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181 one eighty one

Chapter 181:

In the special forces unit, everyone is excellent and everyone works hard. Yan Ling feels a sense of urgency here. He has always been accustomed to putting himself at the top, so he started training more diligently, but this time, he was not able to distance himself from everyone. He is still the best, but he may be surpassed at any time.

Yan Ling began to perform tasks with other teammates. Although he was arrogant and vicious, he was the person who gave everyone the most sense of security besides the captain. So everyone tolerated his imperfections, respected his character, and even laughed and beat him. Yan Ling felt comfortable in this place for a long time, so he did not mention the matter of leaving, but he was gradually forgetting his doubts, whether he should join the army or not.

When the weather turned cold, Yan Ling received a mission. This time, the mission was different from the previous petty troubles. This time, there were arms dealers smuggling across the border. In this team, Yan Ling almost witnessed the death of his teammates. He rescued his teammates and killed the arms dealer. In a panic, he returned to his other teammates.

He slept for a day and thought for another day. He reviewed his journey and finally saw the wind and rain clearly.

Before he entered the army, although he also felt that everyone was accustomed to many things about him, and felt that he was out of tune with others, but because he was in an open external environment, he did not need attention and approval from others, because He will always have the care and recognition of his parents and the affirmation and praise of his teachers. Therefore, his living self is peaceful.

However, in the relatively closed environment of the army, when he sealed himself here, he would have a psychological gap. After comparing Ma Jun, he felt out of balance. @Infinite good text, all in

Later, he entered the special forces unit. Because everyone has a similar level, they don't take special care of someone. Therefore, they receive equal treatment and there is no gap. His mentality is unbalanced and he slowly adjusts.

At this time, Yanling realized how difficult it is to hope that people who are weaker than you will understand that you care about you and even affirm you. Because they may not understand at all, how can you still need their affirmation when you are already so powerful? But people are social animals, and living in groups requires the attention and affirmation of others. Therefore, only people with the same strength as you will understand you, affirm you, and strive towards new goals with you.

He was finally relieved at this moment, let go of the care he had for Ma Jun and the squad leader at the time, and turned the tone that had been stagnant in his heart into a sigh.

It was also at this moment that Yan Ling finally found the meaning of her coming here, and decided that she would continue to stay here in the future. He thought that compared to the step-by-step work outside, he still liked the competition of force and the excitement of performing tasks. He enjoyed every victory and was happy for the success of every task. He has been in the army for such a long time, feeling the difficulty of these soldiers, and also knows that there are always some things that need someone to go, and some capable people are needed to do it.

He has never been a light-hearted person, he is used to being at the top, and he is used to accepting the envious eyes of others, so what he wants is never ordinary. Yan Ling felt that, if possible, at least after his death, someone could remember his name; if not, at least his death would be meaningful. Life is easy for him, so he wants something more valuable. He wants to make a qualitative change to some people while he is alive, even if these people don't know, but as long as he knows Will suffice.

The last scene of this play was fixed when Yan Ling opened the curtains of the dormitory, a piece of sunlight shone on his face, and he finally smiled happily. And downstairs, his teammates called him, Yan Ling, wake up, wake up, your flowers are blooming.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen had inexplicable emotions in their hearts after reading the script.

Probably because of the same surname as Yan Ling, Yan Qingchi looked at him and could even put himself into him, experience his mood changes under different circumstances, and lament his loneliness and confusion.

Jiang Mochen was a little surprised, It's not that military films don't have such films with the strong as the protagonist, but more focus on the plot and conflicts, and these strong people will not have this kind of psychological change of Yan Ling. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a protagonist. In general, ordinary people are more likely to be confused, and everyone is an ordinary person, so it will be easier to understand, but I forget that the strong also have their own pain, It's just that if he doesn't say it, no one will find out.

I think this may be the screenwriter's intention. Yan Qingchi looked at him, The audience for this play is ordinary audiences, but Yan Ling's identity is not an ordinary person, he is a near-genius. It will make people feel a sense of distance. That's why the screenwriter added a series of changes in his heart, don't you think, the problems he faces are actually the problems that modern young people are most likely to encounter. @Infinite好文,all in

Yan Ling entered the army because of her father, just like current students who applied for their majors because of their parents' preferences, but they themselves don't know if they are really suitable for this major? Yan Ling's thinking in the army, I don't know. It is right or wrong to enter the army by yourself. For example, today's young people can't find the meaning of their life and work, and constantly ask themselves, should I really do this? Why should I choose this career? Jun's gap is also a frequent occurrence in our lives. Until the end, Yan Ling found her own way

The meaning of joining the army, he decided to stay in the army forever, he finally showed a sincere smile, this is the best ending, yes to Yanling, yes to everyone.

So are you going to pick it up? Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yan Qingchi smiled, I haven't played such a role yet, to be honest, if I could, I would also like to be a genius, but I don't want him to have so many changes in his mentality, I still keep my character, make yourself happy.

Jiang Mochen smiled, Although you are not a genius, you are already very good, okay?

Well, people always hope that they can be more powerful, just like who would think they have too much money.

Jiang Mochen chuckled, Yes, anyway, the whole world shares your surname.

Yan Qingchi felt that he hadn't heard this sentence for a long time, and he still missed it a little.

The two quickly settled down and decided to take the script. Yan Qingchi called Li Bozhong, and Li Bozhong said embarrassedly on the other end of the phone, It's just that the salary may not be very high.

It doesn't matter, Yan Qingchi said, I'm not short of money anyway.

Li Bozhong was very happy, told him a time and place, and asked him to come over to fix the makeup and see the effect.

At the same time, the broadcast of Best Partner has also entered a climax, except for the most popular Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen, whose popularity has soared. Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei, a pair of good girlfriends who are beyond the audience's expectations, do not tear up, support and encourage each other, have become the second most popular group because they perfectly satisfy the imagination of women in front of the TV for their girlfriends. Some people even sighed, It's not easy to finally meet a pair of girlfriends who don't tear up each other.

Li Mo also made her debut with this variety show. The combination of her and Li Bozhong has allowed many people to see herself and her father, triggering many topics. And her undisguised status as a fan girl throughout the whole process has brought her closer to netizens, and she has become a model of star chasing by everyone.

Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan, the men's combination, looked a little bleak in the comparison of Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen, but they were still young, and there are still many opportunities in the future.

Although the program team has helped Fei Jingyu cut out many unfavorable scenes, Fei Jingyu has not become popular. The main reason is that Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi are too limelight, covering almost everyone. The secondary reason is that netizens do not I don't like his attitude towards Yue Ziming. Those who watch the show and are keen to speak out are mainly women. What girls want is a boyfriend who understands that they love them, not a boyfriend who needs to accommodate themselves every day.

The combination of Fei Jingyu and Yue Ziming's couple group should have been selling sweet girly hearts, but Fei Jingyu didn't show it. He wanted to be popular too much, so he just wanted to express himself and completely forgot that he had a girlfriend. In contrast, netizens even said, I know they are a couple, but I don't know if I think they are just friends. This group doesn't have Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchitian next door yet. Did the program team reverse the tag? already?

Like him, there is also Yu Xiaoyu who has not become popular. Yu Xiaoyu is a growth-type character. It is true that because of the huge changes in the later and earlier stages, it has been successfully washed in some people's hearts, but there are still some people who do not buy her account. . But this is of course not the point. The point is that Yu Xiaoyu and Wei Zhihang created a sense of disintegration for the group at the beginning of the show, and Yu Xiaoyu is a newcomer. Wei Zhihang has a certain reputation, but he is not popular, so many people simply skip them. , to see someone else.

As a result, some people are happy and some are worried, some people try to whitewash themselves by publishing long comments on Weibo, and some people start to increase the investment of the water army to guide the trend of the forum. But these have nothing to do with Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi, because they have achieved the effect they want, everyone already knows that they have a good relationship, and the CP ranking is firmly ranked first.

In this case, Yan Qingchi went to set makeup and auditioned for Yan Ling.

The director and screenwriter were very satisfied after seeing his makeup photos. The director said in advance, This movie will be very hard to shoot. It will be shot in the army, and it will be shot in a closed style.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Yes.

Maybe it will be longer.

I know.

I've seen your plays and some other shows. Your acting skills are pretty good, and your skills are very good. Have you practiced before? @Infinite 好文, all in

Practice a little.

The director nodded, Okay, you go back to rest first, and we'll see you in October.

Thank you Director.

The director said in Mandarin with a dialect, You're welcome, Bo Zhong has a good eye. You are very attached to this character. If you don't see Xiao Liu, your eyes will stick to you.

Xiao Liu is the screenwriter of this play. Hearing this, he glanced at Kang Sheng helplessly, and said to Yan Qingchi with a smile, See you in October.

As a screenwriter, he has written many protagonists, but this is the first time he has written a protagonist like Yan Ling. Different from the traditional script in which the protagonist is close to ordinary people and possesses many common character charms, Yan Ling has both advantages and obvious shortcomings. This is a challenge for him and a change for him to meet the current market. Xiao Liu doesn't feel that it is such a grievance to cater to the market. The era of Gao Guangweizheng has long passed. Today's young people like more distinctive and vivid characters, and Yan Ling is undoubtedly such a character. He hoped that Yan Ling could re-inject new vitality into the military theme, so that more people can see how difficult it is behind every soldier; understand that even geniuses have their own fragility.

As for Yan Qingchi, just from the image, it was as if Yan Ling walked in front of him from the script. Xiao Liu was very amazed, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.


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