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272 Extra Story: Wei Lan (52)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (May 2)

He kicked so hard and unexpectedly that Sun Xin fell to the ground and realized what happened. The friend who was talking to Sun Xin was even more startled and immediately stepped aside.

Because they were in the corner, there were not many people, but Sun Xin made a noise when he fell, so it attracted the attention of some people who were also here.

Wei Lan looked at Sun Xin condescendingly, indifferently, What are you, you are also qualified to talk about our family's affairs.

Sun Xin felt the gazes of other people and didn't want to be looked down upon, so he stuck his neck and said, Are you guilty?

Wei Lan sneered, Does the word guilty of conscience have anything to do with me? It's you, you are very courageous. Can you tell me the age of my grandfather?

He bent down, grabbed both sides of Sun Xin's chin before Sun Xin could react, and said coldly, You worry a lot, believe it or not, before my grandfather is gone, I can let you go. already.

Sun Xin was a little scared unconsciously. He was afraid of the Wei family's power, so he said these words with his friends in this seemingly empty corner. He never thought about it, but Wei Lan just happened to hear it.

Seeing that he was frightened, Wei Lan withdrew his hand, stood up straight, and warned him, Be cautious in words and deeds, and I don't have much ability, so just talk less.

Sun Xin did not speak, and lowered his head unconsciously.

Wei Lan put her hands back in her trouser pockets and was about to leave, but he just turned around and walked a few steps. Sun Xin just stood up, and before he could calm down his panic, he felt a sharp pain in his knees, and someone kicked him from behind. He knelt down with a thud, and before he realized what had happened, he felt that someone was grabbing his neck. That person was so strong that Sun Xin felt that he was going to be out of breath. With his mouth open, for a second, he felt as if he was going to die here.

When Wei Lan heard the sound, she looked back and saw that Wei Xun was pinching Sun Xin's neck, and Sun Xin's whole face was wrong.

Seeing this, Wei Lan walked over quickly.

What are you doing, let him go. Wei Lan said.

Wei Xun looked up at him and asked, Did he just make you angry?

I have taught him a lesson.

How did he make you angry?

Wei Lan didn't want to repeat those words, but just said, Let people go first.

However, Wei Xun didn't release it. He could guess something, it was nothing more than those rumors about Wei Lan. Of course Wei Xun knows that since Wei Lan became a star, there are always people who like to talk about him behind their backs. He has long wanted to kill chickens and warn the monkeys, but no one is bold enough to say it in front of him. This time, it was quite appropriate. There were enough people coming, and someone just happened to bump into his hand. It was a good time.

Wei Xun, as the fastest person in their generation, who has mastered the rights of Wei Ming and Wei Yecheng at the same time, many people want to get to know him through this birthday banquet. Too many people follow him, so the matter between him and Sun Xin quickly alerted others, and even Mr. Ren. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Sun Xin's father didn't know how his son provoked him, but he knew that the biggest difference between Wei's surname and other surnames in this hall was that the surname itself was salvaged from layers of blood.

He looked at Wei Xun and persuaded, Young Master Wei, Xiaoxin is young and ignorant. He bumped into you. I'm here to apologize to you, so please forgive him.

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Xun glanced at him and said indifferently, What are you?

The grandfather's face was a little embarrassed, and he had to look to the old man Ren for help.

Father Ren's 80th birthday, this is a happy event. He invited so many people, and it was a lively event. Now that Wei Xun came to show up like this, Elder Ren didn't feel a little dissatisfied.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard a clear voice saying, Brother, it's alright, let go.

It's Wei Lan.

Wei Xun glanced at Wei Lan, Wei Lan saw that he didn't seem to want to let go, walked over, grabbed his wrist, and took his hand from Sun Xin's neck.

Sun Xin fell down at once, Wei Lan looked at Sun's father who was stunned beside him, and said, What are you doing, call a doctor.

Elder Ren looked at his grandson and said, Xiao Xu, take Uncle Sun to the guest room and let Dr. Li show him.

Okay. Ren Xu said.

Wei Lan looked at the marks on Sun Xin's neck and felt that Wei Xun was indeed a bit ruthless this time. He looked at Wei Xun and saw that Wei Xun was looking down at his hand.

Wei Lan thought he didn't want him to hold him, so he let go of his hand, but Wei Xun held him, he looked at Wei Lan's hand, turned his head and asked Yuan Xiaopang who was standing beside him, Are there any wet tissues?

Yuan Xiaopang shook his head, among them, only Yu Ling would bring this, but the Yu family was just an ordinary little rich family and was not qualified to come to this kind of occasion, so they were not invited.

Wei Xun didn't speak, and planned to take Wei Lan to the bathroom to wash his hands, but just as the thought came up, he heard a gentle voice: I have.

Wei Xun raised his head, Jiang Xingchen elegantly stretched out his hand painted with red nail polish, and handed out the wet tissue that had not been opened.

Thank you. Wei Xun took it.

Jiang Xingchen smiled, You're welcome.

Wei Lan also saw Jiang Mo standing beside him at this time.

Chen, he and Jiang Mochen are among the people present, the only two who are in the entertainment industry, but they are not the same as his tickets. Jiang Mochen is in the entertainment industry more because he wants to develop and strengthen Jiang's Nanfang Orange Entertainment, and therefore, Jiang Mochen is more busy and serious than him.

Wei Lan and Jiang Mochen have met several times in several events. Everyone is of the same class. They know each other and say hello when they meet, so he smiled and said to him, Jiang Mochen, you are here too. .

Jiang Mochen smiled and said, Ren Lao's 80th birthday, I will naturally come.

When Wei Lan thought about it, yes, Jiang Mochen and Ren Xu were small.

Wei Xun unpacked, took out the wet wipes, grabbed Wei Lan's hand, lowered his head and wiped it for him seriously. It was only at this time that Wei Lan realized that he first poured wine on Sun Xin's face, and then pinched Sun Xin's chin, and the wine was on his hands, so it was a little sticky. He was used to being taken care of by Wei Xun since he was a child, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Wei Xun's actions. While talking to Jiang Mochen, he asked Wei Xun to wipe his hands.

However, when this picture falls into the eyes of others, it has some deep meaning. Many people in the hall exchanged glances secretly. They only felt that Wei Lan's posture was too high. Wei Xun lowered his head and wiped his hands for him, but he didn't see it. Look, he is still chatting with Jiang Mochen, but Wei Xun is not angry.

Wei Xun rubbed very carefully, from the back of his hand to his fingers to the palm of his hand. After he finished wiping, he said warmly to Wei Lan: Next time someone makes you angry, you don't need to worry about it, just tell me directly.

Wei Lan doesn't need to trouble Wei Xun for things that he thinks he can solve, but Wei Xun said this in front of so many people. Wei Lan also knew that he was supporting himself, so he nodded and said softly, Okay. .

Go and wish Mr. Ren a birthday, let's go.

Wei Lan walked in front of Mr. Ren not far away, and wished Mr. Ren his birthday with a smile. He looks sunny, and when he is not smiling, he is full of vigor, and when he laughs, it makes people like him. Ren Lao smiled and said a few words to him, and Wei Lan left with Wei Xun.

It wasn't until the two of them left that the hall became lively again. Jiang Xingchen took a sip of red wine, looked at Jiang Mochen, and asked, What do you think about the relationship between the two brothers?

Very good. Jiang Mochen said.

How can you see it?

When Wei Xun wiped Wei Lan's hands just now, he was very gentle. And Wei Lan, Jiang Mochen thought about the scene just now, Wei Lan seems to be very accustomed to these things.

The two of them seem to have known each other for a long time, almost around Wei Lan Junior High School.

Jiang Mochen nodded. He was one year older than Wei Xun and one level higher than Wei Xun. He heard Wei Xun's name when he was in school and knew that his school had such a ruthless and powerful junior. After he graduated, he heard Wei Xun's name from others one after another. One of them was that Wei Xun sent a classmate of the same level to the hospital for a junior high school student.

Jiang Mochen is a very curious person. He doesn't care much about people and things other than those he knows well, but Ren Xu and Liao Sibo were very interested, so they went to inquire about it. They were all taken aback. Wei Yecheng's son actually sent someone to the hospital for Wei Ming's grandson. What kind of curious trend is this, do their elders know?

Jiang Mochen smiled, The relationship between the two of them should be far better than what we have seen.

After so many years, from Wei Lan's junior high school to when Wei Lan grew up, Wei Xun has always been by his side. If these tendernesses are all pretended, then Jiang Mochen feels that Wei Xun should go to the entertainment industry more than Wei Lan.

No matter what the relationship between Wei Xun and Wei Lan is, the Sun family will suffer this time.

Jiang Mochen looked at his sister.

Jiang Xingchen took a sip of wine and said softly, Kill the chicken to warn the monkey. She looked at Jiang Mochen, Weixun will never be able to replace Wei Lan, no matter how good he does, Wei Ming will never give him the things he has worked hard for all his life. Wei Ming has no shortage of capable people, but he only has two relatives, Wei Xi and Wei Lan. There are enough people here today, and there are enough people who saw that Sun Xin offended Wei Lan. Such a good opportunity, Wei Ming won't let it go.

If that's the case, the Sun family is really miserable.

There is no way, who will let Sun Xin commit the crime to others first. People like the Wei family, even if you and I do things, you have to worry about three points. Not in a hurry to hand someone a knife. Stupid.

Wei Ming didn't plan to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, Wei Xun didn't know, but he was prepared for this, so he didn't plan to let the Sun family go so easily.

Wei Xi once asked Wei Xun, Have you ever thought about what Xiao Lan would think when you suddenly intervene in our family's affairs, and what would the outsiders think?

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Xun replied at the time: People outside won't see it very much. If they have to express their opinions, I will let them have no idea.

Wei Lan is so grown up, he himself is reluctant to say that Wei Lan is not, other people, what qualifications do they have to say about him behind their backs!

Seeing that Wei Xun's face was not very good, Wei Lan reached out and touched his arm, What's the matter, I'm still angry, I'm not angry anymore.

Wei Xun turned to look at him, How did he make you angry?

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