Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance

Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (24)

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218 Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (24)

Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (24)

Qiqi smiled and rubbed his face, Don't do anything, you look cute.

After rubbing, he kissed Yan Yan comfortingly again, Yan Yan stretched out his hand to protect his little face, You can't rub it.

No rubbing. Qiqi said, No rubbing today.

Yan Yan nodded obediently, and added: Kiss, you can.

Yan Qingchi laughed, You don't want your brother to rub your face, and you want your brother to kiss you.

Yan Yan covered his face and looked at him, Dad kiss me.

You kiss dad first.

Yan Yan put down the little hand covering his face, climbed onto Yan Qingchi and hugged him, kissed him, and smiled sweetly at him.

Yan Qingchi was softened by his sweet heart, hugged him and kissed his forehead, and then kissed his face, with tenderness and love in his eyes. Daddy's baby, he whispered.

@Infinite good text, all in

He looked at the innocence and clarity in Yan Yan's eyes, and couldn't help but kissed his little nose, took him into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

He remembered the time when he first found out that he was pregnant, and his heart was full of shock, doubt, and depression, but because he couldn't bear it, and because he liked Jiang Mochen, he left the child in his womb. However, holding the inkstone now, Yan Qingchi couldn't help but thank him for the original book setting that he thought was a bit silly at the time. His little inkstone is the cutest and most elf child in the world, sweet and coquettish, like a fudge. He couldn't imagine how regrettable it would be if he wasn't pregnant and didn't have the child Yan Yan.

Yan Qingchi thinks this is very good, a lover who understands him very well, two well-behaved and lovely sons, and a dog, his small family, this way, it is perfect.

He turned his head to look at Chess who was smiling at them, stretched out his arms and embraced Chess, and kissed him, My other little treasure.

Qiqi was very happy to be held by him, and wanted to kiss him, he turned over, knelt on the sofa, kissed Yan Qingchi, and said softly, Dad is a big baby.

Your eldest baby? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Qiqi nodded, Dad is the big baby, Yanyan is the little baby.

What about me? Jiang Mochen watched the three of them kiss each other and demanded to insert/insert his name.

Qiqi turned to look at him, and said in a light tone, Father is a big baby.

He has his own set of logic, Father is the big baby, dad is the big baby, I am the middle baby, and the younger brother is the little baby.

Yan Qingchi chuckled, You treat our family as Russian nesting dolls, sorted by size.

Qiqi tilted his head and smiled, then threw himself into his arms and hugged him.

Yan Qingchi touched his hair, very gentle.

Jiang Mochen looked at the three of them and felt quite warm. He was watching when he saw Yan Qingchi raised his head and looked at him. Seeing him sitting alone, Yan Qingchi was afraid that he would think the child was partial and unbalanced, so he laughed, Why are you still sitting there? Don't you know how the Russian nesting doll is set?

Jiang Mochen said deliberately, I'm not following Madam's teachings, and I don't dare to take a step beyond the pond.

Are you sure not to go? Yan Qingchi looked at him, If you don't go, I'll watch TV.

Jiang Mochen is very principled, Don't go beyond.

Yan Qingchi felt that he occasionally became arrogant and childish, and he was quite cute, so he handed him a ladder very thoughtfully, Come here first, I'll tell you something later.

What can't you say now? Jiang Mochen wondered.

You'll know in a moment.

Hearing this, Jiang Mochen completely forgot that he had just said loudly Don't go over, moved in the direction of Yan Qingchi, and hugged him and the two babies in his arms.

Yan Qingchi was very satisfied, Okay, now it really looks like a Russian nesting doll.

Chess laughed in his arms, and Yan Yan followed suit.

Yan Qingchi looked at the two of them and said warmly, You all kissed me just now, who should you kiss now?

Chess raised his hand and said, Father.

Then what should you do.

Qiqi raised his head, raised his face and kissed Jiang Mochen, Yan Yan also climbed onto his lap, hugged his head and kissed him Boom.

@Infinite good text, all in

Jiang Mochen looked at them both with a smile in his eyes. He has never been jealous or mindful because the two children prefer Yan Qingchi, because from the very beginning, he has played a more serious role than Yan Qingchi in the positioning of the family; Qing Chi is indeed more patient and more able to take care of the emotions of the two children. But the most important thing is because he likes Yan Qingchi. Because he likes it, he wants Yan Qingchi to get more, so he prefers that the children like Yan Qingchi rather than the children like him.

The family watched the variety show tiredly and crookedly. Yan Yan was very young, and he was already sleepy before 12 o'clock. He lay in Jiang Mochen's arms and fell asleep peacefully.

Qiqi was also a little sleepy. He struggled to finish watching the variety show, stood up with a yawn, and said that he was going to take a bath and sleep.

Yan Qingchi picked up the inkstone and inkstone from Jiang Mochen's arms, and took the chess and chess upstairs together, giving them a brief rinse. After the two children were settled, Yan Qingchi looked at the chess and chess who fell asleep on the bed, and said with emotion that it was fine.

Tomorrow is Saturday, so I don't have to go to school for chess or chess, otherwise I won't be able to get up again.

He went back to his room, picked up his mobile phone, and wanted to see the online reviews of this issue, but as soon as he opened the forum, he saw Jiang Mochen came out of the shower, Is the baby asleep?

Sleep, I can't open my eyes when Qiqi takes a bath. This time period is still a bit too late for children.

Jiang Mochen sat down beside him, If it doesn't work, let them watch it online in the future, and they don't have to stay up so late.


By the way, what did you want to say to me just now? Jiang Mochen asked.

Yan Qingchi smiled when he heard the words, Want to know?

Didn't you tell me in a while?

Then wait a little longer.

It's time for us to go to sleep.

Then we'll talk when we go to bed.

So mysterious.

Leave some hope for you.

Then I'm really looking forward to it.

Jiang Mochen said and took his mobile phone, Don't look at it, let's wash up, it's time for us to sleep.

I'm going to look at the reviews of the baby online.

Let's see tomorrow, it's almost 1 o'clock, it's time to go to bed.

Yan Qingchi originally wanted to argue a few words, but thought that Jiang Mochen had to go to the company tomorrow morning, and he couldn't sleep well if he didn't sleep, so he swallowed the words that were on his lips and said, Okay then.

He rushed over quickly, and when he came out, he saw Jiang Mochen leaning against the bedside playing with his mobile phone. Seeing him come out, Jiang Mochen returned the mobile phone to the main page, and put the lock screen on the bedside table.

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I read it for you. Basically, all of them are good reviews. They are all about the cuteness of chess, chess and inkstone. You can rest assured to sleep.

When Yan Qingchi heard what he said, he was relieved. He lay in the bed, and Jiang Mochen also lay in, turned off the light and hugged him.

You can tell me now, what you said to me before, what is it?

Then listen carefully. Yan Qingchi looked up at him.

In the dark night, although the two could not see each other's expressions clearly, they could see each other's silhouette. Jiang Mochen looked at him and heard Yan Qingchi say coquettishly, What I want to say is, Mochen, hug me. @Infinite 好文, all in

Jiang Mochen:  …

Jiang Mochen felt that this sentence was too lethal, and his heart was completely missed by him. He hugged Yan Qingchi, and his mind was full of the words he just said, Hug me? , with an alluring hook that made his heart beat faster.

He approached Yan Qingchi to kiss him, and then slowly kissed him until he reached his lips, Yan Qingchi chuckled lightly, and was about to tease him a word or two, but he felt something was wrong, You What's the matter with this engine!!! It's so late, you still want to start!

Jiang Mochen kissed his lips and replied, Who told you to tease me at night.

Is this considered flirting? Yan Qingchi pushed him, You are a pure-hearted elementary school student.

Jiang Mochen hugged him tightly and didn't let go, Why are you still pushing me? Didn't you ask me to hug you?

If I don't push you away, I'm afraid that the handle I'm holding will turn into a fire character.

Jiang Mochen smiled in a low voice, he kissed Yan Qingchi's side face, Really not?

You have to go to the company tomorrow.

It's Saturday, you can go later.

Yan Qingchi puchi laughed.

Jiang Mochen said softly, After all, I'm the boss.

Yan Qingchi looked up at him, the biggest problem was solved, then there was no need to worry so much, he approached Jiang Mochen, and when the two were about to meet, he said in an air voice, Jiang Mochen, hug me, hug me. hug me.

Jiang Mochen felt that the person in front of him was simply disgusting, and while he did not admit that he was teasing himself, he was trying to tease himself. He kissed it directly, pressed Yan Qingchi and started kissing constantly.

Yan Qingchi hugged him and smiled after he kissed, This is deliberately teasing you.

Don't you want to sleep tonight?

It's up to you, Yan Qingchi hooked his neck, After all, you are the boss.

Jiang Mochen smiled, lowered his head and bit his lip lightly, and said vaguely, You are my boss.

The next morning, Jiang Mochen really got up late. He woke up at half past ten. He looked at his watch in a daze, then got up to wash and went downstairs.

Yan Qingchi left him breakfast, and when he saw him getting up, he brought it to the dining table for him, and sat down himself, intending to eat something with him.

Jiang Mochen was always clingy when he woke up early, especially after his honeymoon with Yan Qingchi in the past two years, it became more obvious. He hugged Yan Qingchi for a while before he started to eat.

Yan Qingchi chatted with him while eating. He felt that Jiang Mochen was still a little miserable, I have to go to work on Saturday.

The staff can't go, I'll go.

That's even worse. Yan Qingchi said.

There's no way, Jiang Mochen sighed, I haven't been filming in the first half of the year, and construction will start in the second half of the year, so I won't have so much time to deal with the company's affairs in the future, so I have to deal with the things that need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Jiang Mochen looked at him, How about you? Is there a suitable script?

Still watching.

It's only August, don't worry, just watch it slowly. Waiting for Spring has received a good response now. If there is no accident, it will probably be shortlisted for several TV drama awards this year, but I don't know if I can win the award.

Let's wait until the finalists. It's too early to say that.

Yes, anyway, don't put pressure on yourself, follow your own ideas.

Okay. Yan Qingchi smiled.

After Jiang Mochen left to go to the company, Yan Qingchi finally reopened the forum and saw everyone's comments on the first issue of The Family yesterday. Of course, he mainly read the posts about their family.

As a popular parent-child variety show in China, the family caused a frenzy in the first episode of its broadcast. Yan Qingchi was shocked to see that the homepage was almost swiped by posts related to the family. Among the posts, their family has more posts than the others combined.

Ahhhh! ! ! So sweet! ! ! How can Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi be so sweet! 》

Jiang Mochen actually acts like a spoiled child? ? ? I've done this bowl of dog food, you can do whatever you want

If you want to steal a child, why is the chess, chess and inkstone so cute! ! ! 》

I'm spitting up, is there anyone who likes Jiang Mochen's inkstone as much as I do?

Brothers from other families, if only our brothers could be like chess and chess

I really like Jiang Mochen's Yan Qingchi family, it's so homey


Yan Qingchi looked at the posts one by one, selected the one with more replies, and clicked in.

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