Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:


Yan Qingchi's partner in this scene is Ji Sixing, who plays the plot that Zhou Fang came to find Meng Luo to inquire about the progress of the police's investigation of the case, which was invisibly designed by Meng Luo. Zhou Fang lied that he was a former colleague of Meng Wen, saying that he was sad when he heard that Meng Wen was killed, and wanted to pay homage to him, and also persuaded Meng Luo to mourn and surrender.

Meng Luo knew that the person in front of him had almost killed Meng Wen, but he was negligent for a while, so he hurriedly left and let himself make the last blow. He knew that Zhou Fang might become his own knife and a shield, allowing him to retreat after eradicating the people he wanted to eradicate, so he cautiously responded to Zhou Fang's questions, showing his simplicity Introverted, and set traps in his words to guide Zhou into the game.

This is a seemingly calm but dark tide of rivalry, if two people can act well.

Yan Qingchi's lines were already memorized. He followed Ji Sixing's words line by line, answering carefully, with a light tone and a simple expression, while Ji Sixing seemed much more shrewd and confident than him.

The two of them were patting, when Director Wang suddenly shouted: Kar, Yan Qingchi, your position is wrong, you should go a little further to the right.

Yan Qingchi immediately adjusted and started shooting again.

But while patting and patting, Director Wang called out again, Yan Qingchi, what are you doing, you're on camera, don't you know?

Yan Qingchi looked confused. He really didn't know. He looked at Director Wang and Ji Sixing again, only to find that their positions were different from the positions of the two of them in the audition just before the official shooting.

Yan Qingchi looked at Ji Sixing, Brother Ji, I...

Xiaochi, this is your first film, right? That's how filming is. You're a newcomer, so it's inevitable that you will make mistakes. It's fine, just make it a few more times. Ji Sixing said with a smile.

Yan Qingchi looked at his smile that was on the surface but didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and didn't speak any more.

The next few shots, no doubt, got stuck several times. Ji Sixing seemed to be unintentional and always guided him to the wrong position. Yan Qingchi simply did not cooperate with his movements and stood directly in the same place. But Wang Dao scolded you, are you a pillar, your feet are nailed to the ground, you won't move!

Jiang Mochen looked at his rare expression and was a little embarrassed. He didn't seem to move or move. He could only stand in a small place, and he was at a loss and was surrounded by others amid the director's scolding.

This is not the Yan Qingchi he is familiar with. Yan Qingchi is always full of calm and self-confidence. It is too embarrassing for him to be so helpless. Jiang Mochen frowned unconsciously, and looked coldly at Ji Sixing standing in front of Yan Qingchi. He didn't remember where Yan Qingchi offended Ji Sixing. Sitting quietly and watching, only yesterday because of Su Nuan's request, he played against Su Nuan, but Ji Sixing doesn't know Su Nuan, so it doesn't make sense to be angry because of Su Nuan, so why?

Jiang Mochen couldn't understand it, but it didn't stop him. He quickly found a reason. There was no reason. It was the normal way of life in the entertainment industry to be with the red top and the white. He thought Ji Sixing was just with the red and the high. Unexpectedly, it turns out that he still has the habit of stepping down.

Suppressing newcomers has never been a rare or strange thing in the circle. He has a deep background and has never encountered it before, but he has seen it on other people to some extent, but today, he saw it again on Yan Qingchi.

Jiang Mochen's face was cold, and he felt that this kind of behavior was really disgusting.

Director Wang saw that Yan Qingchi's condition had obviously declined, and he waved his hand to let him leave, planning to film other people's scenes first. Yan Qingchi felt relieved inexplicably, apologized to Director Wang, and walked to the rest area in embarrassment.

Jiang Mochen looked at him with his head lowered, and the joy just before the game was gone. He was still full of confidence before, and he was still in high spirits last night, but now, like a rooster that has been defeated all the time, even the cockscomb drooped down.

He stepped forward and walked to Yan Qingchi's side before he sat down. Yan Qingchi felt that someone was coming over, and when he looked up, he saw Jiang Mochen was looking at him with a serious expression.

What's wrong? he asked.

Come with me. After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.

Yan Qingchi could only follow.

Jiang Mochen walked quickly, Yan Qingchi followed him, and the two returned to the hotel room after a while.

Why did you come back?

Jiang Mochen inserted the room card and turned to look at him.

Yan Qingchi didn't show much expression. Seeing him looking at him, he leaned back and leaned against the wall, Are you angry? Think I've embarrassed you?

I'm very angry. You are not very smart in normal times, why are you so stupid now.

Where am I stupid?

Ji Sixing made it clear that he was trying to trick you, can't you see it?

How can I see it? Yan Qingchi asked back, Can I say in front of everyone, 'Director Wang, look at me, he's pissing me off'? Or beat Ji Sixing's dog head directly on the spot and tell him not to play these little tricks? I can't, I just entered this circle, I'm still a newcomer, what is a newcomer, isn't it that anyone who is more popular than you and who has more seniority than you can just step on it? I can only try to save myself, but this is my first time filming , how do you understand this?

I only praised you for listening well during school, but today you forgot the position taught by the teacher? Jiang Mochen simply didn't understand, If he induces you to take the wrong position, you can induce him to go back in the opposite direction.

Yan Qingchi didn't say anything, but said something, saying that he was coming

It's a serious liberal arts 985, isn't it an Academy of Performing Arts at all? He is not the original owner, how did he take those classes? Still induced to go back? He doesn't even know what's going on with his position!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Mochen thought he was angry. After all, Yan Qingchi just got angry at Ji Sixing, and was repeatedly accused by Director Wang. Now he finally came off the scene and was taken away by himself. He probably thought he would He comforted him, but he was still told that if it were him, he would probably be angry too.

He cleared his throat and said softly, I'm not scolding you.

Yan Qingchi looked up at him.

I didn't mean to talk about you.

Then who are you?

What else could it be? Haven't you forgotten all about it? Then what else can I do? Of course, I will teach the teacher to me and teach you again.

You want to teach me? Yan Qingchi was a little surprised.

Otherwise, are you waiting for Ji Sixing to cover you twice with one suit?

Yan Qingchi was instantly happy, the previous depression was swept away, he said excitedly: Jiang Mochen, you are really a good person.

Jiang Mochen was happy again when he saw him. He just felt that he was quite coaxing. He didn't say a word of comfort here, and he regained his vitality and his spirits rose.

Don't be too happy, if you don't study well, I will scold people too.

Yan Qingchi looked at him with a smile, Being beaten is kissing and scolding, it's love, we don't care about that.

Yo, I came back to life, and I just looked gloomy and gloomy.

Yan Qingchi sighed helplessly, I didn't know there was such a thing besides acting skills in filming. It's hard to avoid being scolded by the director after he has done so much. You say that I have no grievances with him. Qiu, I didn't know him before, what is he?

Suppressing newcomers is almost like flattering me.

I won't threaten him again.

It's not necessarily. You look much better than him. If you both go there, he won't block you. With normal aesthetics, you will definitely look at you more than him.

Yan Qingchi smiled, Are you comforting me?

be honest.

Then don't you want to comfort me and coax me?

I see that you are doing fine now.

Yan Qingchi instantly restrained his expression, and said with a heavy heart, I'm just trying to force a smile.

Jiang Mochen: ...

Jiang Mochen pointed his finger at his eyes, What is this?


Yes, so I have eyes and I'm not blind.

When Yan Qingchi heard this, he laughed loudly, Hahaha, why are you so cute all of a sudden.

Jiang Mochen looked at him with a happy smile, and felt that his previous worry was really a stomachache.

Yan Qingchi watched his expression slowly become serious, and immediately withdrew his smile, and said in a low voice, I'm complimenting you.

Oh, should I still say thank you to you?

No, no, Yan Qingchi shook his head, I thank you.

Jiang Mochen ignored him, beckoned him to come over, and started teaching him.

Jiang Mochen's teaching is very simple, theory is linked to practice, while he told Yan Qingchi, he assumed the scene and let Yan Qingchi cooperate with him. Yan Qingchi has always been smart. After practicing for a while, he almost understood it. They went through the scene between Yan Qingchi and Ji Sixing just now. Yan Qingchi felt that he was more natural than before.

Jiang Mochen looked at his watch, more than two hours had passed, Let's do this first, and we'll talk about the rest later.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Then you will teach me other things later.

Jiang Mochen looked at him and chuckled, Look at your performance.

After he finished speaking, he unscrewed the bottled water, took a sip, then pulled out the room card and turned to look at Yan Qingchi, Let's go, it's time for us to go back.

Wait a minute. Yan Qingchi came over.

What's wrong? And...

Before he finished speaking, Yan Qingchi stepped forward and hugged him.

Jiang Mochen didn't speak anymore, he didn't need to ask any more.

Yan Qingchi's height was not too low, but he still only reached Jiang Mochen's ear. He hugged him, and his voice softened through his soft cloth.

I was actually quite unhappy just now. I was kidnapped for no reason, and I was scolded in public. I am such an old man, I will definitely feel embarrassed and depressed, and even think that acting is really difficult. Maybe I'm not that talented either. But I'm quite happy now, he looked up at Jiang Mochen. I've been with you for so long, so I'm in a better mood. I think I'm still pretty smart, thank you.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, as if he didn't know what to say.

Yan Qingchi didn't need him to say anything. He just felt that Jiang Mochen's existence and actions made him happy when he was depressed. He expressed his emotions, but simply wanted to convey his feelings. But Jiang Mochen's response was not needed.

Let's go. He let go and opened the door around him.

Jiang Mochen looked at him. This was the second time in two days that Yan Qingchi had hugged him.

When Yan Qingchi returned to the set, she saw Ji Sixing playing against Su Nuan. Su Nuan probably practiced her lines hard in the past two days, so there was no mistake in the front and back nasal sounds. She looked warm and petite. Rou Rou looked at Ji Si Xing, as if she had infinite friendship, which was in line with Liu Jiani's character in the play.

Su Nuan soon finished filming with Ji Sixing, and the director saw Jiang Mochen coming back

Now, just stick to him and prepare to film He Yu and Zhou Fang's scene.

Seeing that it was Jiang Mochen's turn, Yan Qingchi put the things in his hands aside, and braced his face to see how he and Ji Sixing would shoot.

As a result, Yan Qingchi smiled.

Director Wang looked at Jiang Mochen who was blocked by Ji Sixing in the camera, and shouted, Kaka, Ji Sixing, look at where you are standing, you blocked Jiang Mochen.

Ji Sixing quickly moved to the side, apologizing while moving, I'm sorry, Brother Chen, I didn't mean it.

It's okay. Jiang Mochen said with a good temper.

The two started to shoot again, but after a while, Director Wang called out again, Ji Sixing, step aside, look at where the camera is, where are you, who can see Jiang Mochen when you block like this.

Ji Sixing quickly apologized, and started the third recording of this segment anxiously, but not long after he got into the mood, he heard Wang Dao's irritable voice: Ji Sixing, what's the matter with you? Are you a newcomer? Yan Qing Chi has never filmed and can't move, and you can't either A close-up, okay?

Ji Sixing was embarrassed and embarrassed by what Director Wang said. On the one hand, he tried desperately to explain that he did not intend to block Jiang Mochen's camera, and on the other hand, he had to apologize to Jiang Mochen.

Director Wang looked at him and thought that the previous scenes between Yan Qingchi and him had not been filmed because of the location. He only felt angry and angry, but because of the investment in this film, Leyang Culture, and Ji Sixing is also the current boyfriend of Leyang's daughter, Leyang, so he just waved him away and shouted to Zhao Qiang, Zhao Qiang, shoot your part.

Zhao Qiang stood up calmly and said with a smile, Okay.

Since Ji Sixing became popular last year, has he ever been treated like this? Whoever met him didn't call him Ji Ge, which crew didn't hold him close first, and which director dared to scold him directly in front of so many people, he was embarrassed and embarrassed Besides, I was also angry. He carefully recalled his position just now, the same as in the previous audition. Besides, he is not stupid, how could he really want to block Jiang Mochen's camera, then, why is this happening.

Ji Sixing angrily left the field. He was walking on the road, thinking about this in his heart, and the little assistant followed behind him tremblingly, not daring to talk much.

Suddenly, Ji Sixing stopped.

He seemed a little unbelievable, but he felt that he had vaguely touched the truth - he was not wrong, he was walking normally, but Jiang Mochen didn't follow the previous position, so he blocked Jiang Mochen. But why? Ji Sixing didn't understand that Jiang Mochen was famous for being kind. During the three days he had played with him, he could also feel that he was really gentle and easy to talk to, and even sometimes offered him scenes when he couldn't get on. But now, Jiang Mochen framed himself for no reason.

What kind of coffee position he is, what kind of background, he has neither threat nor old hatred towards him, why did he target himself for no reason.

Ji Sixing couldn't understand it, but suddenly the scene of Yan Qingchi entering Jiang Mochen's room last night flashed in his mind. He was repeatedly scolded by the director for taking him out of the camera, but now, he has suffered the same injustice as Yan Qingchi. Ji Sixing felt angry, resentful, and even aggrieved. He was so respectful to Jiang Mochen and tried so hard to please him, but Jiang Mochen was like an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Because of Yan Qingchi, he let himself be reprimanded by Wang Dao in front of everyone.

Ji Sixing clenched his fists, his irritability and anger were like uncontrollable vines. He looked at the empty path in front of him, turned around and kicked the assistant's leg, cursing, What the hell.

The assistant was kicked by him, and after taking a few steps back, he barely fell. When he looked up, he saw Ji Sixing gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of gloom. He didn't dare to say more, and lowered his head silently.

Yan Qingchi waited until Jiang Mochen and Zhao Qiang finished filming and rested, took water and walked to his side, Drink water.

Jiang Mochen took it, Nothing to be courteous?

I don't rape or steal.

Jiang Mochen:  …

Yan Qingchi approached him and asked in a low voice, Did you just avenge me?

Jiang Mochen took a sip of water and didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

Is it okay? Will it affect the shooting? Will Director Wang be angry?

Don't worry, I have a measure.

When Yan Qingchi heard the words, he was relieved and smiled, Thank you.

Why? Jiang Mochen asked while screwing the bottle cap.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, then whispered: The main reason is that I have promised each other with my body, and it seems that there is nothing that you like.

Actually, I don't care about your body either.

Yan Qingchi looked at him and raised his eyebrows, Oh? That's good, then we can get along with Plato in the future, and seal the road of Qiu Mingshan.

Jiang Mochen, ...From now on, don't say anything I say, that's my greatest thanks.

Then you won't be bored?


Yan Qingchi was about to speak when he saw Jiang Mochen pointing to his mouth.

Yan Qingchi was helpless and made an ok gesture.

Jiang Mochen saw that he was speechless, and his mood instantly improved, You have today too.

Yan Qingchi smiled.

Go back, I have a night show tonight, if you're afraid of the cold at night, go first

Go back to the room and wait for me. If you have nothing to do, come and watch me filming.

Who is going to your room tonight, Yan Qingchi reached out and gave him a fork.

have opinions?

Yan Qingchi nodded.

If you have any opinions, you are not allowed to mention it, that's it.

Yan Qingchi took out his mobile phone to start typing, but Jiang Mochen grabbed it, I don't read it.

Yan Qingchi was stunned, do you know how naive you are? !

Go back. Jiang Mochen raised his chin towards the chair he was sitting on before.

Yan Qingchi reached out and gave me the phone.

Jiang Mochen looked innocent, Why are you reaching out? Give me a high five to swear?

Is your family high-fiving and swearing to spread your hands? Yan Qingchi was simply defeated by the harassment of his advisors.

However, Jiang Mochen also reached out and patted his hand, Okay, high five to swear.

Yan Qingchi was so angry that he pulled up the hand he had withdrawn and clapped it several times, asking you to high-five as an oath, and to go to your high-five as an oath.

Jiang Mochen was not annoyed after being photographed a few times by him. He was quite in the mood to play with him. Yan Qingchi was too lazy to pay attention to him. cell phone.

Jiang Mochen looked at his helpless appearance because he couldn't speak, and thought it was quite cute. He was in a good mood, thought about it, turned it over in his pocket, then took out a candy and put it in Yan Qingchi's hand, Here You, go back.

Yan Qingchi stared at him, as if to say are you kidding me?

But Jiang Mochen was indeed, so he just silently put the phone into his pocket, Give it to you at night, eat candy first.

Yan Qingchi stretched out his hands to cover his face, restraining himself from not taking the phone by force. He took a deep look at Jiang Mochen, turned and walked to his previous seat.

If I had known, I wouldn't have come to thank him. Yan Qingchi removed the candy wrapper and put the candy in his mouth. Well, it turned out to be delicious. He looked down at the candy wrapper, wrote down his name, and planned to buy a pack himself next time.

On the other hand, Jiang Mochen's assistant Liu Aizheng frantically sent a WeChat message to Wang Xianghai, who was also an assistant but had more experience and knowledge than him: What's going on? Brother Wang, what is the relationship between Yan Qingchi and Brother Chen?

Xiao Wang: can I tell you this...

Xiao Liu typed quickly: I feel like I have a very close relationship with Brother Chen. Although they spoke in a low voice and didn't hear what they were talking about, Brother Chen seemed to be teasing him! ! !

King:  …

Xiao Liu: Brother Chen also took his mobile phone and gave him candy. By the way, Yan Qingchi and Ji Sixing were scolded for filming in the morning, and Ji Sixing and Brother Chen were also scolded for filming in the afternoon, right…

Xiao Wang: know too much

Xiao Liu immediately made a face covering his mouth and started typing: I don't know anything! It's just that Brother Wang, should I be nicer to him next time I see Yan Qingchi?

Xiao Wang asked back: What do you think?

I see! Xiao Liu instantly understood the answer, I must be as warm as the spring breeze and gentle as the autumn rain to him.

King:  …

Xiao Wang silently put away his mobile phone and recited his name again - facing the sea, spring flowers blooming, calm and calm.

Jiang Mochen rested for a while, and then went on to filming. After filming his opponent with Zhao Qiang, it was finally his turn to film with Yan Qingchi.

Yan Qingchi was a little excited, but also a little uneasy. He looked at Jiang Mochen with a pair of eyes, and he was very soft, You take me with you.

Are you begging me?

Yan Qingchi raised his hands, one hand was spread out, and the other hand stretched out his index finger and middle finger to stand on the open hand, and then he bent his knuckles and made a kneeling posture.

Jiang Mochen was amused by his actions, That's it? I'll consider it because the sound is nice.

Yan Qingchi looked at the staff next to him who was still adjusting the equipment, approached him and said in a low voice, Do you still want me to call your husband in the public eye?

Jiang Mochen didn't take a breath and started coughing continuously. He glared at Yan Qingchi, Who asked you to call this!

What's that called? Yan Qingchi asked him, Dad?

Father Jiang:  …

You better shut up.

Yan Qingchi made an ok gesture, smiled and didn't speak.

Jiang Mochen was a little worried, why every time to the end, he was the one who was speechless, and Yan Qingchi was always the winner.

But before he could figure it out, Director Wang called a.

The two of them practiced this scene last night. Originally, the script set the two of them to meet in the house and the other to meet outside the house. The screenwriter made a temporary adjustment and moved this part to the outside. It became He Yu waiting for Meng Luo to return. home, talk to Meng Luo before Meng Luo enters the cave, and then follow Meng Luo into the house.

It's just that this time I only shot the outdoor part, so it's good to only shoot He Yu following Meng Luo upstairs. There are not many lines in this part, and the two people have practiced it before. Jiang Mochen is very cooperative in taking care of Yan Qingchi's emotions. Yan Qingchi is also very involved in the play, and it's over once.

Director Wang was very satisfied. Seeing that the time was almost up, he asked everyone to go to dinner first, and then come back to shoot the night scene later.

Yan Qingchi didn't have night scenes, but he wanted to watch other people filming and gain some experience, so he didn't go back to his room and sat on a chair watching Jiang Mochen and Zhao Qiang filming.

The night in the north was a bit cold, so the assistant put a light coat on him and bought him a cup of hot milk tea. Yan Qingchi was still not used to someone taking care of him so meticulously, so he took the milk tea and said to him, Xiao He, you Go back first, I'll take a look, I'll be back in a while


How dare Xiao He, shaking his head and saying that it's fine, saying that he would also take a look and learn from other assistants.

When Yan Qingchi saw this, he went with him, holding milk tea by himself, watching the director talk to Zhao Qiang and Jiang Mochen.

It was not until eleven o'clock that Jiang Mochen finished the project. One of the two assistants handed him clothes and the other handed him water. Jiang Mochen took it and glanced at Yan Qingchi sitting on the chair, indicating that he should leave.

Yan Qingchi stood up, did not get close to him, and entered the hotel one after the other with him.

Yan Qingchi didn't go directly to Jiang Mochen's room, but waited for a while before going there.

Jiang Mochen was a little puzzled, What have you been doing?

Nothing to do, isn't it to avoid suspicion?

Don't be so deliberate, it's normal for two people who don't know each other to get acquainted in the crew. What's more, you and I are a company. In this crew, only the two of us are artists from Nancheng. I'm your senior, you It's normal to have a better relationship with me.

When Yan Qingchi heard the words, he thought that he could still be like this, he sighed, I don't know this, I haven't experienced it before, I thought you were talking about hiding the relationship between the two of us in the crew, which is really in front of people the whole process. It's an unfamiliar state.

Jiang Mochen was helpless, Of course we have to hide our marriage relationship, but that doesn't mean we're not familiar with the whole process, understand?

If you say that, I understand.

Jiang Mochen was a little tired after filming for a day, so he unbuttoned his body and asked him, Do you wash first or I wash first?

Sleep together today?

Otherwise, why did I let you come to my room?

Didn't you give me back my phone?

Jiang Mochen remembered that Yan Qingchi's cell phone was still with him, he nodded, Speaking of which, I haven't allowed you to speak yet.

Yan Qingchi was speechless, You...

As soon as he said the word you, Jiang Mochen pointed his finger, Don't speak.

Yan Qingchi was helpless, gave Jiang Mochen a middle finger, went directly to the bathroom, and started to take a shower.

Jiang Mochen was amused by his reaction, took out Yan Qingchi's mobile phone in his pocket, and found that his lock screen turned out to be a very simple landscape photo. Very tasteless, he thought, and put the phone aside.

Yan Qingchi washed for a while before she came out wearing a bathrobe, while wiping her hair, she signaled that Jiang Mochen could go in.

The phone is put on the bed for you.

Yan Qingchi nodded.

He walked to the bed, picked up his phone, unlocked the screen, and sat down. There was no urgent news, just some daily WeChat messages at home. Yan Qingchi put down the towel and began to reply one by one.

When Jiang Mochen came out again, he saw Yan Qingchi sitting under the covers, playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

He walked over to take a look and saw that Yan Qingchi was actually posting on Weibo.

This point to post on Weibo? Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yeah, Sister Mei said to let me remember to take the time to post on Weibo, but I can't remember, I haven't posted a second post except when I turned it on.

If you don't want to send it or don't know how to send it, give He Fei your account and let him send it for you.

Xiao He told me, but I don't like other people posting my account. Anyway, I'm not popular now, so I'll post it myself, and when it becomes popular in the future, let Xiao He post it for me.

Alright, just be careful, don't become a black history in the future.

Don't worry, I'm measured. Yan Qingchi smiled.

Jiang Mochen looked at him and suddenly asked, What did you eat in your mouth?


At night, you're going to bed, and you still eat candy.

Just wait a while and brush your teeth again.

Where did you get the candy? Jiang Mochen was curious.

The one you put on the table. Yan Qingchi raised his chin and gestured to him, The one you gave me this afternoon.

Jiang Mochen nodded, Is it delicious?

You haven't eaten?

The prop candy bought by the crew was used by He Yu to coax his girlfriend. I don't like candy, so of course I haven't eaten it.

Yan Qingchi stopped his movements and asked him, Want to know?

Just curious.

Then, Jiang Mochen saw Yan Qingchi smile, but before he could react, the next second, he saw that the other party threw the phone, went straight forward, and kissed him on the mouth.

Yan Qingchi kissed lightly twice, and seeing that Jiang Mochen still didn't respond, he didn't move, so he was about to leave, but as soon as his lips left, someone pressed the back of his head and pressed him straight forward.

Yan Qingchi was startled, and unconsciously raised his eyes to look at Jiang Mochen, and heard Jiang Mochen say roughly: Close your eyes.

Yan Qingchi was very kind, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt Jiang Mochen was kissing him. He didn't know why he wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh.

Is it delicious? he asked.

Jiang Mochen loosened his hand on the back of his head, biting the candy in his mouth into a crunch, It's not delicious.

Yan Qingchi pouted, hum and ignored him.

Jiang Mochen saw that he had retreated, put his arms around his waist, and asked him, Do you want to do it today?

Don't do it, Plato, and I won't do it in the future. The road to Qiu Mingshan was blocked early this afternoon, have you forgotten?

Jiang Mochen nodded, I forgot, I forgot that you don't have the right to speak now, only what I say, you shut up and obey.

Yan Qingchi, hehe, he raised the phone to Jiang Mochen's eyes, Open your eyes and see what time it is, Jiang Yingdi, 24 o'clock has passed, the day is over, your authority is invalid, you want me to shut up and be obedient, Wait for the next time.

Jiang Mochen looked at the time on his phone and struggled: Whoever told you that it will be invalidated at zero.

Otherwise? Yan Qingchi asked him, You're still going to abuse your private power for the rest of your life. Choose one. Either it will be cancelled at 0:00, or I will turn a blind eye to those who should cooperate with your performance in the future.

Jiang Mochen was speechless, he knew that as long as Yan Qingchi's mouth was freed, the whole world would have to follow his surname.

You either think about it, what else do you need me to help you with? Jiang Mochen said kindly.

Yan Qingchi shook his head and replied to him very much, It's a pity, there's no more.

I don't need to play against you and teach you some knowledge about filming?

Yan Qingchi smiled, No need, I'll find Su Nuan.

What did you say? Jiang Mochen couldn't believe it. You leave me alone, and you look for Su Nuan? She still has a lot of acting problems to improve. Are you looking for her?


Can you say that again.

Yan Qingchi couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Mochen was so angry that he couldn't help, I'll ask you again, who are you looking for?

Looking for you, looking for you. Yan Qingchi stretched out his hand and hooked his neck, How amazing you are, handsome, good at business, and know how to teach students according to their aptitude. I don't want you to look for anyone.

It's almost there.

After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, he realized that this was not what they had said before. He seemed to be distracted by Yan Qingchi unknowingly. Jiang Mochen said helplessly, Let go.

Yan Qingchi immediately let go and looked at him innocently.

You really... Jiang Mochen thought for a while, insidious and cunning.

Yan Qingchi laughed at the puchi he said in the words insidious and cunning, Do you know what is insidious and cunning?

Jiang Mochen raised his eyebrows.

When you say thank you to me next time, I will let you no matter what I say, you can only say good, good, good, dear, you are right.

You give up. Jiang Mochen smashed his fantasy mercilessly, There will never be such a day.

That's not necessarily. Maybe in two days, I'll help you.

Jiang Mochen chuckled, There won't be such a day.

Wait. Yan Qingchi was full of confidence, When the time comes, you should listen to me carefully.

Jiang Mochen really didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he pushed him to the bed, You still dream faster.

Yan Qingchi made a hum, rolled to the side, and got into the bed.

Go brush your teeth. Jiang Mochen had no choice but to urge him when he saw that he was about to go to sleep.

Yan Qingchi was too lazy to move, It's just one night, there won't be cavities so soon.

What did you just say.

I regret it.

Are you a child? Do you still regret this kind of thing?

Yes, Dad Jiang, Yan Qingchi blinked at him, I'm still a baby.

The exhausted father Jiang:  …

Jiang Mochen supported his forehead, stretched out his hand and pulled Yan Qingchi up from the bed, Go, Dad will brush your teeth with you.

Probably because of Jiang Mochen's previous actions, Ji Sixing had returned to normal when filming the next day, and he did not deliberately make things difficult for Yan Qingchi. Yan Qingchi breathed a sigh of relief, entered Meng Luo's mood, and tried to seduce him quietly. Zhou Fang went to kill others.

By the time this scene was filmed, Yan Qingchi's outdoor scenes were almost over. Meng Luo's scenes were not many, most of them were indoors, and there were not many outdoor scenes. However, Jiang Mochen and the others still had a few outdoor plays, so Yan Qingchi still sat in the chair, watching the director talk to others, while keeping the key points in his mind.

On the eighth day of filming, an uninvited guest came from the crew. Yan Qingchi watched Liao Sibo walk in in a hurry, and was a little surprised for a while, how could he suddenly come here.

Liao Sibo didn't see him, and walked directly to Jiang Mochen. Jiang Mochen was resting at the moment. He was suddenly called out. He opened his eyes reluctantly and said indifferently, What are you doing here?

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