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After eating the hot pot, Jiang Mochen posted a Weibo, the Weibo is very simple.

Jiang Mochen v: @yanqingchi@Sun Xun, let's fight! friend! [picture]

The accompanying picture is a selfie of the three of them eating hot pot.

As soon as Weibo was posted, it was moved to forums and cp groups.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen have a good relationship? Jiang Mochen and Sun Xun still take him to dinner?

It's all from the same company, and they've filmed together. It's normal to have a good relationship.

And doesn't it mean that Jiang Mochen went to Let's Fight! Friends! this time to promote Lost? It's normal to bring Yan Qingchi.

Am I the only one who noticed that Jiang Mochen's first @ was Yan Qingchi? Why is he in front of Sun Xun?

Go ahead. Someone guessed.

It was said that it was the promotion of Lost, of course it was @yanqingchi first, but I really thought it was because of Sun Xun's Let's Fight! Friends!.

However, the city cp group doesn't think so, It must be because President Jiang likes and values ​​Qingchi more!

My group has been silent for so long, and finally cheated.

Hey, it's not easy, obviously we were the first to have a name, and now we've all been suppressed by other CPs.

No way. President Jiang and Qing Chi have not seen each other for a long time, and Qing Chi has a good time with other people.

That's different, it's just pure friendship with others, and Jiang is always in love!!!

Yes! If you want me to say that President Jiang will go to Let's Fight! Friends! this time, maybe it's just to clear the pool!

It must be, Qingchi has too many CPs recently, and President Jiang must feel that he needs to come out and tell everyone who is Qingchi's original intention and who is his true love!

1551, what kind of fairy CP am I cute, the city is real!!!

Sisters wait for me, when this episode comes out, I'll cut a Truth Is True for Chengchi, Chengchi is real!

Waiting for your sister, come on, the city is rushing to duck!

Yan Qingchi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so you moved yourselves first? Convinced? He feels that CP fans are really a category of fans who are very easy to satisfy and are good at self-sufficiency. Every day, they can dig out all kinds of sugar they think from the corners that they have never noticed, and prove it in one way or another. You see, they really are a couple.

It's not easy, Yan Qingchi thought.

When he returned to the hotel, Jiang Mochen asked him what his plans were, and Yan Qingchi looked at him, What are your plans?

The program team is not saying that there will be water sports the day after tomorrow. I plan to go for a few laps in a while. I haven't been in the water for a long time.

Then I'll go with you.


Jiang's group's hotel has its own indoor swimming pool. Jiang Mochen showed his gold card and told the staff of the swimming pool that they wanted to reserve the venue.

The staff respectfully invited them into the lounge, indicating that the swimming pool needs to be cleared, and asked Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi to sit for a while.

After the clearance was over, another staff member came to the lounge to inform them that the swimming pool was ready to use.

The two changed their swimsuits and came to the pool. Yan Qingchi teased him, Are you going to do something shameful? You have to book a room.

Jiang Mochen turned to look at him, Do you want me to do something shameful?

Yan Qingchi looked innocent, Nothing.

Jiang Mochen looked at him meaningfully.

Yan Qingchi looked at him innocently, and even blinked.

Jiang Mochen tutted twice, shook his head, turned around and dived into the water, Come down, let's race for a lap.

Okay. Yan Qingchi said, and went into the water.

The water temperature in the pool was just right, and the two of them were ready. Jiang Mochen shouted start, and the two of them swam towards the opposite bank together.

Jiang Mochen has been exposed to swimming since he was very young, and has always liked it. In this field, he is almost a professional level. Therefore, he quickly led Yan Qingchi by a lot, then turned around and headed back to swim.

When he finished swimming and rested against the pool wall, he saw Yan Qingchi swimming towards him. Jiang Mochen smiled and waited for him to reach the end.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect Jiang Mochen's swimming speed to be so fast, Have you practiced before?

Yes, my dream when I was a child was to become a swimmer, stand on the Olympic arena, and win glory for the country.

Then why didn't you persevere?

My parents don't agree. After all, our family still has the throne waiting for me to inherit. Jiang Mochen teased.

Yan Qingchi smiled when he heard the throne, But isn't the throne now inherited by my sister?

But I'm also too old to be suitable.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, It's a pity.

It's not a pity. Jiang Mochen has a very clear understanding of himself. Swimming training is a very boring and boring thing. Even if my parents don't object, I may not be able to persevere.

When Yan Qingchi heard the words, he smiled at him, Of course it's good for you to think so. It can make him feel less regretful.

Jiang Mochen rarely brings up this topic with others, but when he mentioned it now, he thought of the time when he was taking swimming lessons when he was a child, Let's do it, he looked at Yan Qing

Chi, Do me a favor.


I'll take a look at my current speed, you can help me pin a watch, and I'll practice.

Okay. Yan Qingchi said, went ashore, took out his cell phone, and sat down by the pool, Go for a swim, I'll check the time for you.

it is good.

After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, when he heard Yan Qingchi shouting the start password, he swam forward, still touching the wall, then returning and swimming around.

Yan Qingchi looked at his swimming style in the water, and only thought that his swimming style was very good-looking and very ornamental.

Jiang Mochen came back soon and asked him, How long?

Yan Qingchi showed him the time on the phone.

Jiang Mochen was a little dissatisfied, I will swim again.


So, it was another back and forth, this time without Jiang Mochen saying, Yan Qingchi showed him the time on the phone, Jiang Mochen looked at it, still dissatisfied.

What's your ideal time? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Leave only the integer in front. After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, he prepared again and swam out.

Yan Qingchi watched him launch like an arrow from the string, and looked at the time that was constantly walking on the phone, feeling a little worried.

Jiang Mochen seemed to suddenly become obsessed with time. Every time he swam back, he glanced at the time, and then swam out again. It seems that I want to chase the dream I had when I was young, and it seems that I want to go back to that time.

Are you going to take a break and swim later? Yan Qingchi said softly.

It's okay, I'm not tired. Jiang Mochen looked at him, Or, give me some encouragement.

What encouragement?

When I swim to the designated time, kiss me.

Yan Qingchi smiled, Okay.

Then shout for me to start.

After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, Yan Qingchi called start, and he swam out again.

Yan Qingchi sat on the edge of the pool and watched him swim to the other side of the pool and then returned. When he was about to arrive, he looked at the time on his phone and felt a little regretful.

Jiang Mochen stretched out his upper body from the water, ready to ask him the time, but before he could speak, Yan Qingchi lowered his head and kissed him.

Keep swimming.

Jiang Mochen thought that he had finally reached the stipulated time for kissing himself, but before he had time to be happy, he heard him say continue to swim, and he didn't know whether it was happiness or sadness. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but Yan Qingchi smiled, Come on.

Jiang Mochen had to do it again.

Yan Qingchi sat by the pool and watched patiently, watching Jiang Mochen work hard for his goal, watching him in front of his eyes. He suddenly felt that this feeling was also very good, quiet, peaceful, no disturbance, and no one else.

A little warm and a little happy.

Jiang Mochen quickly swam back, Yan Qingchi bowed his head and kissed him, Go on.

Jiang Mochen pinched his face, waited for him to call start, and swam around again.

Probably because he swam too many laps and found the feeling, Yan Qingchi looked at the time and found that he really swam faster and faster.

Continue. Yan Qingchi bowed his head to kiss and smiled.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, and he didn't even understand. Didn't he swim until the stipulated time to kiss him? Why did he swim around and kiss him? However, as a qualified profiteer, Jiang Mochen naturally would not object to this kind of thing that he took advantage of, but just continued to sprint for his goal.

@Infinite good text, all in

When it was almost the fifth time, Yan Qingchi looked at his watch and was pleasantly surprised to find that he actually swam to the stipulated time.

Jiang Mochen stretched out his upper body from the water, and saw Yan Qingchi showing his phone to himself, Look, it's successful. @Infinite 好文, all in

Jiang Mochen was a little surprised. He swam to the end. In fact, his obsession with this time was much smaller. He just thought that he would swim around and Yan Qingchi kissed him. This interactive mode made him like it, so he kept going back and forth. Unexpectedly, it actually swam to the stipulated time.

He looked at Yan Qingchi, Then should you reward me?

Isn't it already paid in advance?

I didn't say that it was an advance payment. Jiang Mochen said brazenly.

Yan Qingchi bent his eyes and smiled, Then let's make something different for you.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed him.

Jiang Mochen reached out and hugged him, slowly deepening the kiss.

After swimming with Jiang Mochen for a few more laps, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen left the swimming pool, went back to their room, changed their clothes, and went to the conference room to listen to the director's meeting.

The director is very concerned about Jiang Mochen's participation in Let's Fight! friend! The recording is obviously very attentive. If Guan Mei and the program team talked about it before, they agreed that two episodes would be two days and no overnight stay was allowed. The recording was dragged into two days, and the two episodes were cut into four episodes.

Jiang Mochen listened to the director explaining the process to him, and looked at the key points in the script, thinking that it would not be too much trouble.

The director asked him, Mo Chen, are you in the same team as Sun Xun?


What about the others? Let's set the group in advance now, and go through the process symbolically tomorrow.

I'm with Team Chen. Yan Qingchi took the initiative.

Sun Xun choked a mouthful of water in his throat, coughed for a long time, and asked in disbelief, You and Chen Xuanlang?

Yan Qingchi nodded.

@Infinite good text

,all in

Jiang Mochen looked at him, Really, then I'm looking forward to it.

Yan Qingchi smiled, Don't worry, Brother Chen, you took care of me when you were on the set, so I will take care of you now.

Because Jiang Mochen chose Sun Xun, Zhao Qiang, who came to promote Lost with him, was included in Chen Xuanlang's team.

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