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248 Extra Story: Wei Lan (28)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (28)

Wei Xun arrived at Wei Lan's house as fast as he could. He rang the doorbell. Wei Xi opened the door and walked to the front door. He was a little surprised to see him.

Why did you come here?

I'm looking for Xiaolan. Wei Xun said.

Wei Xi helped him open the door, with a soft tone, Xiao Lan is already asleep.

It doesn't matter, Wei Xun didn't care about this, I have something to tell him.

After he finished speaking, he directly bypassed Wei Xi and walked into Wei Lan's house. Wei Xi felt that he was in a hurry, closed the door, and followed him into the house.

Wei Lan took Wei Xun to his house before, Wei Xun easily found his room by memory, he pushed open the door, turned on the light, and saw that Wei Lan was lying flat and sleeping in the quilt.

Wei Xun walked over, sat down beside his bed, and quietly watched Wei Lan who was sleeping for a while. It has been a long time since he has seen Wei Lan sleeping.

Wei Xi followed Wei Xun upstairs and watched Wei Xun prepare to wake Wei Lan. She did not stop her and leaned against the wall with her arms folded, ready to let Wei Xun vividly appreciate Wei Lan's waking up. But Wei Lan has stayed at Wei Xun's house so many times, and Wei Xun has long mastered the correct way to wake up.

So when Wei Lan opened her eyes angrily and saw that it was Wei Xun, she instinctively restrained her temper and called out in confusion, Brother.

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment, he hadn't heard Wei Lan call him that for a long time. He gave a soft hmm in response.

@Infinite good text, all in

He looked at Wei Lan, and Wei Lan's ideology finally came back slowly.

Wei Xun said softly, Xiao Lan, today is my birthday.

Wei Lan looked at him without speaking.

Don't you want to say something to me? Wei Xun asked him.

Wei Lan felt that he was really inexplicable. At first, he drove him away without saying anything, but now he suddenly ran to his house to wake him up, just to tell himself that today was his birthday.

Wei Lan ignored him, lay down and pulled the quilt, and closed his eyes with his back to him.

Wei Xun hadn't seen Wei Lan doing this in front of him, and was a little stunned for a while.

Are you still angry? he asked, because I let you go that day.

Wei Lan ignored him.

Wei Xun reached out and tried to press his shoulder, but Wei Lan avoided him. Wei Lan felt very irritable. He turned to look at Wei Xun and said, You go out, I'm going to sleep.

Xiao Lan, today is my birthday. Wei Xun repeated.

Wei Lan thought it was ridiculous, he wanted to say to Wei Xun, then you went to your birthday, what does it have to do with me, but he looked at Wei Xun, but couldn't say anything, he could only ask, So what?

You say happy birthday to me. Wei Xun said.

Wei Lan didn't expect Wei Xun to ask for this, he asked Wei Xun, I told you to leave?

You don't want to see me at all? Wei Xun asked him.

Wei Lan nodded, and he said, Happy birthday, can you leave?

Wei Xun looked at him and nodded, listening to him ask himself Can I leave? He was a little stunned and felt a little uncomfortable. He had never felt this way before, just like he never thought that one day, he would be in Wei Lan saw that he was bored with himself.

I was wrong about what happened last time. I apologize to you. Can you forgive me? he asked Wei Lan.

Wei Lan surprised him and nodded without hesitation, Okay, so can you leave?

Xiao Lan...

Weixun, Wei Lan interrupted him, his tone was very calm, not like Wei Xun's familiar Wei Lan, I can forgive you, he said, you told me to leave then, I left; You asked me to say happy birthday now, and I said it; you asked me to forgive you, and I am willing to forgive you. I did everything as you said, so can you do as I said once?

What did you call me? Wei Xun asked him suddenly.

When Wei Lan was just woken up and not awake, he called him brother, but now, when he is awake, he calls him Wei Xun.

Wei Xun didn't like him calling him that, he said, You call me brother.

Wei Lan didn't speak.

Wei Xun looked at him and coaxed: You call me brother and I'll leave.

But Wei Lan refused.

He looked at Wei Xun, silent, silent, rejecting the title.

This Wei Xun once liked and once thought it was a cheap title, but now, it doesn't belong to him anymore.

Wei Xun was a little overwhelmed. He thought they would be like the previous quarrel. He apologized to Wei Lan, and Wei Lan forgave him generously. Wei Lan is not a child who likes to care, and it is obvious when he is angry. But it's also easy to coax. As long as he is willing to apologize, Wei Lan will forgive him and continue to get along with him regardless.

This was the first time that Wei Lan was unwilling to reconcile with him.

Wei Xun looked at him, and the discomfort in his heart gradually expanded. He sat beside Wei Lan's bed, but didn't know what to do.

In the end, Wei Lan spoke, and Wei Lan said, Go out. He turned his head, turned his back to Wei Xun, and closed his eyes.

Wei Xun felt powerless and overwhelmed, but more of it was the kind of suppressed discomfort. He once looked at Wei Lan more than once, watching him live every day unaffected and happily.

Tell yourself that you are nothing here in Wei Lan. And now, Wei Lan uses his own rejection and disgust to clarify his thoughts.

He has never had such an experience with anyone, and he has never quarreled or coaxed others. He doesn't know how to get Wei Lan's forgiveness, so he can only speak dryly and ask Wei Lan, Why?

Why didn't you forgive me this time? Didn't you always forgive me before?

Wei Lan closed her eyes and did not reply to him.

Because I let you go, or did I pinch you that day? He continued to ask, Did you cry that day because I let you go, or did I pinch you?

Wei Lan ignored him.

Wei Xun looked at Wei Lan's jet-black hair and a small section of white neck exposed, quietly, silently, and suddenly took out his key from his pocket. There was a small knife hanging on the key ring. The blade was simple and sharp. Wei Xun pulled the knife out of the scabbard and slashed his left wrist fiercely.

Wei Xi, who was standing outside the door, opened his eyes instantly and almost called for an accident.

Wei Xun showed no mercy. He stroked deeply, and the blood quickly flowed out. He looked at Wei Lan and said calmly, Xiao Lan, turn your head.

But Wei Lan didn't move.

Seeing this, Wei Xun simply stood up by himself, walked around in a circle, and walked to the other side of the bed. The red blood flowed down his hand, and some dripped on the white carpet in Wei Lan's room. Wei Xun didn't pay attention. No time to care.

He walked to the other side of the bed, sat down, and said softly, Can you open your eyes and have a look?

Wei Lan felt annoyed and wanted to turn over directly, but Wei Xun held him down, Wei Lan opened his eyes, Wei Xun looked at him with gentle eyes, and he said, I shouldn't have said those words to you, nor should I tell you that. Do it, sorry.

I said I accept your apology, I forgive you, so you can... Wei Lan stopped talking, he saw Wei Xun's left hand beside the bed, he sat up from the bed, couldn't believe it looking at Wei Xun's left hand.

Wei Lan reached out and grabbed his hand tremblingly. Looking at the scratch, he shouted in anger and shock, What are you doing! Who made you do this! You are crazy!

He lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but was held down by Wei Xun, Wei Xun was far calmer than him, and even comforted him after feeling his trembling, It's okay, this position can't die. .

How could Wei Lan hear what he said now, he wanted to get out of bed as soon as he broke free, but Wei Xun grabbed him and said, Can you forgive me?

You're still thinking about this at this time! Wei Lan said angrily, If I don't forgive you, will you self-harm? Wei Xun, don't you cherish your own body?

Wei Xun looked at him and said calmly: That day, it was this hand and this position, right?

Wei Lan was stunned. He felt uncomfortable, aggrieved, angry, and dissatisfied. He didn't understand why Wei Xun could be so free. He let him let go, and when he wanted him to go back, he could hurt himself with a heartless face to ask for his forgiveness. @Infinite good text, all in

He felt that Wei Xun was really ruthless, ruthless towards others and even more ruthless towards himself.

He wanted to get rid of Wei Xun's hand, but Wei Xun held it tightly, Wei Lan had no choice, he spoke to him with some pleading, You let go first, I'll find the medicine box, you can't keep going like this Bleeding, let me go first.

Wei Xun looked at the unconscious pleading in his eyes, and slowly let go of his hand.

Wei Lan got out of bed instantly and ran out of the door. He anxiously called out to Wei Xi, anxious to ask Wei Xi to help him.

When Wei Xi appeared with a medicine box, he saw Wei Lan rushing over in a panic, telling her about Wei Xun's situation nervously and helplessly. Wei Xi touched his head and comforted him, It's alright, don't be afraid. @Infinite 好文, it's all there

But Wei Lan couldn't help but be afraid, how could it be okay, the cut made with the knife, how could it be okay, how could it not hurt, Wei Lan felt a little sore in his eyes, he unconsciously pursed his lips and gritted his teeth Control your emotions.

Wei Xi entered Wei Lan's room, opened the medicine box, and wanted to bandage Wei Xun, but Wei Xun avoided it. Wei Xun looked at Wei Lan and asked him, Xiao Lan, do you forgive me?

Wei Xi sneered, Why, he doesn't forgive you and plans to dry up the blood today, okay, then you don't bandage it, let it flow well, I'll bring you a basin, so you don't have to stain our carpet. .

As Wei Xi said, he turned around and was about to go out. Seeing that she really wanted to bring a basin to Wei Xun, Wei Lan stopped him in a hurry, pushed Wei Xi and said, What are you doing, hurry up and stop the bleeding what.

He doesn't care about himself, what do you care about him?

Mom, Wei Lan was about to cry, Help me first, help me quickly, Wei Lan looked at Wei Xun's still bleeding hand, tears slowly pooling in his eyes, he Looking at Wei Xi, helplessly and pitifully said to her, I can't, I can't stop bleeding and bandage, I can't do it myself, Mom, I can't do it.

Seeing that he was about to cry, Wei Xi was startled, and hugged him quickly and comforted him, It's okay, it's okay, baby, don't be afraid, I'll get it for him, don't cry.

Wei Lan lowered his head, biting his upper teeth on the inner side of his lower lip, tears swirling in his eyes, he suppressed his emotions fiercely, and did not let himself cry or let tears fall from his eyes.

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