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262 Extra Story: Wei Lan (42)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (42)

Wei Xun nodded, I will go to Wei Ming.

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Xi pointed at him, What did I just say?

Wei Xun immediately changed his words, I will go to Xiaolan's grandfather.

Does your father know what you think?


How did he say?

He said, 'If you have the ability to get the Wei family to agree, I will agree'.

Does Xiaolan know?

he does not know.

Have you ever thought about what Xiao Lan would think if you suddenly interfered in our family's affairs, and what would the outsiders think?

People outside won't see it very much. If they definitely want to express their opinions, I will let them have no idea. As for Xiaolan, Wei Xun thought for a while, when he grows up a bit, the Wei family will really have no problem. What belongs to him will always belong to him, as long as you don't tell him, he won't know what I did.

It won't take too long, Wei Xun said, I know, it won't take too long.

If Xiaolan knew, he wouldn't necessarily thank you.

I don't need him to thank me.

He might think you don't respect him.

He won't. Wei Xun is very determined, I know him, he is not an ignorant child, he won't think so, I believe him.

Wei Xi listened to him saying I believe him, and slowly put the USB flash drive on the table, believing that this kind of word is too extravagant for the two of them. She and Wei Yecheng, even if they love each other deeply. The other party couldn't say the word trust, but Wei Lan and Wei Xun established this kind of trust earlier.

Why didn't you find my dad first but me first? she asked softly.

Wei Xun looked at her and answered honestly, Because you will be more difficult to convince.

Wei Xi is Wei Lan's mother. She is more emotional than rational. If he wants to convince Wei Xi, he not only needs to convince her rationally, but also needs to get her permission emotionally. But Wei Ming is different. Wei Ming has been in a high position for a long time. He knows how to maximize interests and he is more rational.

Wei Xun knew that he would always persuade Wei Ming. He gave Wei Ming enough handle to decide his life and death, and he was willing to drive him not to resist. Wei Ming would not waste such a good opportunity to give up his knife. He is different from Wei Xi, he is confident and proud, so he believes that he can control his own knife, and he will agree to his own conditions, because he does not think that he can pull out his Wuzhishan.

But Wei Xi couldn't. Wei Xi didn't have the ability of Wei Ming. She would worry more and was even less willing to trust others, so Wei Xun chose to talk to Wei Xi first and get Wei Xi's consent.

Wei Xi thought for a long time, and finally said slowly, Go ahead. She said, If my dad agrees to you, I will agree.

Thank you. Wei Xun gave her a slight nod to show his respect.

Wei Xi looked at him, waved his hand, and let him leave. In fact, she didn't know whether her actions were right or wrong. She rationally told her that Wei Lan's surname was Wei. There were some things that he could not avoid. But her motherhood persuaded her to let it go. There is no need for it. The Wei family is already in transition. One day, it will be the same as other surnames. It sounds safe and harmless. Wei Lan does not have to. experience what she's been through.

She couldn't make up her mind, so she gave the decision to her father. Wei Xi believed that her father would definitely make the most appropriate decision.

After Wei Xun and Wei Xi finished chatting, they checked the time, it was not too late, so they went directly to Wei Ming. Wei Ming appreciates that he came to talk to him alone. He petted his dog and asked him in a hurry, What do you want to say to me?

Before going to bed, Wei Lan was missing a teammate while playing games, so she sent a WeChat message to ask Wei Xun, Are you asleep? Play games with me.

But Wei Xun did not reply to him.

Wei Lan walked out of her bedroom to find him, pushed open the door of the temporary guest bedroom where Wei Xun lived, only to find that there was no one in the room, Where is this going? Wei Lan was puzzled.

He took out his mobile phone and called Wei Xun. As soon as he got through, he heard the phone ringing not far away. Wei Lan looked for the sound and saw Wei Xun coming out of the corner.

Where have you been? You don't sleep at night, and you wander around.

Is something wrong with me? Wei Xun asked him.

Wei Lan raised the phone, Do you play games?

Wei Xun has never rejected him very much, so he nodded, Yes.

Wei Lan went directly into the guest bedroom arranged for Wei Xun, turned on the light, jumped onto the bed, and started a game to wait for him.

Wei Xun looked at his look of anticipation, and when he walked to the bed, he reached out and rubbed his hair.

Wei Lan looked up at him, Why are you rubbing my hair again? He turned his head to avoid it, No rubbing.

Wei Xun sighed with emotion, You wouldn't be like this when you were young.

I was small back then, but now I'm so old, it's not suitable anymore.

It's not good when you grow up.

Children will be praised for being good, and they will be handsome when they grow up, Wei Lan asked him narcissistically, Am I handsome?

Wei Xun smiled and nodded cooperatively, Handsome.

Wei Lan was very satisfied, and complimented him, Brother, you are handsome too.


Xun did not speak, sat down beside him, took out his mobile phone and played games with him.

Wei Xun's game played very well, firstly because of his talent, and secondly because of his personality that would not allow him to lose at all. With his help, Wei Lan won several games in a row, and played until 12:30 in the evening, when Wei Xun forcibly confiscated his mobile phone, and begged him reluctantly, Play for another half an hour, just half an hour.

No. Wei Xun was completely unmoved, Go back to your room and go to bed.

Wei Lan was very tired and collapsed on the bed instantly.

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Wei Xun looked at him and said with a smile, That's it, you're too embarrassed to say you've grown up, a child.

He patted Wei Lan, Go to bed.

I'm too lazy to move, I'll sleep with you tonight.

Then go take a shower.

Washed. Wei Lan looked at him, Go and take a bath.

Wei Xun heard the words, stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Wei Lan said quickly, You leave your phone behind.

Wei Xun smiled and didn't look back, completely ignoring him.

Wei Lan was so angry that she sighed on the bed, and finally lifted the quilt silently and closed her eyes to sleep bored.

When Wei Xun came out of the shower, Wei Lan was already asleep. He looked at Wei Lan and thought it was incredible. Wei Lan was already 18 years old. He always thought that Wei Lan was still very young and a child, but Wei Lan was actually 18 years old. Wei Xun was surprised in hindsight, and even did not understand why he had grown so big all of a sudden.

He looked at Wei Lan, his mood was a little complicated, and he unconsciously hoped that the time would be slower and slower, so that Wei Lan's growth would be slower, so that he would have more time to give Wei Lan a safe and worry-free life. You can do whatever you want later.

Wei Lan found that Wei Xun has obviously become busier than ever since he became an adult. Because their freshman year courses are not intensive, Wei Lan will go home most of the time, and only choose to live on campus when she is too lazy to move. But in the past few days, Wei Xun has been calling every now and then, saying that he has something to do and that he is away from home these days, so Wei Lan should either live on campus or go to Wei Xi's place.

Wei Lan was a little depressed. When returning to Wei Xi and Wei Yecheng for dinner in the evening, she asked Wei Yecheng and Wei Xi, Is my brother busy recently?

Wei Yecheng nodded.

Wei Lan thought about it, and yes, Wei Xun has been taking over the Wei Yecheng company since he was an adult. After graduating in the past two years, he is even more busy. It's just that I haven't seen each other for ten days. This is the first time. He grew up by Wei Xun's side since he was a child, and was used to being with Wei Xun most of the time. Now Wei Xun is busy with work, leaving him alone. Wei Lan was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

After dinner, Wei Lan accompanied Wei Xi to watch the TV series for a while. After two episodes of TV were finished, Wei Xi stopped him when Wei Lan was about to go to bed. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

What's wrong? Wei Lan was a little sleepy, yawned and asked her, Do you want me to watch TV with you? It's already this time, go to sleep.

Wei Xi looked at Wei Lan, thought about it, turned off the TV, and said to him, Come with me.

She took Wei Lan to her study and sat down on the sofa. Wei Lan saw her posture and asked curiously, What are you going to tell me? It's so formal.

Sit. Wei Xi said.

Wei Lan sat down beside her with a suspicious look on her face.

Wei Xi looked at him, was silent for a while, and then slowly said, There is something Wei Xun doesn't want you to know about, but I think I should tell you, after all, you are no longer a child, this kind of thing. Things shouldn't be hidden from you; secondly, his starting point is for your own good, although I am not very sure whether this is good for you or not, but you should know that he is for your good, so if you hear anything in the future Don't listen to it, don't think about it, and don't have any estrangement with him because of it.

Wei Lan was a little surprised, What's the matter? It's so serious.

Didn't you just ask us, he's been busy lately?

Wei Lan nodded.

Wei Xi said, He is very busy, because he is doing things for your grandfather recently. He has two responsibilities on his shoulders, so he is naturally much busier than before.

My brother is doing things for our family? Wei Lan didn't understand, Why? You all agreed?

Wei Xi leaned on the cushion and said softly, Xiao Lan, you know that our family is different from other families.

Wei Lan nodded.

Then you should also know that the people in our family, the price of growth, will definitely be more cruel than others.

Wei Lan didn't speak.

Wei Xi looked at him, her eyes were very gentle, and her tone was very gentle, Wei's surname is not a good surname, neither our family nor Wei Yecheng's family are kind people. Nightmare? she asked Wei Lan.

Wei Lan shook her head, Wei Xi smiled, Of course you haven't had nightmares, because, up to now, your life has been clean. Clean, like a piece of white paper, like a cup of boiled water. She As he spoke, there was a faint light in his eyes. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Lan looked at her, listened to her words, and waited quietly for her to continue.

Weixun is right, Wei Xi said. He said, you are the only person in this room with the surname Wei who has never had blood on his hands. So he thought

Protect your purity, he doesn't want you to see those bad things, he wants your world to be no different from the young masters of other families. So he took over your responsibility. He used his own handle to exchange the trust of your grandfather. He wants to help you clean up those filth and filth and give you a clean and undisturbed future.

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