Elder Ximu's greatest achievement was to keep talking for three days.

The object is the elderly Pukang.

In the entire tribe, except for Elder Pukang, no one could change the face of the unsmiling Elder Ximu. Therefore, in most cases, the clansmen will separate the two.

Because when these two met, it was like thunder and fire.


Not far away, there are clansmen who are teetering.

Send out a distress signal to the root on the side.


How could Elder Yami let Elder Ximu come to Hongyeling tonight?

Didn't she know that Elder Pukang would come?

Geng had a pale face, his legs were a little weak, and he was holding on to the branches of the red maple tree, barely falling from the tree.

"Let's go, let's go!" Geng said with a guilty conscience.

When these two faced each other, no one could persuade them except Wu and Elder Jami.

I am afraid of being too broad, I am afraid of being too broad.

When the words fell, Gen ran away first.

Seeing this, the nearby clansmen who harvested the sap of the red maple tree slipped away quickly.

"What's wrong?" Shen Rong jumped down from the red maple tree, grabbed Chang Xia, who had lingering fears, and said softly.

Looking up, I didn't find anything unusual nearby.

Chang Xia stretched out his hand to cover Shen Rong's mouth, raised his index finger, and whispered, "Shh!"

See you.

The nearby clansmen looked up one after another.

"Pukang, the ginkgo forest in Xiangfeng Mountain, the holy mountain of Kana, has not been picked yet. If you have nothing to do, go there and pick all the ginkgo trees there. After all, you are too good to eat, and the number of ginkgo trees hoarded by the tribe is still too small~www. readwn.com~ I heard that you let some **** run out of the tribe yesterday. I think... I'll punish you for three days of food, lest you lose your memory."


The quiet Hongye Ridge.

In an instant, Elder Ximu's tepid chatter entered the ears of all the clansmen.

Suddenly, Shen Rong and his clan didn't understand.

"This—" Shen Rong was slightly startled, looking at Chang Xia suspiciously.

Chang Xia patted his chest and said with a headache: "This is Elder Ximu. Elder Pukang annoyed him, and he is teaching Elder Pukang. Usually Elder Ximu is very nice, but when he gets angry, he will change. It was terrifying."

"Yeah! An angry elder Ximu is even scarier than a witch."

"What did Elder Pukang do?!"

"Don't think about life tonight. Elder Jami is no more. What should we do?"

Here, Chang Xia told Shen Rong in detail how Elder Ximu was angry. Headache rubbed between her brows, cotton, she urgently needed cotton.

The corners of Shen Rong's mouth couldn't help twitching again.

Whenever he thought he knew enough about the Heluo tribe.

The Heluo tribe will once again show an amazing scene, breaking Shen Rong's cognition.

"Then what should I do now?" Shen Rong saw Chang Xia's twisted face, and reached out his hand to land on her cheek, stroking gently, trying to ease the anxiety in her heart.

"There's no way." Chang Xia shrugged, with a paralyzed face on his face, letting Shen Rong rub his face, "Don't pay attention to them, when Elder Ximu doesn't want to talk, he can stop naturally. However, some Elder Ximu stared at Pukang. Elder, we will harvest the red maple sap much faster."

Elder Pukang looked unreliable.

But, be serious.

He is very strong, otherwise the tribe would not let him fool around all day.

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