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187 one eighty seven

Chapter 187:

@Infinite good text, all in

Yes, Jiajia immediately added, Although the reality show doesn't represent the person's true character, it can still be seen. Yan Qingchi is indeed a lot in many places, and he is very powerful, and he is with his brother. When they are together, they are very harmonious, and they will not consciously accommodate him. With my brother's background, no one has seen him before, and he can choose Yan Qingchi because Yan Qingchi has his special qualities.

However, Yan Qingchi is a man. Someone whispered.

So what? Yiren asked her, It's 201x, and same-sex marriage is legal. You still discriminate against homosexuals.

That was not what I meant……

Brother is responsible for doing this, Jiajia interjected in a timely manner, he likes boys, so he publicly announced it, admitting his sexual orientation, and not deceiving girls. I hate that kind of obvious I like boys, but I still want to find a girl who cheats on the marriage!

Yes. The other girls in the group echoed.

In this way, under the group management led by Yihe Jiajia, most of the fans in the group were reluctant to accept after listening, but because of the foreshadowing of Best Partner and Yan Qingchi just won the award , so reluctantly accepted.

There are also pure fans like Mulin Sensensen who still refuse to accept it, but she said a few words, and after being suppressed by Yiren, she found that the situation had been controlled by Yiren and the others, so even though she felt unwilling, but because she was unwilling to get rid of her fans, she had no choice but to Be patient for now and wait until later.

Of course, there are also some young fans who are crying and grabbing the ground, unacceptable, and even lose their fans, but because Jiang Mochen is an actor, most of them like him either for his works or for his face, and his resources It does not depend on fans and popularity, so there are fans who have lost fans, but the number is not large. Compared with the huge total number of fans, and the passers-by who turned fans because of his frank announcement of his sexuality and relationship, it can only be said to be insignificant.

Xiao Liu quickly learned about the situation through professional fans or old fans who had contact with him, and secretly said that it was okay.

Just like Jiang Mochen's side, although some of Yan Qingchi's fans can't accept it, they don't understand why he is with Jiang Mochen. He feels that he knows that Jiang Mochen's fans have always looked down on him, and he wants to be with Jiang Mochen. It was because he was in a hurry to find himself unhappy, so he lost his fans in anger. But most of his fans still accepted this situation.

Coffee and milk tea without sugar, How can I say, although this incident is rather sudden, but my brother has always had a good relationship with President Jiang. Everyone knows that, and President Jiang also takes good care of his brother both in and out of the movie, and I know that everyone doesn't like it. Fans of President Jiang think that they are too powerful and will trouble his brother in the future, but because of this, we have to support him even more. In fact, think about it carefully, since his debut until now, his resources have been taken by himself. Yes, I have never relied on us, so my brother is already very good, and we should be a little bit more powerful, at least like the sister Galaxy next door, able to fight against a small house, so that we can be worthy of my brother who has always worked hard. Anyway, I won't lose my fans. Jiang is always Nancheng's first brother. If something goes wrong with their relationship, Nancheng will definitely turn to President Jiang. There will be no fans' support at that time. Isn't my brother too pitiful.

In the autistic fandom: That's also his own choice. He chooses and undertakes it himself. Even if he is with Wei Lan, it is better than being with President Jiang.

Don't get up early in the winter: Damn, who are you? The name was changed too fast! Come on, President Jiang and Wei Lan are still President Jiang, do you really think that Sister Galaxy is more gentle and virtuous than Little House? That? It's because we have no conflict with Wei Lan, and Wei Lan is willing to help Qingchi, so Sister Yinhe is kind to us. Look at those fans who have been torn apart by Sister Yinhe, who doesn't cry bitterly, feel frightened, gnashing teeth and wanting to eat Its flesh and its bones. Besides, President Jiang is a gentle and reasonable person. In the future, if he really breaks up with Qingchi, it will just be a tear between our fans. Wei Lan, the little overlord, will end by himself. He wants to Tear it up, that's terrifying, what power is behind Wei Lan, how can Qingchi be able to provoke it.

Coffee and milk tea without sugar, Send away brother Wei Lan, he has been very good to our brother, don't bring him on stage.

Don't get up early in the winter: I didn't say that Wei Lan's younger brother is not good. The relationship between the younger brother and Qingchi is very good now, and there is no need for any other relationship.

In the autistic fandom: I'll just mention Wei Lan casually, you don't have to take it seriously.

Liu Xu Feiwu: So who are you? When did my group have such an id? Did the girl speak before?

Violet: It's me, I'm just a little disappointed, so I want to get rid of fans, so I changed my name. To be honest, I can accept him and anyone, even if it's an 18th-tier actress, I don't want to be President Jiang.

The smoothie is delicious: Come on, 18th-tier actress, you should really quit the group and change your name here? President Jiang and 18th-tier actress, I'd better choose President Jiang, Mr. Jiang is serious anyway. Gao, rich and handsome, with a good personality, Yu Xiaoyu meets your requirements, even more than 18th line, Best Partner is also 8th line after Best Partner, it's still an actress, give it to you, don't harm my brother Qingchi.

Don't get up early in winter: Hahahaha, Viola, do you want Yu Xiaoyu?

Violet: ...why be so cruel.

Silently eating melon: Is this comparison better than President Jiang, that is, the fans are cruel, but President Jiang himself

I have nothing to be picky about.

Coffee and milk without sugar: Anyway, it's a done deal, so let's not embarrass ourselves. If we can accept it, we will continue to stay in this group and support my brother. If we can't accept it, it's fine to remove the powder or withdraw from the group, as long as we don't turn black and step back , everyone should meet by fate, if someone does something wrong to my brother, and we meet again in the future, don't blame everyone for being unsympathetic.

Violet color: I thought about it, I'd better not take off the fans first, I'll be angry, but our fans are less than the small house, and the tearing is not as strong as them. If you take off the fans again, then Qingchi will not let them. Slaughtered, at that time, I guess I will be abused again, so I might as well stay and watch out for them at all times.

I don't understand philosophy: Hahahaha, Violet, you've changed your mind too quickly, you should think so, we heard this news and some people were unhappy, isn't the little house sister even more unhappy, they are unhappy, we Shouldn't you be happy?

Difficulty walking: Hahahaha, Sister Philosophy is right, Sister Philosophy, you clearly understand.

Coffee and milk without sugar, as the group owner, saw that the girls in the group gradually accepted this fact, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, secretly blessing Yan Qingchi in his heart, no matter what, he must be happy.

Yan Qingchi's flight back home was scheduled for the third day-because he was invited to shoot a group of magazines on the second day, and when he got off the plane on the third day, Guan Mei took the initiative to let Yan Qingchi go through the VIP channel. She almost didn't need to think about the situation at the airport. She took the prize and made Jiang Mochen's relationship public. At this time, let Yan Qingchi take the ordinary passage. Unless he really turns into a swallow, even if he is good at it, he will not be able to get out of the fans and friends. surrounded by reporters.

After exiting the VIP channel, the two were about to get into the nanny car. However, as soon as the door was opened, Yan Qingchi heard a car ringing behind him twice. He turned around on a conditioned reflex and saw that the car was somewhat familiar. Yan Qingchi thought for a while, and then he remembered that this wasn't a car that Jiang Mochen kept in the garage.

He walked towards the car, and saw that the co-pilot's door had indeed been opened, Yan Qingchi opened it and looked in, Jiang Mochen smiled at him, Get in the car.

So Yan Qingchi stood up and gave Guan Mei a gesture, got on the co-pilot, and closed the door.

Why are you here? Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, Don't tell me in advance.

I want to surprise you.

That's really a little bit. Yan Qingchi said.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Jiang Mochen's hand was wearing the one of the pair of rings he had when he proposed to him. Yan Qingchi was about to speak, but Jiang Mochen had noticed his gaze, raised his hand and waved at him, and asked, Can I wear it now?

Yan Qingchi smiled involuntarily, inexplicably felt that what he said was a little aggrieved, but somehow also a little proud, Wear it, wear it, it's public anyway.

Jiang Mochen reached out to hold his hand and kissed his ring, Congratulations on winning the award, your future will be bright.

Yan Qingchi smiled slightly, Then it's your blessing, Mr. Jiang.

Come on, let's go home.

Yan Qingchi won the award, and the two of them inevitably celebrated again. Jiang Mochen set up a western restaurant. The two of them enjoyed a candlelit dinner while watching the night scene and listening to the sound of the violin.

After returning home, Yan Qingchi opened the door and found that the two babies had been coaxed to sleep by Aunt Zhang. Jiang Mochen understood that he had been on the plane for a day and asked him, Are you tired?

Yan Qingchi shook his head, To be honest, I'm still in good spirits.

Then we can do some night sports.

Before that, I have to do one thing.

After Yan Qingchi finished speaking, he carried his suitcase up the stairs, Jiang Mochen followed, and saw that he put his suitcase away, unloaded his backpack, and then took out the carefully packed trophy from the bag.

He glanced at Jiang Mochen, took the trophy into the study, opened the glass case where the trophy was displayed, and carefully placed his trophy next to Jiang Mochen's first Golden Gui Award trophy for the best male lead, his eyebrows curved. : This makes a pair.

Jiang Mochen looked at the trophy in the cabinet and hugged him, Actually, in terms of status, it is more suitable for your trophy to be placed next to the Golden Deer Award. @Infinite 好文, all in

No, Yan Qingchi was very persistent, he looked at Jiang Mochen, I don't want to place it by position. This is my first best male lead trophy, so it matches your first best The male lead trophy, in the future, I got the second one, the third one, and I am making up for your other trophies.

Okay, do what you want. Jiang Mochen said warmly.

Yan Qingchi took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the two trophies, and then posted it on Weibo: add a group photo.

The accompanying picture is the two trophies just taken.

After taking the photo, he was in a good mood, Let's go, let's go take a shower.


Yan Qingchi looked at him, Aren't you going to do night sports?

Forget it, you've been tired all day, and I don't want to toss you in the bathroom.

Yan Qingchi stopped, put his hands on his shoulders, approached him and said, But, what if I want to toss you.

Jiang Mochen looked at him with some helpless connivance, You really... He looked at Yan Qingchi, who had a confident face in front of him, and suddenly picked him up.

Yan Qingchi was startled and laughed in the next second, You don't think I'm heavy.

I still have the strength to hold you, don't you want to toss me, let's go.

Although Yan Qingchi was hugged by him once or twice,

It was usually just picked up and put on the bed without walking a few steps. This was the first time that he was carried and walked a relatively long distance. It's so strange. He looked at Jiang Mochen, You don't. Do you find it strange?

do not think so.

Yan Qingchi put his arms on his shoulders, So that's what it feels like for a girl to be hugged by a princess.

How do you feel?

It's a bit easy, but it's also a bit strange, probably because few girls are as tall as me.

Don't you feel comfortable and sweet? Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yan Qingchi turned to look at him, I'm more worried, will you suddenly lose your energy and throw me down.

I said I still have the strength to hold you.

Yan Qingchi was relieved, Then hold it tightly and let me feel it again.

Jiang Mochen looked at him and smiled unconsciously.

Yan Qingchi was held by him, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with this posture. He had always had a good mentality and never looked down on himself. Therefore, he would never pretend to misunderstand Jiang Mochen's love for him. , but take full charge. Therefore, whether it was dancing in front of the lighthouse, Jiang Mochen asked himself if he would dance the women's step, or whether Jiang Mochen hugged him like this now, for him, it was just a way for Jiang Mochen to get close to himself. It doesn't think much, doesn't refuse, and even finds it funny.

He was held by Jiang Mochen, looked at Jiang Mochen, and felt that he had been in a very happy state since he won the Golden Yan Award. Jiang Mochen looked down at him, What's wrong?

Nothing, just happy.

Because I finally won the award?

Not only, but also because we finally made it public, because I came back, because I saw you. Yan Qingchi said, and suddenly straightened his waist, a little upward, so scared that Jiang Mochen hurriedly hugged him, Be careful. .

You hold tight.

Don't bother, I'll hold you tight.

You have to hold me tight when I'm tossing me. It's not what you said. I still have the strength to hold me.

I... Jiang Mochen was about to refute him, but he was suddenly hooked by Yan Qingchi's neck. Before he could react, Yan Qingchi kissed him.

Jiang Mochen hugged him even tighter almost instantly, for fear that if he didn't hold him firmly, Yan Qingchi would fall down.

Yan Qingchi kissed him tenderly for a while, then left him a little, looking at him with a smile.

Jiang Mochen had no choice but to say a few words to him, but his eyes were full of smiles. Yan Qingchi leaned over and kissed him for a while. @Infinite good text, all in

Jiang Mochen simply hugged him and sat down on the bed, hugging him and kissing him.

You look really happy tonight. He went to visit Yanqingchi after the last Mo Jianying incident, and found that Yanqingchi also has a very clingy side, but there are not many times like this, only in the He appears in a happy situation, sweet, but rare.

Yan Qingchi nodded, I am very happy, always happy.

I see.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, When will we announce our marriage?

Jiang Mochen was a little surprised, Have you already started thinking about this day?

Don't you want to? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Of course I think, I've dreamed of it. After posting the marriage certificate, we can have the wedding, we can officially get married, and then go on our honeymoon.

So when are we going to announce it?

When do you want? Jiang Mochen asked him.

It's April, June is too early, but I want to have a wedding on September 30.

Why do you want to have a wedding on September 30? Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yan Qingchi looked at him and was stopped by him for a while, why? Because September 30 is his real birthday, he is afraid that he will not arrange a commemoration for this day. After living in this world for a long time, he will forget that he was not from this world, and he will also forget that he is another Yan. Qingchi, forgot his parents and younger brother, and also forgot that his birthday was September 30th.

However, how should I tell Jiang Mochen this? Do you want to say it now? Should I say it?

What's wrong? Jiang Mochen saw that he seemed to have calmed down in an instant, and even seemed to be thinking about something, and asked him softly, What are you thinking about? Can't you tell me?

Yan Qingchi looked up at him, Jiang Mochen's eyes were beautiful, dark and deep, like the quiet night sky, it seemed to be able to accommodate everything. Yan Qingchi knew that he was a very receptive person, and also knew that he should be able to accept that he was not from this world. It's just that this is his last secret. Once he says it out, he really doesn't have any secrets anymore.

It's okay. Jiang Mochen has always been patient and tolerant towards him.

When he first met, when he had no feelings for him, he could sit in a high position calmly, relying on his own information to analyze him indifferently, and say the most sensible words to him; but as the two got along, he After falling in love with Yan Qingchi, he can put his own rationality aside first, relying only on his liking and trust in him, tolerant of his unreasonableness and doubts, waiting patiently and year after year for Yan Qingchi. When Qingchi wanted to, he took the initiative to tell himself.

Here in Yan Qingchi, he has been a good partner and a very tolerant lover since he fell in love with him, even before they got the certificate.

If you like September 30, then we will hold the wedding on September 30. If you feel that the time between the marriage certificate and the current time is too short, we can wait until the wedding is approaching, and the same is true.

You don't want to know

Why do I want to get married on September 30? Yan Qingchi lowered his head and held his right hand.

I don't need to know that much, I just need to know that you want to hold the wedding on this day. Jiang Mochen said gently.

Yan Qingchi inserted his left hand into the crevice of his right fingers and clasped his fingers together. He looked at the ring on his finger and held Jiang Mochen's hand, Jiang Mochen clasped him naturally.

Yan Qingchi raised her head and smiled, Say you like me.

I like you. Jiang Mochen said softly.

He kissed Yan Qingchi's forehead and whispered, I love you.

Yan Qingchi smiled slightly, The sentence just now is only the first half of the sentence. The complete sentence is 'Say you like me, and I will tell you my secret'.

He looked at Jiang Mochen and said seriously: Jiang Mochen, this is my only and my last secret. I tell you, you may be a little surprised, but what I said is true.

Okay. Jiang Mochen used his left hand slightly, hugged him tightly, and pressed him into his arms, Tell me, I listen, no matter what you say, I believe it.

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