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Chapter nine:

Qiqi's eyes went back and forth between the two of them, then put down the pen, and said softly, Aren't you still painting?

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen were a little embarrassed for a while, but they instantly restrained their playful temperament and became serious.

Yan Qingchi picked up the pen and drew a stroke on the paper.

After finishing the chess and chess painting, he turned to look at Jiang Mochen, who was speechless and looked up at the sky. He picked up the pen in a shattered manner, and drew a stroke according to Yan Qingchi's drawing.

When Qiqi saw that he had finished painting, he went to see Yanqingchi again.

Yan Qingchi quickly drew the next stroke, chess and chess quickly followed, and then went to see Jiang Mochen to see if he had finished his drawing.

Jiang Mochen felt that the few minutes of painting were a long time, as if he had returned to his elementary school class. He looked at the painting book in his hand, but he could not draw the pattern in the book. Same strokes.

This is a rare sad time that Jiang Mochen doesn't want to recall. He couldn't figure it out. He had been proficient in everything from the beginning to the big piano, chess and books, but why did he die in painting? He was unwilling to give up easily. Born without the skill of lighting up painting, no matter how hard you work, you can only be a low-level handicap.

Jiang Mochen sighed silently in his heart, and secretly said, sure enough, no one is perfect, and no gold is pure, but he secretly sighed in his heart, Yan Qingchi is really a talent, this is the second time we meet, and I understand it. It's good that he has solved his own shortcomings. He wants to see how long he can pretend to be smart, but don't make fools into his hands. At that time, he will let Yan Qingchi sit in this room. I gave him a good painting, and painted him for three days and three nights, in the middle of the night, so that he could not stop painting.

The three of them painted with their own moods. Jiang Mochen took advantage of a phone call in the middle of the process and left with his own drawing paper. Then he never entered the house of Chess and Chess until he finished painting. , a pair of surprises that you have finished painting.

Yan Qingchi didn't expose him. After finishing the painting teaching, he had another meal at Jiang Mochen's house before preparing to leave. Jiang Mochen got up and planned to give it to him, but Yan Qingchi brought himself a gift and handed it to Qiqi.

He took out a Rubik's cube and asked Chess, Do you know what this is?

Chess nodded, The Rubik's Cube.

Can you play?

Chess still nodded.

Then you play first, and when I come next time, see if you play well.

Qiqi's eyes lit up at once. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something, but he didn't say anything. He slowly closed his mouth and just nodded.

Yan Qingchi stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. Qiqi didn't resist. He quietly bent his eyes and looked at him, like a gentle little moon.

Then I'll see you tomorrow? Yan Qingchi asked gently.

Chess nodded obediently, his eyes full of softness.

Yan Qingchi felt that he was a bit like a doll in the window. He looked good, and he had a pair of eyes that could talk. When his eyes were bent, he was full of tenderness and warmth, and people couldn't help but like him. But yet cautiously, he protected himself with immature weapons, and looked at the outside world cautiously and restrainedly.

He waved goodbye to Qiqi and left with Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mochen sent Yan Qingchi home very gentlemanly. After the car stopped, he turned to look at Yan Qingchi and asked, Have you had a good time?

I'm very happy. Yan Qingchi said truthfully.

Jiang Mochen snorted coldly.

Yan Qingchi turned to look at him, Why, aren't you happy?

What do you think?

Yan Qingchi didn't expect his gentle appearance to be so caring. He couldn't hold back for a while and laughed. He bumped into Jiang Mochen's arm, You've been caring about it all day, aren't you tired?

Jiang Mochen turned to stare at him, Shut up.

Yan Qingchi made an ok gesture, Let's skip this topic and change the topic.

Jiang Mochen thought about it for a while, and finally got a serious expression, and said seriously, How do you feel about chess?

Very cute, well behaved, very sensible.

Do you like him? Jiang Mochen continued to ask.

Like it.

This answer was expected by Jiang Mochen.

Do you want to see him tomorrow?

Yes, can't you? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, Since you have already agreed with him, then go ahead, next time, tell me first.

He is the father of the child, and Yan Qingchi could not refuse such a request: Okay.

After the two had finished talking about their children, they talked a little about marriage, Jiang Mochen said calmly, Although it may be cruel to say that, I still want to make it clear in advance that your marriage is not based on love. It's what you want and what I want. He looked at Yan Qingchi, The reason why you are willing to promise me, whether it's for the 5 million or something else, I can give it, as long as it's not too much. , I'm willing to give it to you. So, if I can't give it, then you'd better not be delusional.

His words were a bit cold, but his tone was as gentle as always, I won't fall in love with anyone easily, so after marriage, I may, no, should, and I shouldn't like you very much, I can tell you You promise that I can do my duty as a husband, and I will try my best to cooperate with your ideas and requirements. But I hope you can

Remember what I said tonight, don't get entangled in the so-called love or not after marriage, that will only make yourself look ugly.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect him to say these words so indifferently. He looked at Jiang Mochen and could only see the calmness and indifference in his eyes. Yan Qingchi felt that everyone was a polyhedron. Five minutes ago, Jiang Mochen was still arguing with him, and he was more childish than chess. Now he can calmly discuss conditions with himself and pave the way for his future.

But this is not a problem for him, he smiled brightly, I know, don't worry, as long as you don't like me, I won't like you.

Jiang Mochen chuckled lightly, as if he was laughing at his sentence As long as you don't like me, he said, Then you can rest assured.

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