Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

280 Extra: Wei Lan (sixty)

Extra: Wei Lan (sixty)

Please, she wants to spend the rest of her life with my brother. The rest of her life is so long. If she is not as good as me, it would be better if my brother and I don't get married and live together. I can do it, how can she do it? Can't do it, is she more expensive than me? Wei Lan asked rhetorically.

Yan Qingchi sighed silently, You are like this, you have never thought about whether you like your brother, you are simply duller than the scissors at the bottom of our press box, do you know what a cypress tree is? It's more than you. A tree that is smart and sensitive, and still blooms.

You think that everyone is the same as you, and that feelings are self-taught without a teacher. Haven't I never been in love before?

Don't throw the blame for love. There are many people who have never been in love. Like you, this is the only one, and there is absolutely no semicolon.

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

That's right, I'm also a limited edition, and I can make a pair with my brother. Wei Lan said with a smile.

Yan Qingchi was instantly amused by his words and thought he was quite sweet. He patted Wei Lan on the shoulder, Fortunately, the two of you have been tossing yourself from beginning to end, and you didn't involve other people, otherwise you would be mad at your brothers.

My brother's world is mine, what else can be involved, Wei Lan felt that he was thinking too much, but, Thinking about it now, yes, his world is mine alone, if he wants to fall in love, that's okay too. You can only talk to me, and there is no other option.

Now you want to understand again.

I'm so smart, there's something I don't understand, I just didn't think about it before. Wei Lan said, smiling and in a good mood.

Yan Qingchi looked at it and laughed without realizing it.

At four o'clock, Yan Qingchi thought that it was time for him to make dumplings. He moved the things he needed to the restaurant, and then greeted Chess and Yan Yan to wash his hands.

Seeing his posture, Wei Lan asked, Do you want them to help you make dumplings?

It's boring for me to pack alone. The two of them are also idle when they are idle. It's time to play. Would you like to join us?

Wei Lan shook her head, I've never touched these since I've grown up so much.

Yan Qingchi was speechless, You really look like a young master.

I was originally the young master of our family. Wei Lan plausibly said.

I see.

But my brother will. Wei Lan said proudly.

Didn't your brother teach you? Yan Qingchi asked him.

No, my brother doesn't want me to learn this. Wei Lan said helplessly.

In Wei Xun's heart, he is just like the little prince. The little prince can have pearls and diamonds, but he doesn't need to be able to chop and stir-fry vegetables, so Wei Xun doesn't let him touch these things, only let him do what he likes. Wei Lan still remembers the first time she made an idol drama. There is a scene in the drama where the male protagonist cooks a meal clumsily in order to make the female protagonist happy. As a result, this scene was deleted by Wei Xun before it could be filmed. .

Wei Lan felt that it was unnecessary, It's just a show, I'll just cut a vegetable, but I won't really cook.

Wei Xun looked at him and said indifferently, Cut a vegetable? You are so big, have I let you touch a kitchen knife? It's better now, you are going to cut a vegetable for another girl, who is this girl, so big The posture, the regulations, and send her information to my mailbox in a while.

Wei Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, What do you want her information for? It's not that she asked me to cook. That's how the script was written.

The script is not written like that now. Wei Xun said calmly.

Wei Lan couldn't help him, Brother, if I change the script like this, if someone posts it online, someone should hack me, do you understand?

Wei Xun snorted coldly, Really? Then I want to see who dares to hack you.

Wei Lan: ...

Wei Lan turned to look at her agent, Did you hear it? I'll communicate with the screenwriter when I go back. This scene will not be filmed, understand?

Can there be something he doesn't understand about the regulations, he promised and silently complained in his heart. He has seen his brother spoil his brother, and he is the first one who is so spoiled that he won't let a kitchen knife touch him. Growing up under the environment, he has not grown crooked, and his heart is very firm.

Wei Lan remembered this and smiled.

Seeing this, Yan Qingchi asked, What are you thinking, so happy?

It's nothing, just remembering something that happened with my brother in the past.

Yan Qingchi sighed, Can you have a second to think about something else?

for example?

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, For example, your agent.

With all due respect, he probably doesn't really want me to miss him.

It can be seen what you have tossed others into. Yan Qingchi said while letting Qiqi and Yanyan sit down, and he sat next to them both to guide them easily.

Wei Lan sat down next to him and watched him pick up the dumpling wrapper and start making dumplings.

Chess and chess have been played together with Yan Qingchi before, and he is more experienced. Yan Qingchi taught him several times, and he was almost able to do it. Yan Yan was still young and ignorant, so Yan Qingchi gave him a dough to play by himself.

Wei Lan sat alone, a little bored.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Yan Qingchi persuaded him, You can wrap it together, I'll teach you how to wrap it, just right, you can take it back to your brother to eat after you wrap it up. Think about it, you never did it when you grew up.

One meal, he suddenly made a plate of dumplings for him, would he be surprised?

Hearing what he said, Wei Lan thought about Wei Xun's expression of disbelief and joy when he saw his dumplings, and was instantly eager to try. It's just that he still remembered Wei Xun's pretense of amnesia with him in the morning, so he snorted coldly, He is so beautiful, and he even made dumplings for him. He was too embarrassed to tell me that he forgot, and he also expected me to make dumplings for him, huh!

Yan Qingchi watched him grit his teeth angrily, and coaxed, It's not that he doesn't know if you can accept it or not, so it's for your sake that there is a step between you that can be advanced and retreated.

Are you the rescue soldier Wei Xun invited? Help him speak like that.

Then what do you want me to say, spicy chicken Wei Xun, irresponsible, forget about it after kissing, scum, scum, don't pay attention to him in the future, let him fend for himself.

Wei Lan: ...

Yan Qingchi saw that he seemed to have loosened up a bit, and he was playing hard to escape, stopped talking, and continued to wrap dumplings.

Wei Lan was still waiting for him to continue to persuade herself, but there was no sound. He touched Yan Qingchi's knee, You persuade me.

To advise you what?

Advise me to make dumplings.

Would you like to pack it or not, you didn't pack it for me.

You just obviously didn't have this attitude.

Didn't you tell me to change my attitude? Yan Qingchi looked at him.

Wei Lan couldn't, and touched his knee again, with a look on his face, Persuade me, persuade me.

Yan Qingchi was amused enough, and finally obeyed Young Master Wei's thoughts and said, Baby, you see that the three of us are making dumplings. You are bored sitting alone, why don't you join us.

Qiqi also persuaded Shi Yi very well, Brother, let's pack together.

Together~ Yan Yan repeated.

Wei Lan got off the donkey, Since both babies have spoken, then I will reluctantly agree to you.

Yan Qingchi clicked his tongue twice, Did you hear chess, chess and inkstone, you two are the most powerful people in the family.

What is the right to speak? Qiqi didn't understand.

It's what you say that others are willing to listen to.

Qiqi nodded, Dad also has the right to speak, I listen to my father's words.

Be obedient. Yan Yan sharply grasped the point.

Yan Qingchi smiled, My two babies are the cutest, they are so sweet, Dad's little padded jacket.

Qiqi looked at him with crooked eyes, Yan Yan smiled and showed him the dough in his hand, It's round.

Well, it's round. Yan Qingchi agreed.

Wei Lan picked up a dumpling wrapper and interrupted the parent-child interaction of their family of three. He looked at Yan Qingchi in confusion, How do you wrap this? @Infinite 好文, it's all in Jamie

Yan Qingchi demonstrated to him, Put the stuffing in first, don't put too much, and then pinch the sides of the dumpling skin like this, and then pinch it like this.

How about a pinch? Wei Lan felt that she hadn't seen it clearly, so why did Yan Qingchi pinch it, You slow down.

You put the stuffing in first. Yan Qingchi instructed him.

Wei Lan put it in, Then that's it? As he said, he squeezed the sides of the dumpling skin together.

Yes. Yan Qingchi affirmed.

And then, how did you squeeze it just now?

Yan Qingchi held his hand in his hand, helped him pose, and then closed it in the middle, and a round dumpling with a big belly was born.

Wei Lan looked at the dumplings in his hand in surprise, Okay?

Yeah, isn't it easy?

Wei Lan nodded in disbelief.

Yan Qingchi handed him another dumpling wrapper, Go ahead.

Wei Lan is very smart in learning and can learn it as soon as she teaches, so she didn't spend much effort, chatting with Yan Qingchi and making more than 30 dumplings with ease. When the dumpling fillings were all finished, Wei Lan looked at the dumplings he had made and asked Yan Qingchi, How do you cook this?

Yan Qingchi looked at the time, it was already five o'clock, he asked Qiqi and Yanyan, Are you hungry?

The two babies nodded.

Qiqi said, I'm a little hungry, but I just ate the cake, so I'm not particularly hungry.

Then wait a little longer and cook it for you.


The two of them played with the baby for a while. Wei Lan's childish temperament also likes chess and inkstone, so he can get along with them very well. Yan Qingchi laughed while watching chess, chess and inkstone around him. From this point of view, Wei Lan does not look like an uncle, but more like a big brother.

It was almost six o'clock before he started to cook the dumplings. Yan Qingchi taught Wei Lan as he cooked, See? The water boiled and boiled the dumplings. Then, when the water boiled again, add half a bowl of cold water in. Do this twice, and the dumplings will float just fine.

Wei Lan listened to him and said very practically, Then when your pot is ready, I will cook mine myself.


Yan Qingchi cooked the dumplings, put them on a plate and brought them to the table, let Qiqi and Yan Yan eat first, and instructed Wei Lan how to cook in the kitchen.

When Wei Lan picked up the more than 30 dumplings he made by himself and put them on a plate, Wei Lan was still a little surprised, I'm done?

Yeah, isn't it easy?

Wei Lan smiled, It's simpler than I thought. Thank you. He said to Yan Qingchi.

It's rare for you to be so polite, it's not in vain

I worked hard to teach. Yan Qingchi was very relieved, I'll find you a lunch box, you can take these back.

Yeah. Wei Lan nodded, I want a new one, the one you and Jiang Mochen haven't used.

Then there may not be any.

Then let's go out and buy it. Wei Lan said naturally, Let's go, I invite you.

Want me to go to the supermarket?

Yes, buy me a lunch box by the way.

You wait for me to look for it and see if I can find a new one.

However, Yan Qingchi searched for a long time, and finally failed to find a new lunch box. Except for Jiang Mochen who sometimes brings meals, other people don't use lunch boxes very much, and they have used the only few. Wei Lan was unwilling to use someone else's used one for Wei Xun, but Yan Qingchi couldn't, so she agreed to accompany him to the supermarket to buy a new one.

Chess, chess and inkstone, I'm going to the supermarket in a while, do you want to go? Yan Qingchi asked.

Yan Yan nodded again and again, Go.

I want to go too. Qiqi said.

Okay, then we'll go together after you two finish eating.

Okay. The two babies said in unison.

Wei Lan asked him, Aren't you going to eat?

I'll wait for Jiang Mochen to come back and have dinner with him. Yan Qingchi said.

Wei Lan tsk tsk twice, So considerate of him.

do you have any opinion?

I don't have it, don't wrong me. @Infinite Good Text, it's all in Jamie

Do you want to eat some? Yan Qingchi was asked by him, and then he remembered, I'll cook some for you too?

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