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chapter Five:

Yan Qingchi didn't like politeness, so he didn't pretend to back down when he heard the words. He directly opened the menu to choose a few dishes he liked, and rang the bell to call the waiter to come in.

The waiter took down the dishes that the two had chosen and went out quietly.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Jiang Mochen looked at the person in front of him and said thoughtfully, You said last night that you agreed with what I proposed before, and fulfilled the marriage contract between our two families in place of your sister.


Jiang Mochen nodded slightly, Do you have any conditions?

Yes. Yan Qingchi leaned forward a little and said solemnly: I hope you can lend me 5 million before marriage. I will write you an IOU for this money. After one year, according to the bank's instructions Interest, and the principal and interest will be repaid to you.

This is something Jiang Mochen didn't expect. He guessed all kinds of conditions that Yan Qingchi might put forward, but he didn't expect it to be borrowing money, and he said it so directly at the beginning of the conversation. It was a bit too philistine and worldly, but he himself The evaluation of Yan Qingchi was not high, so he just snorted inwardly and did not refuse. It's only 5 million, it's not worth his care.

Yes. He replied.

Yan Qingchi didn't have much reaction to this either. He still knew Jiang Mochen a little bit and knew that he was good at covering up his indifference with tenderness. In the book, the original owner did not agree to Jiang Mochen's marriage. Jiang Mochen was willing to let him die. Excessive requirements, all pay. And he promised him, only 5 million, he should not embarrass himself.

Thank you. He said sincerely.

You're welcome, after all, we will soon be a family. Jiang Mochen even smiled at him after he finished speaking.

Yan Qingchi looked at his smile, but felt that the way he looked at himself was far less gentle and polite, and he returned a polite smile, Yeah, it's really exciting.

Do you have any requirements for the wedding date? If not, the date will be decided by me.

Okay, but when will it be?

In the near future, Jiang Mochen looked at him, there are many dreams in the night, so there are no accidents.

I really can't wait, Yan Qingchi thought to himself, if he didn't know the reason for Jiang Mochen's marriage, he probably would have thought that he had some other purpose. He nodded in agreement.

Seeing his agreement, Jiang Mochen continued: You also know my identity, so even if we get married now, we can only get a certificate, we can't make it public, and we can't hold the wedding. But you don't have to worry, when the time is right, I will I'll give you a make-up wedding and reveal your identity, okay?

Although his words were interrogative sentences, they carried a high-spirited tone that had been in high positions for a long time.

Yan Qingchi leaned back and felt that he had already decided everything by himself, but he still had to ask himself politely whether it was okay or not, some of which were unnecessary. Anyway, it's just a formality, it doesn't matter, their marriage is just a marriage for the sake of marriage, it doesn't matter what date, whether there is a wedding, whether it is public or not. What is important is the relationship between two people after marriage, and the responsibility and ties that arise from this marriage certificate even if they have no love for each other. This is what matters.

However, Jiang Mochen was willing to ask, and he didn't want to spoil him, so he still nodded gently, Okay, he said, I myself am in the state of no such person in the eighteenth line, but you are different. Your popularity is booming, and your every move attracts attention, so it's really not wise to get married publicly at this time.

It's fine if you understand.

Yan Qingchi tilted his head, Of course I understand, after all, I am very considerate. After he finished speaking, he blinked slightly.

Jiang Mochen caught him a wink by surprise, but felt a little bit speechless in his heart, understanding? Jiang Mochen sneered in his heart, these four words, you are afraid that they are only related to 'people'.

He silently skipped this sentence and asked about Yan Qingchi's new marriage.

The two chatted for a while, and the food was brought to the table by the waiter at this time.

This private kitchen tastes pretty good, and the two of them are satisfied with what they eat. During the meal, Jiang Mochen suddenly said, By the way, since I'm getting married, there is one thing I need to tell you. He stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

Yan Qingchi also stopped and listened to him in a warm voice, I adopted a child before. It's a boy. This year, he is five years old. When we get married, he will live with us, okay?

Yan Qingchi was a little surprised when he heard the words. When he was reading, he didn't notice that Jiang Mochen actually had an adopted son. After thinking about it, he really didn't see any description of the child in his mind.

Maybe it's because the book was from Xiao Bailian's perspective, so before Xiao Bailian came into contact with Jiang Mochen's child, that child didn't appear in the book. He thought so.

Yes. He replied, Anyway, if we get married, we won't have children. Of course, it would be better to adopt a child.

Yan Qingchi even thinks that if conditions permit in the future, he can adopt one or two more. He himself has been in an orphanage, so he knows better than anyone how much the children of the orphanage want to get out of that yard and how much they want to have a home of one's own.

Can I see a picture of that kid? he asked.

Jiang Mochen took out his phone, found a photo, clicked it, and handed it to him.

Yan Qingchi took it. The photo was of a very handsome boy with fair skin and black hair hanging down on his forehead.

She pursed her lips, her black and white cat eyes widened, she looked at the camera cautiously, while her right hand unconsciously grabbed the hem of her clothes. Yan Qingchi looked at the photo and secretly said, it seems that this child and Jiang Mochen are not very close, otherwise they would not be so unnatural when facing the camera.

He handed the phone back and said softly, It's cute.

His name is Qiqi, he is five years old, he is very good and quiet, you should like it.

Yan Qingchi nodded, I think so too.

Jiang Mochen stopped talking and said, Let's eat.

After dinner, Jiang Mochen drove Yan Qingchi home. Before getting off the car, Yan Qingchi asked him, Does Qiqi know you are getting married?

He doesn't know yet. I'll tell him in the next two days. Don't worry, he's very good. He won't have any feelings of rejection, and he won't embarrass you.

That's not what I mean, I just think, since we're getting married, don't you think I should meet him? Yan Qingchi thought about it, I can't let him see me for the first time on the wedding day. The future... He paused for a moment, thought about the name Qiqi called him, and finally said, Dad, right?

Jiang Mochen hadn't thought about this issue before, but now it was pointed out by Yan Qingchi, and he felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable, What do you think?

I think it's better to meet in advance, and also to cultivate the relationship between me and my child.

Jiang Mochen heard the words and chuckled, What if he doesn't like you?

Yan Qingchi looked at him, Didn't you say that he is very good, he won't have any feelings of rejection, and he won't embarrass me?

Jiang Mochen didn't expect that he would use his own words to attack him. He secretly said, it's not that stupid. He looked at Yan Qingchi with a confident face, his eyes bright like diamonds in a glass case, and deliberately said, No rejection, no embarrassment, It doesn't mean like it.

Yan Qingchi bowed his head and smiled, as if he was very victorious, Then you can wait and see.

Seeing that he was so confident, Jiang Mochen couldn't help but be a little curious about how the two of them met. Although he adopted Qiqi, it was probably because he didn't spend enough time together, and Qiqi was not very close to him. He was indeed very well-behaved and sensible, but he was also too well-behaved and sensible. If possible, Jiang Mochen hoped that he could treat his father like an ordinary child. In that way, it's time to cry and make trouble, instead of being cautious, cautious, and quiet.

He looked at Yan Qingchi and felt that it would be good for him and Qiqi to get in touch before they got married. In this way, if he could get along well with Qiqi, it would be good, and if he did not get along well with Qiqi, then , I may have to reconsider this marriage.

Have you had time lately?

Yes, I haven't received the show yet, so I should have time for a while.

That's good. I'll pick you up the day after tomorrow and take you to see Qiqi.

it is good.

See you the day after tomorrow. Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi heard the words and knew that today's meeting was over. He got out of the car and smiled at Jiang Mochen, I'll see you the day after tomorrow.

After speaking, he closed the door and turned to leave.

Jiang Mochen was the only one left who was a little surprised that he was so knowledgeable. If he hadn't known the stupid things he had done before, he would have thought he was a smart person. Jiang Mochen shook his head. It seemed that Yan Qingchi was smarter than he thought. Not only did he have a skin to disguise himself, but also a A heart that is good at disguising himself, but he sneered, it is a fox that always shows its tail, and he wants to see how long he can disguise.

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