Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance

Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (12)

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206 Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (12)

Extra: Variety Recording of a Family of Four (12)

The potato that had successfully escaped from the prison was lying at the foot of the slope at this time. Qiqi led Yanyan down the slope, bent over to pick it up, and put it into the frame, Okay.

Okay. Yan Yan said happily when he saw the potatoes being picked up.

Qiqi looked at him, then looked at the wide road in front of him, and said to him, Yanyan, let's run a race, my brother runs first, and you chase after my brother, okay?

Yan Yan nodded.

Qiqi said that he was going to start, so he ran forward, Yan Yan chased him with his short legs, Qiqi was afraid that he would fall, so he did not run very slowly, and looked back at him as he ran.

Yan Yan chased after him, shouting while chasing, Brother, slow down, wait for me.

I'm already very slow, hurry up. Qiqi beckoned to him.

Yan Yan accelerated and ran towards him, he ran a little faster, and when he got to Chess, his speed didn't stop and he couldn't stop in time, he crashed directly into Chess' arms, Yanyan hugged him and said happily: Catch up, catch up.

Qiqi hugged him and praised him, Yanyan is really amazing.

Yan Yan was tired from running, grabbed his clothes, and acted coquettishly for him in his arms, Brother, hug, hug.

Chess raised his hand and let him look at the basket in his hand, Brother wants to carry the basket, but I can't hold you. Will I hold you when I go back?

Yan Yan is very good at talking, Then go back and hug.

Well, go back and hug. Qiqi responded and stroked Yanyan's hair, Are you tired, brother?

Yan Yan nodded.

Chess looked around, and pulled him to a stone, Then let's sit here and rest for a while, and then go later.

Okay. Yan Yan sat down.

Qiqi asked him, Are you hungry?

Is brother hungry?

Qiqi was really hungry. He looked at the basket, took out the cakes given by the old man, handed one to Yanyan, and took one for himself, Let's eat something first, then go back to eat. He said After I finished, I looked at the remaining pastries, and there were two more, just so I could give one to my father and father.

After taking a few bites, Yan Yan felt full, stretched out his hand and handed out the cake again, I'm full, brother, eat it.

Taking the chess and chess, Yan Yan stood up and jumped on the spot, the chess and chess teased him, Aren't you tired now, are you in good spirits?

Yan Yan smiled hehe, suddenly his eyes turned to one side, pointing not far away and said, Tutu.

Qiqi was a little surprised. Looking in the direction he pointed, he saw a rabbit lying quietly on the ground not far away. The rabbit was very small, shrunk into a ball, and it was fluffy and cute.

Qiqi made a shh at Yan Yan, and Yan Yan immediately covered his mouth. Qiqi walked over, Yan Yan carefully followed behind him, he crouched down and picked up the rabbit, Yan Yan looked at it in surprise, Qiqi smiled, Now you can talk.

Yan Yan immediately put his hand down, and while shouting I want to touch, I want to touch, he reached out to touch the rabbit.

The little rabbit is very well-behaved and has soft fur. Yan Yan touched it and said happily, Brother, let's take it back.

After looking around, he didn't see anyone else. He looked at the rabbit in his hand, Did someone accidentally lose this rabbit? What shall we do when we arrive?

Yan Yan did not understand very well.

Qiqi thought for a while, Let's wait here and see if anyone comes back to find the rabbit. If there is, return it to him. If not, we will take it back.

Yan Yan nodded, stretched out his hand and tugged at the little rabbit's ear, His ears are so long.

Chess teased him, Would you like to have such long ears?

Yan Yan covered his ears and shook his head, No, no, Yan Yan, don't have long ears.

Chess looked at him with a smile, Just kidding, Yan Yan doesn't have long ears, Yan Yan is so cute.

Yan Yan snorted and said dissatisfiedly, You're teasing me again.

Qiqi bent down and touched his forehead, Because you are cute. @Infinite 好文, all in

Yan Yan stretched out his arms and hugged his neck, played a game of rubbing with him, kissed chess and chess, and then went to touch the little rabbit again, The little rabbit is so cute, it's soft.

How could Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen know that while they missed a hare, Qiqi and Yanyan picked up a little rabbit, but this little rabbit obviously couldn't be used to add meals to the family. of. The two of them followed the villagers all the way forward, picking wild fruits and vegetables from time to time. Yan Qingchi felt that there were quite a few wild fruits in this mountain, and he and Jiang Mochen had already picked several kinds. There are also many wild vegetables, cold, soup, fried, everything.

Yan Qingchi looked at his small backpack and felt that it was almost the same. He was afraid that Qiqi and Yanyan would come back early and wait for them at home. So he said to the fellow, Let's go back.

A few people went back the same way. When they approached the foot of the mountain, they met Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi. Yan Qingchi saw that Bo Feng was holding Fu Minzhi half-supporting, and asked him, What's wrong with Director Fu?

My feet are sprained. Bo Feng said.

is it serious?

It's not serious, Fu Minzhi replied, he's just making a fuss.

Yan Qingchi gave a meaningful Oh, and Fu Minzhi, who was straight Oh, tweeted

Feng wanted to walk independently, but Bo Feng was very strong, How dare you act like this, and I'll hug you if you mess around.

Seeing this, Yan Qingchi quickly closed his voice and said with a wink, Then you all go slowly, Jiang Mochen and I will go first.

After he finished speaking, he dragged Jiang Mochen forward at a fast pace. Fu Minzhi looked helpless, and Bo Feng was very satisfied, and continued to support her slowly down the mountain.

Yan Qingchi dragged Jiang Mochen and walked very fast. When he encountered a downhill, he simply dragged Jiang Mochen and ran down. Jiang Mochen laughed, What about you? That speed can't catch up with us.

Am I trying to prevent them from catching up? I just want to play by myself. Yan Qingchi looked at him, Why don't you have any childlike innocence.

It's all you have. There are already two babies in the family, plus you, a big baby with a childlike heart, three babies, that's enough.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, That's really hard work for Dad Jiang to take care of us.

You're welcome, Dad's honor. Jiang Mochen smiled.

Yan Qingchi reached out and hit him, Take advantage of me.

Jiang Mochen grabbed his hand, bowed his head and kissed him, That's what takes advantage of you.

Yan Qingchi was stunned for a moment by his cowardice, and then he laughed, helplessly saying, In broad daylight, you are still acting like a hooligan.

Legal husband and wife, legal rights. Jiang Mochen took his hand, Let's go, go home.

Yan Qingchi looked at him and smiled slightly.

The fellow behind him looked up at the mountain not far away, pretending that he didn't see anything.

The two went home together. Seeing that the baby hadn't come back, he washed the wild vegetables and wild fruits in his hands first. Jiang Mochen saw that Yan Qingchi liked to eat the wild fruits here, and he fed him while washing them. Qing Chi was surprised to find, Wait, is this fruit in your hand almost eaten by me?

@Infinite good text, all in

Jiang Mochen looked down at the stainless steel basin with wild fruits, There are two more.

Yan Qingchi looked at the two conspicuous red fruits in the pot, and it turned out that there were really only two, not two of them, but two of them. What do we do now?

What else can I do. Jiang Mochen put the fruit in his hand into his mouth, If you don't do it, you can eat it all.

Don't you leave it for Qiqi and Yanyan?

Isn't there other wild fruits? Let them eat others. There are only two left, and they are not enough to eat, so they can have a taste.

You can taste it, but let's save some for the children. They haven't eaten it yet. Yan Qingchi carefully placed the two red fruits together, You, don't touch them again.

Okay. Jiang Mochen put down the basin, Then shall we prepare the cold dishes now or wait until the baby comes back?

Wait for the baby to come back. Yan Qingchi said, he was a little puzzled, Why haven't you come back?

Chess and Inkstone are still waiting for the owner of the little rabbit to come to find it, but seeing that the waiting time is getting longer and longer, the owner of the little rabbit still hasn't come. Yan Yan shook his arm and said to him, Brother, I want to go home.

Qiqi also wanted to go home. He looked down at the little rabbit in his arms, and thought that after waiting for so long, no one would come. He felt that if he waited, no one might come. He stood up, handed the rabbit to Yan Yan to hold, and picked up the basket himself, Let's go, let's go home.

While Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen were waiting for their children, they were so bored that they started hopscotch. Yan Qingchi drew the house on the ground, demonstrated it to Jiang Mochen, and asked him, Have you seen it?

I've seen it, but Mr. Yan, you are really childish. This game is played by children. Jiang Mochen looked at the house on the ground and felt that this game was not played at their age.

Yeah, you've learned it now. Wait a while for Chess and Inkstone to come back. The four of us just happened to be playing together.

Then the two of them should really enjoy playing this.

Xi... Yan Qingchi was about to say hope when he heard Yan Yan's lively voice, Dad, Daddy, we picked up a little rabbit.

When Yan Qingchi turned back, he saw Yan Yan running towards him, with chess and chess following behind him.

Yan Yan quickly ran to Yan Qingchi and showed him his little rabbit, Dad, look, the little rabbit my brother and I picked up.

Qiqi nodded and added for Yanyan: Yanyan and I picked it up when we came back from the vegetables. We waited for a long time and wanted to wait for its owner to come to find it, but its owner never came, so we put it away. brought it back.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that they would be able to pick up a rabbit when they went out, and thought about the hare that ran away on the mountain, and felt that it was fortunate that they didn't catch it, otherwise Chess and Inkstone would have been reluctant to eat it.

Then you should keep it first, Yan Qingchi touched Qiqi's face, The little rabbit has feet and can run. The place where you picked it up may not be the place where it was first dropped, so You can't wait for anyone.

Then how can we find his master? Qiqi asked him, Is he in a hurry when the little rabbit is lost?

Dad help you to ask other people and help you find his master, okay?

Chess made a sound of um and touched the little rabbit in Yanyan's hand, If no one keeps it, then Yanyan and I will keep it.

it is good.

Look, Dad, Qiqi raised his basket, we asked for a lot of vegetables, all of which are ready. A grandfather also gave me and my brother a few cakes, and my brother and I ate it alone.

I bought a piece, and left a piece for you and your father. @Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi felt a little ashamed when he thought of the wild fruits that he had eaten. He glanced at Jiang Mochen secretly, and saw Jiang Mochen's face was open, as if the person who just said do not do it again and again is not him at all.

Just in time, your father and I also picked some wild fruits for you, so you can eat some.

Qiqi and Yanyan were very curious when they heard that there were wild fruits, so they ran into the house and looked at the fruits in the basin on the table.

Yan Qingchi reminded them, What should I do before eating?

Wash your hands. The two babies said in unison.

Yan Yan ran in front of him and handed the little rabbit to him, Dad, hold it, Yan Yan washes his hands.

Yan Qingchi took it and looked at the small hairball in his hand. He teased the rabbit, and the rabbit's ears twitched. Yan Qingchi asked Jiang Mochen to see, Is it a little cute?

Not as cute as you. Jiang Mochen said.

Am I a rabbit?

I'm not a cat, don't you make me a cat too?

Yan Qingchi smiled and said, Then let me hear you meow.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, lowered his head and approached his ear, Meow~

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that he would actually give him a meow, but his ears were a little hot, so he glanced at him with a smile.

Jiang Mochen asked him, Does my meow sound good?

I didn't catch it, you meow again.

Jiang Mochen raised his eyebrows to look at him, Yan Qingchi smiled, Really, I promise to listen well this time.

Jiang Mochen felt that these words had no credibility at all, but he didn't pierce it, and he cooperated with meow in his ear.

Yan Qingchi felt that Jiang Mochen's voice was really nice, especially when he lowered his voice in his ear and uttered the word meow~, his voice was like a small hook, and the person hooked wanted to get close to him.

Jiang Mochen asked him, Have you heard this time?

Yan Qingchi smiled and did not speak.

Does it sound good? Jiang Mochen kissed his ear.

Yan Qingchi looked back at him, Jiang Mochen smiled and said, Is it bad?

It sounds good. Yan Qingchi was very honest.

Jiang Mochen chuckled, It's almost the same, okay, I'm done with meowing, it's time for you to learn how to bark.

Yan Qingchi raised the rabbit in his hand and asked him, What's the name of the rabbit?

Jiang Mochen was stunned for a moment, but this really stopped him, Can rabbits bark?

Isn't it? Yan Qingchi asked rhetorically.

Jiang Mochen was helpless, Whether it will or not, we both don't know what it's called anyway.

So I don't have to learn. Yan Qingchi replied quickly.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, If you want to be beautiful, I'll listen to you with a meow.

Wait for next time. Yan Qingchi said.

Why wait for next time?

Yan Qingchi looked at Jiang Mochen, pointed his finger to the front of him, Jiang Mochen turned back, and was instantly startled, and saw Qiqi and Yanyan sitting on the chairs, holding their faces in both hands and looking at them intently.

He looked at Yan Qingchi, who shrugged.

Yan Yan asked them innocently, Dad, don't you eat Guoguo?

Jiang Mochen:  …

Yan Qingchi looked at him, Let's go, Mr. Jiang, eat fruit with your son.

Jiang Mochen: ...I don't really want to eat it! I don't want to eat at all! Thanks!

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