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Yan Qingchi opened his eyes and saw Qiqi was looking at him, his mouth was tightly pursed, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were wide open, and the black and white cat's eyes were full of sadness. It seemed that tears were about to fall. Yan Qingchi looked at him with pain in his heart.

He shook his head and said softly, How come, there is no absolute right or wrong in speaking, so why don't you like chess.

Qiqi didn't speak, just looked at him sadly.

Qiqi, Yan Qingchi asked him, do you like yourself? Do you think other people, me or your father, like you?

Qiqi didn't know, he didn't know whether Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi liked him or not, and how much they liked him. His mother also told him that she loved the baby the most, but she still left him. The love of adults seems to be difficult to figure out. There are always people who come to the courtyard and say that they like them the most, but they will still leave, and they will suddenly regret when they say they are going to take them home, so Qiqi does not know what the adults said. I don't know if other people really like him or not.

He looked at Yan Qingchi in confusion, speechless, and looked like he was about to cry.

Qiqi, do you remember your real name?

Jiang Zhiqi.

Yes, then do you know what the word 'zhi' in your name means?

Chess shook his head.

It means 'de', Jiang Zhiqi is Jiang Mochen's chess. He touched his hair, So, you will always be your father's child, his chess, his child, Do you understand?

Chess doesn't understand very well, How far is it forever?

It's very far, your whole life, your father's whole life.

How far is a lifetime?

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, You are only 5 years old now, and you will grow up in the future. At 15 years old, it is also his chess and chess, and it is his child. At 50 years old, it is also his chess and chess.

Is 500 years old too?

Yan Qingchi was amused by his childish words, Yeah, if chess and chess can grow to 500 years old.

Can Qiqi grow to 500 years old? Qiqi asked him.

Okay, Yan Qingchi said nonsense with his eyes wide open, How old can chess and chess grow to be?

Is it okay to grow up to 1,000 years old like the wise old man?

Yeah. Yan Qingchi nodded with a smile, No matter how old you are, you will always be his chess player.

Qiqi heard the words, and then slowly revealed a shy, gentle and happy smile.

So chess, whether it's me or your father, we all like you very much. Do you know?

Qiqi looked at him for a long time before slowly and slowly nodded.

But it's not enough that we like you, you also have to like yourself.

Why do I like myself? Qiqi asked him, Am I already me? How can I still like me?

It's very simple, be kind to yourself, believe in yourself, and be brave. You have to tell yourself every day that your father and father like you very much, your grandparents like you very much, and your aunt also likes you very much, so you need to play chess and chess too. I like myself very much. When you find something you like, you can tell others. If you are shy, you can tell your father in a low voice. When you encounter something you don’t like, you can also tell others. Isn’t it easy?”

After thinking about chess and chess, he leaned on his shoulder and asked in a low voice, What if the father I like doesn't like it?

It doesn't matter, chess and chess is a child, and father is a big friend. Of course, children and big friends like it differently. Just like chess and chess likes bean paste buns, but father likes meat buns, dad will be angry because chess and chess doesn't like meat buns. ?

Chess shook his head.

Will you be angry because you like to eat bean paste in chess and chess?

Chess still shook his head.

So, you see, isn't it all right?

Chess thought for a while, and was surprised to find, Really.

Sitting on Yan Qingchi's lap, he tilted his head and thought, Father doesn't watch animations, chess and chess watch animations, and my father doesn't get angry.

He's your father, so naturally he won't be angry about this.

Qiqi seemed to realize that he didn't say anything, and tried his best to conform to the preferences of the two adults in the family, but in fact, he still did something different from them. He watched animations, went to bed early, liked sweets, and liked to play, but neither his father nor his father had said anything about him. He seemed to have finally solved the troubles he had been worrying all along, and his whole body lit up, But, he didn't understand, Xiaojing's new mother doesn't like what Xiaojing likes that she doesn't like.

What he said was a bit confusing, but Yan Qingchi knew what he wanted to say. He kissed Qiqi and answered the question with the simplest answer, Because I am not Xiaojing's mother, I am Qiqi's father, so , I like everything in chess and chess.

Chess became shy all of a sudden when he said it, silently lowered his head, and then hugged him gently.

Outside the house, Jiang Mochen gently closed the door and did not go in. He leaned against the wall, bowed his head and smiled without a trace, and left.

Chess and chess solved his long-term troubles, and thought that he was going to the playground the next day, and was very happy all day. When he went to bed at night, he whispered to Yan Qingchi, Dad, remember to wake me up early tomorrow.

Yan Qingchi pinched his face, I see, go to sleep.

Chess shook his hand and closed his eyes, Good night Dad, I'm going to bed.

Good night. Yan Qingchi kissed him and helped him cover the little blanket.

As soon as he stood up, he saw Qiqi opened his eyes again because of the good night kiss, and looked at him with joy.

Go to sleep. He coaxed.

Qiqi slightly shrank his head into the blanket, his voice was a little sweet, Good night Dad.

Good night.

Yan Qingchi turned off the lights and walked out.

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