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250 Extra Story: Wei Lan (Thirty)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (Thirty)

The two walked to Wei Xun's house in silence, Wei Lan stood in front of the door, waiting for Wei Xun to open the door, Wei Xun looked up at the window of his second-floor study, and said to Wei Lan, You know what? You can see here from the windows.

Wei Lan didn't speak, he didn't know.

Wei Xun took out the key and started to open the door, and while opening the door, he stated calmly, I actually stood upstairs and saw you many times. In the beginning, when you first came to my house, when you left, I stood in front of the window. , I watched you get into your mother's car and leave with her. These days, when we didn't meet each other, when you passed by my house, I watched you pass by without stopping.

He opened the door and turned his head to look at Wei Lan, I look at it every day, thinking, will you stop today? Or look up? Or look back? But you didn't, Xiao Lan, you are actually more than Desperate as I imagined.

Wei Lan looked up at him, in the dark night, under the bright street lights, his eyes were bright, I am like this, Wei Lan's tone was very strong, Since you let me go, it is rare for me to be reluctant to part. Stop in front of your door and wait for you to come out and take a look at me? I won't. There are many people who like me, so I don't want to make myself unhappy for those who don't like me. If anyone doesn't like me, I will I don't like him either, so if we don't interfere with each other, we don't know each other.

Wei Xun looked at the stubbornness in his eyes and didn't speak. He felt that Wei Lan was right. There is really no need for someone like Wei Lan to waste his energy on those who don't like him.

He pushed open the door and said softly, Come in.

He took Wei Lan through the yard, opened the door of the house, turned on the light in the entrance, and let Wei Lan come in. @Infinite good text, all in

Wei Lan was actually a little reluctant to go in. He still remembered what Wei Xun said to him that day. He said, don't come to my house in the future. Wei Lan remembered this sentence, so he never stopped when he passed by Wei Xun's house, so he didn't want to go in. @Infinite good text, all in

Wei Xun looked at him standing at the door, but he refused to come in. He walked over and hugged him and brought him in.

Wei Lan was a little surprised, Wei Xun looked at him and said gently, Don't think about that, I shouldn't have said those things to you, it's my fault, you didn't come to me, and you don't want to come to my house, I know, yes I brought you here because I wanted you to come in, so don't think about that, okay?

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted with hindsight, Put me down, your hand.

Wei Xun hugged him with one arm and showed him his left wrist wrapped in gauze, It's alright, don't worry.

Wei Lan was relieved, but insisted, You let me down.

Wei Xun put him down obediently. He watched Wei Lan stand on the floor, thinking about what he had just said without consciously worrying about him, and felt that he still seemed to be able to reconcile with Wei Lan.

Wei Lan avoided his contact all night, and suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable when he hugged him like this, and asked diverting her attention, What do you want to give me? Give it to me, give it to me and leave .

Upstairs, come up with me.

Wei Lan didn't want to go upstairs with him, he wanted to leave as soon as possible, he was afraid that he would stay with Wei Xun for too long, and he couldn't really ignore Wei Xun.

Wei Xun tried to persuade him, In the study on the second floor, you go up with me, and I'll bring it to you.

Wei Lan didn't want to go there when he heard that it was the study room. That day, they quarreled in the study room. Wei Xun took him by the hand and drove him out. He didn't want to think about that day, so he instinctively refused. I'm not going up. If you don't want to take it down and give it to me, then forget it and I'll go home.

Seeing his firm tone, Wei Xun no longer embarrassed him, and said softly, Then you stand here and wait, and I'll bring it to you.

Wei Lan nodded.

Wei Xun glanced at him, turned and went up the stairs.

Wei Lan stood alone. He looked up at this familiar place. It was the same as when he left. There was no change or difference. What changed was just himself.

He waited for Wei Xun for a while before he saw Wei Xun carrying a box and walking down the stairs.

Wei Lan was a little curious, he looked at Wei Xun, watched him approach, walked in front of him, and stopped.

Wei Xun looked at him and squatted down slowly. Wei Lan lowered his head following his movements, and saw Wei Xun pour out the contents of the box in a hurry. ——It was the toy he gave Wei Xun before.

Wei Xun finished and said, Wait for me.

He stood up and went up the stairs again. After a while, he came down with the box again. He squatted down in front of Wei Lan and gently poured out the contents of the box. Wei Lan looked at it, and it was still the same give him a toy.

Wei Xun went back and forth like this three times, and only the fourth time he didn't hold the box again. He held the bear, the bear that Wei Lan once gave him, and walked all the way to Wei Lan and put the bear on it. next to the toy.

Wei Lan was stunned. He didn't understand what Wei Xun wanted to do. He didn't understand why he suddenly brought all these things in front of him. Did he want to return them to him? Because there will be no future between them, so should these things that once belonged to him be returned to him? His heart was confused, and he stared blankly at the toys on the ground.

He heard Wei Xun speak softly.

, This was given to me when you first came to my house. You said that this yo-yo is very powerful and can do a lot of moves. You used it to win many classmates in your grade. You exchanged this with me for you to enter the house. Qualification. Wei Xun held a black yo-yo. @Infinite good text, all in

He put down the yo-yo and picked up a toy spider. This spider was given to me after you entered the house. You said to pinch its belly and it would spin silk. You traded this for dinner.

This fire truck was given to me when you came to me for the second time. You said it would spray water. You exchanged this for the qualification to enter the house for the second time.

This plane was given to me when you wanted me to give a lecture, and you exchanged it for the exercises I gave you after the first lecture.

Wei Xun spoke one by one, Wei Lan listened, those pictures appeared in front of his eyes again, he seemed to see himself a few months ago, and Wei Xun who softened to him step by step. He didn't quite understand, Why are you talking to me about this? He suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart and asked Xiang Weixun, What's the use of saying this now?

Wei Xun looked up at him, he said, Xiao Lan, you said that the exchange is to exchange the things you like for the things you want, these are the things you like, so you gave them to me for In exchange for what you want. Now, I give you these--these are my favorite things right now, I like them because you gave them to me, I give them to you, I take what I like best, To exchange what I want most, I want you to come back to me again, okay?

Wei Lan looked at him, speechless.

He didn't know what to say. He thought Wei Xun wanted to give him back the gifts he had given him. He was a little uncomfortable thinking about it just now, but Wei Xun actually offered to exchange it. Wei Lan didn't expect him to do this, he could only stare at Wei Xun in a daze.

This is a game between him and Wei Xun, he has never played with others, only with Wei Xun. At that time, he wanted to enter Wei Xun's house and get what he wanted, so he took out his favorite toy and offered to exchange it with Wei Xun. He felt that he was righteous because he paid, although these may not be what Wei Xun wanted, but what he exchanged was what he liked. He gave his sincerity to Wei Xun, so he was righteous. Walking into Wei Xun's house, he confidently enjoyed the results of every exchange.

He and Wei Xun exchanged so many times, but Wei Xun did not refuse, even if he said no, after he put it on the stairs, he would not throw it away, but put it away silently. Now, Wei Xun finally proposed an exchange with him for the first time. Wei Lan's heart was in chaos. Those who were strong with reason were shaky at this moment. He looked at the toys on the ground and Wei Xun. know what to do.

This is the rule he made himself, this is the game he started first, he couldn't say anything to refuse, he couldn't refuse Wei Xun.

At that moment, all Wei Lan's emotions erupted again, and scenes from the past kept appearing in front of him. He looked at the toys on the ground. These toys should have been in his room, but now, they are all here with Wei Xun. . He spent so much time, so many toys, and approached Wei Xun step by step. He used to like Wei Xun so much. Wei Xun is also allowed to intervene in his own affairs, and he is reluctant to tell him that his own affairs can be solved by himself.

He really once regarded Wei Xun as his elder brother. Like a younger brother, he admired and liked his elder brother, but Wei Xun did not cherish it, and Wei Xun drove him out.

Wei Lan felt aggrieved. He didn't understand, since he liked him, why did he say that to himself at that time, why did he drive him away. He is so big, all the people, all the people around him, are the ones they approached actively. He doesn't have to do anything. He just needs to stand in place, and someone will be willing to approach him and become friends with him. Only Wei Xun, only he took the initiative to approach. He put so much effort into approaching him and gave him so many things he liked. He was about to make Wei Xun his second home, but what about Wei Xun, Wei Xun kicked him out, he Said you don't come to see me again, he said, don't come to my house again.

Wei Lan's tears flowed out all of a sudden, and the grievances and dissatisfaction he restrained and suppressed all broke through the barriers of reason and vented along the tears. How could he really not care, how could he really not care, he would keep asking himself why in the dead of night, and he would be stunned when he saw Wei Xun's house from a distance on the way home. , he couldn't even see the place where Wei Xun was pinching him, so he bought a wrist guard and covered that place. He was alone, licking his wounds like a small beast in the dark night, and then it was dawn, and he regained his vitality and re-entered the new day.

Wei Lan has always been different from children of the same age. He lives very transparently and has a good mentality. He has his own principles of life. According to his own principles, he lives his life seriously and thoughtfully. one day.

Wei Xun was startled when he saw that he suddenly cried without saying anything, and reached out to wipe his tears, but Wei Lan's tears flowed more and more fiercely, and the grievances and sadness in his heart were surging. He thinks Wei Xun is very disgusting, confounding right and wrong, he is clearly the one who drove him away, and he has to accuse him of being unfeeling. He also thinks Wei Xun is treacherous and cunning, he has already given up on him, but he wants to exchange with himself, or take himself Once given to him, come and exchange with him.

Wei Lan felt even more aggrieved when he thought of this. How could he refute the rules he set, and how could he deny his gifts? He couldn't do anything, so he couldn't refuse Wei Xun. But he didn't want to forgive Wei Xun. He had never been so inexplicably wronged when he grew up. He worked so hard that day.

He tried his best to keep Wei Xun, but Wei Xun still let him go, and even hurt him to let him go. He didn't want to forgive Wei Xun like this, he hated Wei Xun like this.

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