Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance

Extra: Variety recording of a family of four (21)

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215 Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (21)

Extra: Variety recording of a family of four (21)

At the end of June, Yanqingchi and Jiang Mochen took chess and inkstone together for the second recording of the family. The newly joined family soon reached a deal with the other four, and the recording was considered very good. joy.

The child of this group is a girl named Zhang Muyang. She is six years old this year. Zhang Muyang has inherited her father's cheerful personality and takes good care of children younger than herself. She especially likes Lu Mianmian, and even wants a soft and waxy one like this. younger sister. Lu Mianmian also likes her very much. She likes all the older brothers and sisters who take good care of her, but her favorite is the inkstone that is younger than her. It was rare for her to meet a child younger than herself, so she always pretended to be a little adult in front of Yanyan, told him what was okay and what wasn't, and shared what she got to Yanyan.

Yanyan was about the same age as her, so he quickly got on well with her, so Lu Mianmian obtained the qualification to walk hand in hand with Yanyan earlier than Cao Honghui. Cao Honghui was very aggrieved. He was also very kind to this little brother, but the little brother still wouldn't let him touch him. Zhang Muyang looked at Cao Honghui's aggrieved expression and felt that the three of them were very cute. In order to comfort Cao Honghui who was aggrieved, she took Cao Honghui's hand and went on the task hand in hand with him.

Cao Honghui felt the care of his beautiful sister. After a few days, he changed his mind and changed his favorite child from Yan Yan to Zhang Muyang. It was not until the fourth recording later that Yan Yan was finally willing to let him lead him forward, and then he recalled his original intention again, and replaced his favorite child with Yan Yan.

But of course these inkstones don't know. He spends most of the time with chess and chess, and occasionally does tasks separately from chess and chess. Yan Yan is a child with a clear relationship between kinship and estrangement. Even if everyone is acquainted, he just plays with everyone hand in hand, and will not let other people hug or kiss him. Among so many children, only chess Qi can just kiss him, hug him and pinch him. Others, even Bo Yan who has grown up with him, can only hug him and hold hands with him. If you want to kiss him, you must ask him to nod or agree. Opening up will be allowed.

Compared with Yan Yan, chess and chess is much more easy-going. Except for Yan Yan's possessiveness, other children can't call him brother. In other respects, he is very good at talking. He and Boyan are the two eldest children here, and they will inevitably assume the responsibility of the team captain. Qiqi takes good care of these children younger than him, helps Lu Mianmian to wipe tears, and also tells stories to Cao Honghui.

Lu Mianmian and Cao Honghui liked him very much. They thought he was very gentle and caring for others. Sometimes they wanted to act like a spoiled brat to Qiqi and let Qiqi do something for them. Qiqi would agree most of the time. When they need to persevere and work hard, they will tell them to do their own things by themselves, and if they persist, they will succeed.

He was used to coaxing inkstones since he was a child, and he was very patient with these children younger than him. Lu Mianmian and Cao Honghui were coaxed by him, and they were willing to work together with him to accomplish those things that were not so easy for them. matter.

Compared with chess and chess, Boyan is not so gentle with other children. Although he is willing to take care of children younger than him, these children are not familiar with him, so he does not have much patience. Most of his patience and good temper were given to the chess and chess he grew up with, and the remaining part was given to the inkstone that he grew up with.

Zhang Muyang likes Bo Yan very much, thinks he is a bit cool, and wants to approach him, but Bo Yan only wants to play with chess and chess. When he is playing with chess and chess, he rarely notices other people, except Yan Yan Tail, Zhang Muyang tried to play with them a few times, and found that he would always fall down inadvertently, so he didn't get together anymore.

Although each child likes different people, it doesn't prevent everyone from getting along well, and for chess and inkstone, their favorite is always each other.

Bo Yan was a little jealous when he heard the host ask Qiqi which child he liked best, and Qiqi answered Yanyan without thinking. His favorite child is chess and chess, but his favorite child in chess and chess is not him, so when the host asked him who he liked the most, he answered in anger that it was Yan Yan.

Bo Feng looked at him talking about inkstone in a rage, and felt that his son was quite arrogant.

Lu Mianmian also voted for Yan Yan as his favorite child. The host asked him why, and Lu Mianmian replied in a milky voice that he was his younger brother.

Cao Honghui struggled between Yan Yan and Zhang Muyang for a long time, and finally voted for Chess. He was relieved and felt that the multiple-choice questions were very difficult.

Zhang Muyang voted for Boyan very honestly.

Finally, the host looked at the popularity king of this season, Which child does Yan Yan like the most?

Yan Yan shouted without hesitation, Brother.

Qiqi turned to look at him, smiled, and bowed his head to kiss him.

After he finished kissing, Yan Yan also kissed him sweetly.

Bo Yan looked at the two of them and felt that he was becoming more and more uncomfortable.

@Infinite good text, all in

After everyone disbanded, Bo Feng looked at Bo Yan, who had been sullen since the host asked questions, and thought it was a little funny. He touched Fu Minzhi and let her see Bo Yan's current state.

Of course, Fu Minzhi had noticed it long ago, and of course he knew where the crux of Bo Yan was.

, she asked Bo Yan, Is Yan Yan unhappy?

Boyan shook his head, No.

Bo Feng patted the back of his head, You pretend to be in front of your parents.

Boyan covered his head and looked up at him.

Bo Feng smiled and said, Why do you still eat Yan Yan's vinegar, they are brothers, they are together three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and you are not the child of your Uncle Jiang and Uncle Yan, Why do you want to make chess and chess go beyond ink and ink, I like you the most.

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But, I like chess and chess the most. Bo Yan was very dissatisfied.

You and Qiqi are friends, Yanyan and Qiqi are brothers and family. Fu Minzhi said to him, What is family? Just like Mom and Dad, do you like Mom and Dad the most or Chess? Fu Minzhi asked him.

Of course it's Mom and Dad. Boyan replied.

That's not it. For chess and chess, Yan Yan, like his parents, are relatives. In fact, the question the host asked just now was not very rigorous. Because Yan Yan is not a friend, he is different from you.

Yeah, Bo Feng replied, If you feel unhappy, you can ask Qiqi, among your friends, who do you like the most? Let's see if it's you.

Boyan thought about it, and felt that what his parents said was right, Yan Yan is the younger brother of Qiqi, and he is not the elder brother of Qiqi, so naturally they cannot be compared together.

He said to Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi, You guys go back first, I'll find Qiqi. Then he turned and ran towards the Qiqi player.

Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi looked at him and ran away as soon as they spoke, and couldn't help but glance at each other, Bo Feng sighed helplessly, Let's go, he's looking for chess and chess, and he won't be back for a while.

Fu Minzhi thought about what Boyan looked like just now, and smiled, Yanyan is so young, he's still jealous, he's still jealous of his younger brother.

How capable he is, Bo Feng said with emotion. He can even run away from home. What else can he not do? Even if he brings me back a little girl one day, I'm not surprised.

What nonsense are you talking about, how old is Yanyan, how can you bring back a little girl. Besides, he ran away from home, and he wasn't angry with you.

Bo Feng felt that Fu Minzhi had a doting attitude towards Bo Yan now. Even if Bo Yan said that she wanted stars in the sky, she would actually buy an asteroid and name it after Bo Yan. This kind of Fu Minzhi is very different from the Fu Minzhi who was just born when Bo Yan was first born. @Infinite good text, all in

He secretly glanced at Fu Minzhi, but was caught by Fu Minzhi. Fu Minzhi asked him, What do you think I do? Am I wrong?

No, Bo Feng smiled, you are very right.

Fu Minzhi was very satisfied and said to himself: This is not the same.

She asked Bo Feng what to eat when she went back home, and walked with Bo Feng towards the house where they lived. Halfway through, Fu Minzhi was surprised to find that she hadn't quarreled with Bo Feng for a long time. She carefully recalled their relationship during this period of time, and found that it seemed to be the case. Even in their daily interaction, the two of them plus Bo Yan seemed to be no different from other families. Bo Feng was more strict with Bo Yan. Some, she is more gentle to Bo Yan, and Bo Yan is very keen to stay with them both, play together or let them tell him stories together.

She was a little surprised, and walked forward quietly with her head lowered. As she was walking, she was suddenly pulled by Bo Feng. Fu Minzhi had something on her mind, but she didn't react for a while, and stumbled a bit. Fortunately, Bo Feng supported her.

Look at the road. Bo Feng reminded her, and asked curiously, What are you thinking? So focused.

Fu Minzhi didn't speak, and looked at the road in front of her, only to realize that there was a lump of cow dung in front of where she had just walked, and she secretly said something dangerous.

Bo Feng looked at the disgust at the cow dung on her face and smiled, If I hadn't pulled you, you should have stepped on it.

Fu Minzhi has some cleanliness addictions, not serious, but still there, so she looked at Bo Feng depressedly, Do you have to tell me that to remind me of that scene?

Of course not, I'm taking credit.

Fu Minzhi: ...she can't answer this.

I've helped you, how should you thank me? Bo Feng asked.

Thank you. Fu Minzhi said.

Just say thank you?

if not?

Bo Feng said in preparation, My birthday is coming soon, and Yanyan wants the three of us to celebrate our birthday together. I think it's ok, what do you think?

Fu Minzhi was a little surprised. She hadn't celebrated his birthday with Bo Feng for many years, but he didn't expect Bo Feng to make such a request.

Seeing that she didn't directly refuse, Bo Feng thought it was funny, Don't you want to thank me, what about your sincerity?

I see. Fu Minzhi lowered his head and said, I will let the sky out.

Bo Feng smiled, Do you still remember my birthday? @Infinite 好文, all in

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