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288 Extra Story: Wei Lan (Part 2)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (Part 2)

Wei Xun felt that he was frank and cute. He hugged Wei Lan in his arms and coaxed, It won't take long, but not now, darling.

He kissed Wei Lan, Wei Lan leaned against his chest and felt that Wei Xun was really overprotecting him, but this is Wei Xun, since he was 12 years old, he has put him first and everything For his sake, Wei Xun, who has his own ideas and bottom line.

Wei Lan kissed his chin and said to him, Wait until your birthday, okay?

Are you going to give yourself to me as a birthday present?

I want to be beautiful, just to give you a surprise.

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

You said it all, there is no surprise.

Maybe not surprised, but there should be joy, don't you?

Wei Xun couldn't deny it, and said honestly, Happy.

Wei Lan looks like I knew it would be like this. Wei Xun looked at him proudly and couldn't help pressing him to kiss him. His original intention was to wait until a year later. He wanted to give Wei Lan a little more. At the time, let him adapt to the new relationship between them, but Wei Lan seems to have adapted very well.

Okay, he said, if you will.

Then what am I willing to do now? Wei Lan raised his hand and asked.

Wei Xun pulled his hand down and held it in his. No, he said, not now.

Wei Lan couldn't, so he had to approach his arms again and hug him.

Go to sleep. Wei Xun said.

You haven't kissed me goodnight yet.

Wei Xun lowered his head and kissed his forehead, Good night.

Good night. Wei Lan kissed him back, You want to dream of me. @Infinite 好文, it's all in Jamie

I can't hold you, I have to dream of you.

Of course, after all, I'm your dream lover.

Wei Xun couldn't help laughing out loud, and he asked Wei Lan, Who told you?

Isn't it, I am sure, you like me like this, how can I not.

Wei Xun smiled and said nothing.

Am I? Wei Lan asked him, Say, isn't it?

Yes. Wei Xun answered him with a smile, feeling that Wei Lan was a little too endearing. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

He always thought that Wei Lan was already very cute, but every day he got along, he could find that today's Wei Lan was cuter than yesterday's. Especially after the two of them communicated, Wei Lan was like a marshmallow sandwich, sweet, soft and full of surprises. Wei Xun hugged him and felt that he had no regrets in this life.

Wei Lan finished a few days before Wei Xun's birthday. He hurriedly hurried and left the group before Wei Xun's birthday. He went home and celebrated Wei Xun's birthday.

Wei Xun, who was 31, had a very simple birthday. He ate with Wei Lan at Wei Xi and Wei Yecheng's house. Wei Lan asked him to make a wish, Wei Xun felt that he had no more wishes, and his wish seemed to have come true, so he closed his eyes and said in his heart: I hope Wei Lan can always like him, I hope Wei Lan can always Happy and safe, I hope Wei Lan can always be healthy and smooth.

His wishes are always related to Wei Lan, every year, starting from the age of 18, always.

Because they were in the homes of Wei Xi and Wei Yecheng, the two of them were not presumptuous. When he returned to his home the next day, Wei Lan suddenly thought of something, and went to buy a cake with Wei Xun. Wei Xun was puzzled, Do you still want to eat cake today?

Wei Lan shook his head and said, You forgot, we had a fight on your eighteenth birthday. I didn't eat cake with you on your birthday, so I made up for you the next day.

Of course Wei Xun didn't forget it, he remembered it very clearly. What happened at that time was like an imprint to him, deeply imprinted in his heart. He will always remember that Wei Lan is a person with his own principles. When he wants to like you, he will like you very much, and he will give you his love without reservation, but once he is injured, he will Take back his willingness, he will leave very unrestrainedly, and in his eyes, you will no longer be anything.

He pinched Wei Lan's face, Why did you suddenly think of that time?

I just thought of it, so we can do it again. It's just me and you. I'll have a small birthday for you.

Wei Xun wanted to say that I was not too young, but he just said um and did not destroy Wei Lan's enthusiasm.

Wei Lan came home with the cake, and he asked Aunt Wang to cook. Aunt Wang is not young anymore. She has worked with Wei Xun for a long time. She is gentle and polite. Wei Xun uses her all the time, and the salary is very high. Even later, he was used to cooking for Wei Lan by himself, but when he was alone, he was too lazy to cook and still let Aunt Wang do it.

Aunt Wang is actually very grateful to Wei Xun. Many aunts of his age have been fired early, but Wei Xun has not fired her yet. Wei Xun once asked her, do you want to rest?

Aunt Wang shook her head and asked in horror, What's wrong with me?

No, it's just that at your age, it's time to rest. If you want to rest, just tell me. Wei Xun said.

He has no feelings for Aunt Wang, but Aunt Wang has cooked for him for decades, and Wei Xun is willing to give her money in her old age without worry.

Wei Lan ordered food,

Aunt Wang quickly left and wished Wei Xun a happy birthday.

Wei Lan and Wei Xun ate the food first, then the cake. In the end, Wei Lan couldn't help but take the cake and wanted to wipe Wei Xun, but Wei Xun overpowered him and wiped his face.

He wiped his face with a tissue and shouted, I'm going to take a shower. He went upstairs.

Wei Xun was too lazy to carry the bowl to the kitchen, so he followed him upstairs.

Wei Lan washed quickly, put on pajamas and came to Wei Xun's room, commanding, Have you taken a shower? Go and wash.

Wei Xun was pushed to the bathroom by him, and he rinsed briefly. When he came out, he saw that Wei Lan was already lying in the quilt and waved to him.


Wei Lan lifted a corner of the quilt, Come in.

How could Wei Xun not know what abacus he was playing, he helplessly lowered his head and smiled, and got into bed.

Wei Lan jumped up at once and turned off the light.

Wei Xun couldn't help laughing, Don't worry, I can't run.

You can't run, but you will refuse.

If I promise you, I won't refuse. It's just, Wei Xun thought for a while, I don't seem to have anything ready...

Wei Xun was about to persuade him to do it tomorrow, when Wei Lan reached out and grabbed his hand, handing out the things in his hand, I'm ready.

Wei Xun looked at it in the dark and asked him, Is there no cover?

I don't need that, Wei Lan said. It's the first time for both of us, and there won't be anyone else, so we don't need it.

He got up, leaned on Wei Xun's ear and said, I read in the book that it seems that you will be more comfortable without wearing that.

Wei Xun was speechless, What kind of mess are you reading all day and night? Give me a copy of your book list tomorrow and let me take a good look.

Are you the dean? It doesn't matter what books I read, the dean doesn't care.

The dean doesn't care, but I do.

Wei Lan puffed out her cheeks, Wei Xun kissed him on the cheek, Wei Lan instantly took back the breath in her mouth, and made her cheeks deflate.

He put his arms around Wei Xun's neck, kissed him, and said, I'm ready, let's start.

It might hurt a bit.

It's okay. Wei Lan said, I will kiss you if it hurts.

Wei Xun hugged him and said gently, If it hurts, tell me and I won't do it.

Well. Wei Lan replied.

It turned out that it was really painful, but it was not unbearable. Wei Lan hugged Wei Xun and kept kissing him. Wei Xun kissed him back, trying to make him less uncomfortable. His movements are very gentle, careful, and full of cherishing. He keeps kissing Wei Lan, conveying his love and distracting Wei Lan's attention.

Wei Lan is a very frank and straightforward person. He felt the pleasure. After the end, he pestered Wei Xun and came again, and then was carried by Wei Xun to take a bath.

Wei Lan felt very novel, a little excited, and a little shy, Wei Xun asked him, Does it hurt?

It's okay, it's not very painful.

He leaned closer to Wei-hoon and asked him, Are you feeling comfortable?

Do you feel comfortable?

Wei Lan nodded, Wei Xun smiled and nodded.

Wei Lan was very happy and couldn't help saying, Brother, I like you.

Wei Xun didn't expect that he would suddenly say this, so he stretched out his arms to hug him, and whispered, I like you too.

He kissed Wei Lan's ear and said softly and affectionately, I love you.

Wei Lan smiled and responded with a um, I love you too.

The next morning, Wei Lan woke up in Wei Xun's arms.

Morning. He rubbed against Wei Xun's arms.

Morning, are you feeling sick? Wei Xun asked him.

Wei Lan shook his head. He had received high-intensity exercise since he was a child, so the tossing last night was not enough to make him overwhelmed.

Wei Lan was very happy when she thought of last night. He raised his head to kiss Wei Xun, exchanged a good morning kiss with Wei Xun, and leaned against him contentedly.

The two of them were tired of being in bed for more than an hour before finally getting out of bed to eat. Wei Xun looked at his watch, Let's have lunch.

you do.

it is good.

I can help you out. Wei Lan thought for a while.

No need. Wei Xun looked at him, You just need to be in charge of chatting with me.

Aren't you going to let me learn to cook? I can cook it for you.

Didn't you already know three or four things?

It's just a few, it's not enough.

It's enough for me, Wei Xun said.

Wei Lan was speechless. Sure enough, even if they were together, in Wei Xun's heart, he still needed the little prince covered by a glass cover, but it didn't matter. Wei Xun didn't teach him. Hoon was a surprise.

Wei Lan agreed. Seeing him walking in front of him, he suddenly jumped up and jumped directly onto his back. Wei Xun held him up. Wei Lan laughed. He was never tired of playing this game. Growing up, I like it.

You carry me down.

Okay. Wei Xun looked back at him with a doting eye.

Wei Lan lay on his shoulders, smiling with her eyes bent.

In the afternoon of early winter, Wei Lan finished the rehearsal of his concert and returned home. He took off his jacket and went up the stairs all the way. Guessing this time, Wei Xun responded.

It should be in the study, so I went straight to the study.

Wei Lan entered the door, but found that Wei Xun was resting on the reclining chair. This recliner was bought by Wei Lan, and the study was facing the sun. He put this recliner next to the window to make it easier for him to sleep in the sun. Wei Xun would sometimes lie down when he was tired, but this time, Wei Lan bumped into him.

Wei Lan tiptoed over and walked to Wei Xun. Seeing Wei Xun sleeping peacefully and soundly, he felt that the years were quiet for a while.

He lowered his head slightly, bent down and kissed Wei Xun's lips.

Just as he was about to stand up, he felt a force in his waist, and the next second, he fell onto Wei Xun's lap.

You really are pretending to be asleep. Wei Lan complained.

Wei Xun looked at him with a smile, Knowing that I was pretending to be asleep and kissing me.

I know that you will know, it's not a stealing kiss, it's an upright and bright kiss. Wei Lan was righteous.

Wei Xun smiled and shook his head, That's wrong.

Wei Lan looked at him and simply leaned into his arms.

Wei Xun turned his head slightly, Wei Lan just happened to raise his eyes, and accidentally bumped into his eyes. He looked at Wei Xun's eyes, Wei Xun's eyes were very good-looking, black and white, and there was a him in his eyes.

Wei Lan looked at it, as if back to the day he first met Wei Xun. He sat on the steps, looked up, saw Wei Xun, and hit him straight into his eyes.

At that time, the flowers were blooming brightly, the sun was warm, and the creeping tiger was green and verdant, all blooming behind Wei Xun.

That was what he left in Wei Xun's eyes, late spring and early summer.

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