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275 Extra Story: Wei Lan (55)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (55)

Wei Lan didn't follow closely. He knew the restaurant where Wei Xun had a blind date, so he didn't need to risk being discovered by Wei Xun. He secretly observed him and his future sister-in-law.

Wei Lan was very excited, and Wei Lan was very uneasy.

Wei Lan thought that when Wei Xun had a blind date, he would sit with the woman by the window in the lobby, as they did on TV. However, this is not the case in reality. Wei Xun and the blind date girl booked a box. So Wei Lan could only sit helplessly in the corner of the lobby, waiting for Wei Xun and the girl to come out together after their blind date. At that time, relying on the physical interaction, language and expressions of the two to speculate on the development of the two, take a look at myself. What the future sister-in-law might be like.

Wei Lan ordered a bunch of snacks, sat and waited, eating while watching the time. Looking at it for nearly an hour, Wei Lan thinks that this time is too long, does his brother still have a good time with each other? Not really, he thought, doesn't Wei Xun always look indifferent to the outside world? It's not business, there's nothing to talk about.

Just when he was thinking about how Wei Xun and the other party had chatted for so long, Wei Xun came out. He came out with a girl, Wei Lan could not see her face, only her back. He's thin, tall, and looks good too. The two didn't have much physical contact, didn't speak, and left the restaurant quietly. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

What is this? Wei Lan asked curiously, was it successful or not? Will we continue to meet? Or a blind date with another girl?

He was thinking, but heard someone snap his fingers loudly in his ear, Wei Lan turned his head, Yan Qingchi sat down beside him naturally, and asked, You sit here alone What stay?

Wei Lan asked him back, Why are you here?

I came to meet someone and talk about something. As soon as I finished talking, I saw you here in a daze. What's the matter, what are you thinking?

Wei Lan dipped the fries in ketchup and said to him, My brother just had a blind date here.

Oh~ Yan Qingchi lengthened his tone meaningfully, So you came to peek at your brother's blind date.

I don't think so. Wei Lan said while biting the fries, They have reserved a box.

It's normal, I'll reserve a box for me too.

Wei Lan looked at him dissatisfied.

Yan Qingchi smiled and said, You didn't see it as a good show, so you're upset now?

Of course not. Wei Lan denied.

what is that?

Wei Lan thought for a while and felt a little awkward, so he lowered his head and started dipping the fries in ketchup.

Yan Qingchi grabbed his French fries and ate them by himself, and asked, Speak, why are you so fickle.

I don't know how to say it.

What don't you know?

I didn't expect my brother to have such a sudden blind date. Wei Lan looked at him and said, When you and Jiang Mochen got married before, I told him that he should also find a girlfriend to get married, and he said no rush, I thought he was really not in a hurry, but now he has started a blind date! This is not in a hurry? Liar!

So you think your brother lied to you and are angry?

Of course not. Wei Lan denied again.

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

What is that? Yan Qingchi felt that he could not guess today's Wei Lan.

I just realized suddenly that I might have a sister-in-law soon, and I wasn't ready for a while.

Yan Qingchi smiled, and he comforted: It doesn't matter, it's not that we met today, we're going to get married tomorrow, you can prepare slowly, there's still time. @Infinite 好文, it's all in Jamieda

But, Wei Lan turned to look at him, I'm afraid I'll be dissatisfied with my sister-in-law, so it would be embarrassing.

So, what kind of sister-in-law do you want? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Wei Lan thought for a while, You have to look good, have a good figure, have a good temper, and have your own career, but you must not be too ambitious. You must attach great importance to my brother, be tolerant and accommodating to my brother, and act like a spoiled child, so that my brother can feel it. He is important, but it can't be too clingy. Be independent. When my brother is busy, don't complain, understand him, and support him. My brother is not very romantic, so it's better for her to be romantic. This is a problem with my brother, don't think he is boring at ordinary times, he is a straight man of steel, how interesting he can be. You must be able to accept his moderate desire for control and allow him to interfere in your life without saying anything, because he is It's really for your own good, so don't be angry with him for this, there's no need. Besides, sometimes my brother is not so gentle in dealing with others, this is his character, don't force him to change, understand yourself more, And don't be afraid, don't be the Virgin, don't tell him every day what you're doing is wrong, and respect his character. And...

You still have?!!! Yan Qingchi was stunned, I've always known that your brother is controlling, but I didn't expect your brother's control to be so powerful, you listen to your own request, is it human? You need to be considerate, you need the other party not to be too clingy, you need to be independent, you need the other party not to be too independent, you need to be good-looking, and you need to be in good shape, and you need the other party to accept your brother's shortcomings and not allow the other party to say a word to him. No, Wei Lan, you are really your brother and his brother!

Then she can't even do these things. Wouldn't it be very wrong for my brother to be with her!

If she does all this, what kind of boyfriend can't she find, why should she find your brother?

Nonsense, Wei Lan felt that what he said was worthless. My brother is so good, can she find a better man than my brother? Funny.

Yan Qingchi was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't help laughing in the next second. He looked at Wei Lan and deeply understood a truth. Don't reason with brother control. In the world of brother control, there are only two groups. His brother and everyone other than his brother, his brother is the most shining star in his world.

Yan Qingchi thought Wei Lan was quite cute, and smiled, You, you have too much to worry about, in general, as long as your brother likes it, even if the other party is an ordinary girl who knows nothing, that's fine.

Are you crazy!!!! Wei Lan felt that Yan Qingchi must be his brother's black fan, otherwise how could he say such terrible words, Why should my brother like an ordinary girl who knows nothing, Why don't you let Jiang Mochen like an ordinary boy who knows nothing, you are my brother's black, I refuse to talk to you!

Wei Lan took a sip of her drink in anger.

Yan Qingchi was amused by him and laughed, I mean, his likes are the most important, and you, as his younger brother, you just need to support him.

Wei Lan didn't want to, If you go back in time, back to when you and Jiang Mochen were not married, you are Jiang Mochen's younger brother, Jiang Mochen likes Yuan Mingxu, and you, as a younger brother, will also think that his liking is the most important thing, all you need is Can you support it?

Yan Qingchi:  …

Yan Qingchi said speechlessly: Do you have to curse your brother like this? Jiang Mochen has a special reason for that, what about your brother? Suddenly he became blind and fell in love with a little white lotus? Can't you be nice to your brother? At this time You don't look like a brother-in-law anymore.

What special reason does Jiang Mochen have? Wei Lan felt that he was arguing for Jiang Mochen, He is blind, and you still defend him.

Yan Qingchi is speechless, what can he say, he can tell Wei Lan that your world is a book, Jiang Mochen is the protagonist, and Yuan Mingxu is the protagonist, so Jiang Mochen must like Yuan Mingxu? he can not. Yan Qingchi sighed helplessly, feeling deeply about Jiang Mochen's black history. It is estimated that Wei Lan will carry a blind tag all his life.

However, after thinking about it carefully, the book didn't seem to say who Wei Xun was with in the end, or it was written but he didn't see it? After all, he had only watched half of it and couldn't bear to give it up.

Anyway, I think based on your brother's character and vision, you will definitely not like people who are too bad. You should relax first. If there is really a problem with the person he likes, at that time, you can think of a way, according to your How much my brother attaches importance to you, he will definitely be willing to listen to your ideas.

When Wei Lan heard this, another worry appeared in her heart, Yan Qingchi, do you have a younger sister?


Then Jiang Mochen and your sister, who is more important, and who do you care more about?

Yan Qingchi looked at him, Are you worried that your brother has a girlfriend or a wife, so he doesn't take you so seriously now?

Wei Lan frowned, It stands to reason that, after falling in love and getting married, the most important thing is your other half, right?

That's natural.

Wei Lan pouted, But I have always been the person my brother cares about the most.

That's different. Yan Qingchi felt that he was a little childish, and patiently persuaded him, You are your brother's younger brother, of course your brother cares about you, but one day, you will each set up a new family. At that time, In the family relationship, you are still the most important person to your brother, but your brother also has a home, he has new responsibilities, and his other half is naturally the most important person in his life.

Hearing this, Wei Lan pursed her lips unhappily.

Seeing this, Yan Qingchi comforted, But you don't have to worry, also, your other half will regard you as the most important person. At that time, you will still be the person that someone cares about the most, just from you It's just your other half.

Of course Wei Lan understands the truth, and even he once thought that when Wei Xun gets married, he will get married again, and when Wei Xun gets married, he will move out of Wei Xun's house. But Wei Lan always felt that this was still far from his current life, so he just thought about it and didn't take it to heart at all. Now all of a sudden, Wei Xun is starting a blind date. If he meets a suitable girl, he may be able to settle down in two years, so he should move out.

Wei Lan was a little upset and kept stirring the drink.

Seeing him like this, Yan Qingchi persuaded him: You are possessive, you and your brother have a good relationship and have always been close, so you are a little possessive towards him, this is normal, when you fall in love, you will Alright, don't worry about it.

But when can I fall in love?

Then it's up to you.

Look at me, Wei Lan felt desperate, Look at me, the result is that I will never be able to fall in love. I have grown up so much that I have never had any idea of ​​falling in love with any girl, still look at me?! Wei Lan felt that Yan Yan Qing Chi is not reliable at all, and can't give him some constructive advice.

He thought about it for a while and asked, You said, why don't I try to have a blind date too?

Yan Qingchi thought for a while and replied, It's not impossible, if you want.

Wei Lan held her cheeks and seriously considered the blind date.

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