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255 Extra Story: Wei Lan (Three Five)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (35)

Most of the time we stayed in this room, your elementary school was too far away from me, I didn't go to look for you, my high school was too far away from you, and you didn't come over, so our intersection was only in In this room, I thought, your world is only so big.

Wei Lan felt that she could vaguely guess what it was.

Wei Xun emptied the dishwashing water in the bowl, took in the fresh water again, and washed the dishes quietly. His voice was calm, the things he once cared about were now relieved, and he said, No.

Your world, it's not so big, your world is big, even if I walk in, I stand there, I'm just like everyone else. I may be important to you, but this importance is not irreplaceable , is not essential, you like me, just like you like your friends, you can have many friends, and you can also have many brothers. I'm not your ideal brother, right? You like it , should be the kind of gentle and sunny, kind and enthusiastic person like you, but I am not, I am indifferent, cold by nature, selfish and cruel, I have never been a good person, but you have always been a good boy. If it weren't for the fact that you happened to go wrong that day and came to my house, if it weren't for the fact that you didn't have friends here to play with, the two of us would never have had an intersection.

No. Wei Lan whispered unconsciously, but Wei Xun didn't hear it. He was calm and rare. It was the first time that he expressed his thoughts to a person. Although the other person was still very young, he didn't Without being perfunctory, he was very serious and said to Wei Lan very slowly, We are different, our world is different, and our personalities are different, so that day, after realizing this, I had to care. I I have a strong nature. I can't accept that you occupy my entire world, but I am only a dispensable corner of your world. I don't want to tell you this and make you pity me. So I made the simplest My choice, I chose to let you leave, as long as you leave, then everything will be restored to before. My world is still only me, and you, you have left, how many people there are in your world It has nothing to do with me. It was the easiest and most appropriate method for me at that time.”

@Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Lan's tears flowed out unconsciously. He thought of that day when he returned to Wei Xun's house, he entered the study, Wei Xun talked to him very calmly, saying that he didn't look at his phone, that the game was over, saying Don't come to me again. Wei Lan has always wondered why, obviously Wei Xun still cared about him at noon, and would teach others a lesson because he was almost bullied by others; obviously in the afternoon, when he told Wei Xun that he would not go with him after school , Wei Xun is also the same as usual, how suddenly, in just a few hours, everything has changed, now, Wei Lan knows.

Wei Lan never thought it would be this, Wei Xun actually drove him away for this reason, and they had been separated for so long because of this reason, Wei Lan was angry and distressed, got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen go.

If that's the case, why are you still looking for me? Wei Lan asked him, Don't you think it's best for me to leave?

Wei Xun was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, Everyone has come, you can leave if you want to leave. @Infinite 好文, it's all in Jamieda

He thought that Wei Lan's arrival was just a breeze for him, which made people feel comfortable and natural, but until Wei Lan really left, he realized that Wei Lan's arrival was more like a typhoon entering, which changed everything. . It's not that he didn't want to really disconnect from Wei Lan. He told himself over and over again that Wei Lan's world was no different with him or without him. He didn't lack himself, and he didn't need to go to him. But even if he told himself that every day, he would still stand by the window and watch Wei Lan pass by his house again and again every day.

This was an experience Wei Xun had never had before. He experienced, felt, and finally gave in to himself after discovering that all resistance was futile. Wei Xun has always been a very honest person. He honestly faced his own psychological feelings, so after finding that his relationship with Wei Lan was not equal, he chose to let Wei Lan leave; When he still wanted Wei Lan by his side, he chose to pick Wei Lan back.

Every action he made was his truest state of mind at the time. He would neither embarrass himself nor aggrieved himself. At this point, he and Wei Lan were like brothers.

Wei Lan walked to the kitchen door and looked up at him. Wei Xun lowered his head and was washing dishes with headphones in his ears. He said to him in a hurry, I'm sorry.

Wei Lan looked at him and suddenly realized that between them, every time, Wei Xun was apologizing. Of course Wei Lan didn't think there was anything wrong with him. Every conflict between them was caused by Wei Xun, and Wei Lan felt that his apology was deserved. But for someone like Wei Xun, his apology is so inappropriate.

Wei Lan remembered that Wei Xun once said to Yun Ying indifferently after his conflict with Yun Ying, Wei Lan will not apologize, he will never apologize. He realizes now that this sentence is not a simple statement What was given to Yun Ying was also said to Wei Xun himself, so Wei Xun played the role of retreating every time in their quarrel.

He has been giving in, even if he is very aggrieved, he is still giving in.

Wei Lan hung up the phone and put it back in the pocket of his pajamas. He walked behind Wei Xun and poked Wei Xun. Then, after Wei Xun turned around in surprise, he hugged Wei Xun tightly.

No, he said, it's not what you think, no brother. Wei Lan hugged him, her eyes a little sour.

Because Wei Xun couldn't speak to Wei Lan, he chose to make a phone call. He couldn't even concentrate on talking about it, but needed to do other things to divert his attention so that he could not focus on it. So it feels indescribable. So he was washing dishes while talking to Wei Lan while wearing headphones. It was precisely because he was wearing headphones and his mind was on the phone that he didn't realize that Wei Lan had walked behind him.

He looked at Wei Lan in his arms, at a loss, he could only whisper, Why did you come in?

Wei Lan looked up at him and said seriously: It's not what you think. He looked at Wei Xun, a little anxious, but also a little afraid that he couldn't explain clearly, his brows furrowed, You are different from them, You are not optional, you are obviously the most ideal brother in my heart.

He unconsciously grabbed Wei Xun's clothes and explained to him, The other people around me, whether it's Lingling, Xiaopang, and other classmates who have a good relationship, are all of them who approached me proactively. They want to play with me, so they came to me first. Only you, only you are the only one I approach, you are the only one, you are not optional, you are obviously very important.

He looked at Wei Xun, When I was young, when I was very young, I thought brother Yu Rui was very good, because he was Lingling's brother. When we were young, he played with us all the time. The idea of ​​​​is from him, but brother Yu Rui is just Lingling's brother, he is not my brother, nor my ideal brother.

My grandfather is very good, my mother is very good, and I am very good, so my brother should be very good too, but Yu Rui can't even beat me, so he is not the brother I want. Great brother, like my grandfather and mother, no matter what I do, I don't think it's my fault. If someone bullies me, they will teach me a lesson. No one can beat them, so no one can bully me. But brother Yu Rui can't do it, he can't fight, and he's not good enough, he can't even beat me, and he doesn't like to beat people, but you can, you're very good, you can do everything, you are my ideal brother.

I said it, Wei Lan repeated, you all think my grandfather is terrible, but I don't think, I like my grandpa very much, because he is good to me. So, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, even if So what if you do what you said, you won't treat me like that, as long as you treat me well, I don't care what you do to other people, because I'm not them, I just want to make myself happy.

He kept explaining, trying hard to recall what Wei Xun had just said, but found that no matter how he explained or did, he couldn't make his world equal to Wei Xun's world. He liked Wei Xun, but he also liked his own. Family and friends, he can't be like Wei Xun, let him be the only one in his world. Wei Lan was a little anxious. He couldn't think of a reasonable way to solve this problem. He felt that this was unfair to Wei Xun, but he didn't know what to do.

Wei Xun saw him frowning and looked overwhelmed, and comforted him, I know, don't feel bad, it's alright, it's alright.

Wei Lan shook his head, he tried hard to think of a way to balance their relationship, he didn't want to be unfair to Wei Xun, he wanted to do his best to be nice to Wei Xun, he suddenly said, I'll give it to you Would you like to build a house?

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant by this sentence. @Infinite good text, it's all in Jamie

Wei Lan suddenly understood, I'll build a house for you. You're the only one in this house. I'll enclose this house so that no one else can get close. Only you, okay?

Wei Xun was a little confused. He didn't even know how to answer Wei Lan. Wei Lan raised his head and smiled at him, and asked him, Brother, don't you like me calling someone else's brother?

Wei Xun didn't expect that he would realize this. He didn't express this clearly in what he just said to Wei Lan. He thought Wei Lan wouldn't see it, but Wei Lan still saw it.

Wei Lan smiled and said, Then I won't call other people's brother in the future. I call them brother, such as Yu Rui's brother, because they are older than me and take good care of me. If you don't like it, I won't call it, or When you call them, prefix them with their names.

Wei Lan's words were very gentle. He looked at Wei Xun, his eyes lighted slightly, and he said, I will build a house for you, and you will live alone. I will only call you brother, and then don't let others approach you.

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