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232 Extra Story: Wei Lan (12)

Extra Story: Wei Lan (12)

Yun Ying hasn't seen Wei Xun for a long time. She is a year younger than Wei Xun. If Wei Xun doesn't get together with Lin Xize and the others in private, she can only go to fight with Wei Xun every day between classes and use the excuse to find Yun Lian. Say hello and have a few words with him. She is the age when the heart of a sixteen-year-old girl is sprouting. She has read a lot of novels, and unconsciously brought Wei Xun into the novel. Wei Xun's background, she thinks it's cool, Wei Xun's height and looks, she thinks it's handsome, Wei Xun is indifferent, she thinks he has character.

Compared with the boys around her, she felt that Wei Xun was like he came out of a novel. She even thought that Wei Xun was so cold. It must be because no one was really good to him. When she warmed him with love, Wei Xun would definitely Just like the male protagonist in the novel likes the female protagonist, he likes her wholeheartedly and becomes the most dedicated person.

She has liked Wei Xun since she was a freshman in high school, but she was ashamed to express it, and kept it in her heart, waiting for the day Wei Xun fell in love with her, then she pretended to think and reluctantly agreed.

I have to say, she thinks too much, but Yun Ying doesn't think so, so he sees Wei Lan acting coquettishly at Wei Xun and making him carry herself, but he just thinks Wei Lan is very ignorant and can't help but think Open up and educate him.

Wei... As soon as she spoke, she heard Wei Xun say, Stand up.

Wei Lan immediately went up a step, Wei Xun reached out and handed him the bag to let him carry it by himself, then bent over and carried Wei Lan in front of everyone.

Lin Xize couldn't believe it. He looked at Wei Xun and thought it was unscientific! How could Wei Xun be behind someone! How could he bend over to others, he didn't even bend over to his dad! ! This damn thing really echoes Jiang Sheng's sentence just now that he bowed his head and was willing to be a rude cow!

Just as shocked as he was, there were other people who were traveling with him. One or two were nailed to the steps. They looked at each other and saw the same shock and doubt in the eyes of their little friends. The scene in front of him was real, he wasn't blind, Wei Xun actually agreed to a child's request so easily, it was terrifying.

Wei Lan didn't know how much of a shock his actions caused others. He lied on Wei Xun's back confidently and naturally, and said to him, Brother, you are so kind.

Wei Xun was accustomed to hearing this sentence, but even so, he still liked it very much, but he liked it and would not tell Wei Lan.

But Wei Lan didn't need his reply, he was very happy lying on Wei Xun's back, dangling his legs and looking at the surrounding scenery, he even asked Wei Xun very emotionally, Brother, do you listen to music? Let me sing you a song.

When Wei Xun has time at home, he can hear Wei Lan humming songs unconsciously, some are popular songs, some are songs from TV series. Wei Lan hummed softly and very nicely. Wei Xun would even stop his movements occasionally and listen to him quietly after he finished his humming before going about his own business. Sing it if you want, he said.

Wei Lan wasn't embarrassed either, but he didn't want to sing too loudly in public, so he put his arms around Wei Xun's neck and sang softly to him.

@Infinite good text, all in

His voice was not loud, but Lin Xize and others who were walking beside them and behind could hear him. Lin Xize felt that his heart was very subtle. He felt that he might really not understand the thinking of elementary school students. Otherwise, why did Wei Lan sing so magnanimously and without any embarrassment after asking Wei Xun to carry him behind his back?

He is so relaxed and leisurely, isn't he afraid that the person who carries him will let him go by himself?

Of course Wei Lan is not afraid, because he knows that Wei Xun will not. Wei Lan thinks, if he has a brother, then the relationship between them should be like him and Wei Xun. He is responsible for being obedient and obedient. His brother is responsible for loving him. When Wei Lan thought of this, she felt very happy, so she changed to a cheerful song.

And Yun Ying, who was walking behind him, saw his heartless appearance, and even felt that he was uneducated. She listened to Wei Lan's songs one after another, looked at his comfortable and natural appearance on Wei Xun's back, and felt that he was just pretending to be tired, and that he was deliberately letting Wei Xun carry him. Thinking of this, Yun Ying couldn't help being worthless for Wei Xun, and even felt sorry for Wei Xun. She looked at Wei Lan and decided to educate him when Wei Xun was away.

How could Wei Lan know the thoughts of these people behind him? He let Wei Xun carry Wei Xun all the way to the top of the mountain, smiled and let someone take a few group photos of him and Wei Xun with his mobile phone, and then took out the sandwich in his bag and handed it to Wei Xun. , sitting with him on a rock and eating.

Lin Xize saw that his food was delicious, and asked Jiang Sheng, Did you bring anything to eat?

Jiang Sheng spread his hands, What do you think?

They looked back at Yunlian, Yunying, and Li Zixuan, but everyone was trying to save trouble and didn't bring anything. This is also normal. They originally planned to go straight to dinner after climbing the mountain. When we went out to play together before, we didn't bring anything, we bought what we needed, but I didn't expect that there would be more Wei Lan today. Wei Lan brought a backpack to eat, and occasionally ate a little bit. Everyone who checked was not hungry at all. All a little hungry.

Li Zixuan raised his chin at Lin Xize, If you want to eat, then go and ask that little brother for some food.

I'm not going, Lin Xize looked at him, Didn't you hear what Wei Xun said, 'You eat it yourself', he's guarding there, and if you want it, it's for nothing.

Speaking of which, Wei Xun is a little weird today.

What's a little weird! It's like a different person. I've never seen him be so gentle to anyone.

That's why he treats his brother like this

ok? Li Zixuan asked.

Lin Xize looked back at Li Zixuan, Did you meet Wei Xun on the first day? Is he such a person?

Then he...

Who knows.

I'll go ask that kid to order something. Yun Ying suddenly said, I'm also a little hungry.

Yunlian stretched out her hand to stop her, It's useless if you go, don't go, I'll go down the mountain to eat in a while.

How do you know that it's useless for me to go, maybe it's useful. Yun Ying said, bypassing him and walking directly to Wei Xun.

Jiang Sheng whistled and looked at Yunlian, Your sister still likes Wei Xun? You didn't persuade her.

@Infinite good text, all in

Yunlian said helplessly, Why didn't she persuade her, what can she do if she didn't listen.

Seeing this, Jiang Sheng persuaded him very rationally, Then I advise you not to bring her here in the future. If she goes on like this, sooner or later, Wei Xun will be angry, and then it will not be what you want to see.

Yun Lian frowned and said nothing.

Yun Ying walked up to Wei Xun, looked at him a little embarrassedly, and said softly, Weixun, I'm a little hungry after climbing the mountain for so long, can you share with me, thank you.

Wei Xun looked up at her and said indifferently, I didn't bring anything.

Oh, I mean Wei Lan's little brother brought it to eat.

@Infinite good text, all in

That's his.

I know, you're not his brother, so I think it's more appropriate to ask you. She asked coquettishly, Can you?

No. Wei Xun refused mercilessly.

Yun Ying was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect him to refuse so bluntly, and asked, Why?

Wei Xun glanced at Yun Lian who was standing not far away. Seeing this, Yun Lian hurried over, said sorry to him, and dragged Yun Ying away.

Yun Ying said dissatisfiedly, Why are you pulling me?

Yunlian didn't reply to him until the two of them had gone a little farther before she said, Don't you see that he doesn't want to talk to you?

Yun Ying was choked by this, and whispered, Why is this happening, am I not good-looking today?

Yunlian stopped and looked at her, I've told you eight hundred times that Wei Xun is not for you. He's not something you can like, and he won't like you, so why don't you listen.

Brother, you are not him, how do you know not? Yun Ying looked at him angrily, You are my brother, shouldn't you support me, encourage me, and help me? Why do you always hit me? What! She glanced at Yunlian angrily and walked away.

Only Yun Lian was left standing there, holding her arms helplessly and depressed.

They quarreled. Wei Lan looked at Yun Lian and Yun Ying standing in different places, both of them were angry and didn't look at each other, calmly said.

It's none of your business, you eat well. Are you still hungry?

Wei Lan turned to look at him and thought about it, but she still didn't ask her curiosity, just nodded, took out the sushi again, and shared it with Wei Xun.

I knew she was useless in the past. Jiang Sheng glanced at Yun Ying, However, I still think of her as a girl, and she will act like a spoiled child, maybe it can really make Wei Xun pity and cherish jade a little bit. .

You can pull it down. Does Wei Xun's dictionary contain the words Lianxiangxiyu? In his eyes, there is no difference between boys and girls.

Yeah, the one who is different is sitting there. Jiang Sheng suddenly thought of something and looked at Lin Xize, Tell me, can another child who is the same age as that child be as different as him?

You can try.

I still can't, I think it's difficult.

It seems that you are a little smart. Lin Xize said.

Jiang Sheng smiled, That's right, smarter than you.

Everyone stayed at the top of the mountain for a while, either taking pictures or enjoying the scenery, and then went down the mountain together. Wei Lan didn't run forward alone this time, but took Wei Xun's hand obediently and talked to him.

When he was halfway up the mountain, because he was tired again, he made Wei Xun carry him on his back, and he carried his back directly down the mountain.

The place to eat was set at a private hot pot restaurant in the city center. Wei Xun handed the menu to Wei Lan, and Wei Lan ordered a bunch of meat unceremoniously. Wei Xun was watching the dishes he ordered, added a few more to his base, and handed them to the others.

Eating hot pot is always more lively. Lin Xize and Jiang Sheng are both able to talk. After a while, the entire private room was filled with their words. Although Wei Lan couldn't talk, it didn't prevent him from listening. It was quite interesting. He listened to them while holding the dishes. If he heard something interesting, he could laugh with Lin Xize and the others.

Yun Ying couldn't laugh, because she noticed that Wei Xun had been serving Wei Lan with vegetables. Wei Xun has never been a talkative person. In general gatherings, he just listens silently. Occasionally when asked, he answers two sentences. He never talks much, and he never takes the initiative to take care of anyone. But now, he is taking care of a child!

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