Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

168 one sixty eight

Chapter 168:

The time is up, the game starts! The host gave an order, and everyone took action.

Yan Qingchi rushed out after seeing Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan, looked up at Jiang Mochen, Then let's run too?

Jiang Mochen nodded, Go.

They both ran out quickly.

Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan were running when they suddenly saw Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen passing by them, Yan Qingchi gave him a look back at them, and said with a smile, Let's go first.

Yang Xinhe was stunned for a moment, Why are they so fast?

Yu Haoyuan thought for a while, This may be their strength, after all, it is the first place in the test.

Fei Jingyu saw Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen running ahead, scolded treacherous, and ran away. Yue Ziming hurriedly followed and ran forward with him.

Under their leadership, the others also ran after them. Yu Xiaoyu looked at Wei Zhihang and ran all the way in one breath. He was a little angry that he couldn't wait for him, but he didn't want to call him, so he also got a lot of energy. , ran towards him.

Zhang Ningwei saw that all the little friends around her were running very fast, she was so worried that she could not wait for krypton gold to charge her physical strength. The 800 meters depends on the teacher's mood. If the teacher is in a good mood, she can barely pass the test. If the teacher is in a bad mood, she will have to make up the test indefinitely.

Seeing her frowning unconsciously, Mo Xiaoxiao comforted her, It's alright, Weiwei, don't be afraid, I've learned pottery, it doesn't matter if we arrive a little slower, take your time, don't worry.

Zhang Ningwei felt even more guilty in an instant, Why don't the living people lack like the characters in the game, as long as they are willing to spend money, what can they buy? I have money, I am willing to spend money, just to light up my physical strength. , is this asking too much?

Mo Xiaoxiao laughed, It's not too much, but unfortunately you are not a character in the game, so krypton gold can't make you stronger, give it up, girl.

The host looked at the backs of them running hard, and exaggeratedly said in front of the camera, The first day of the first issue of Best Partner, which team will win, let's work together, Stay tuned!

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen arrived at the bus stop. Luckily, a car came over. They got on the bus and looked at the route on the task card in their hands. Reverse the bus in the city center. Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi nodded. As soon as he looked up, he saw Yang Xinhe and the others chasing after him. He desperately waved at the back of the car to stop the car. He smiled unconsciously. He waved at Yang Xinhe, who bent over and supported his knees, feeling I am so miserable.

Arriving at the city center, Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen reversed the car according to the instructions on the mission card, and then got off at Jenny Street.

He looked around at the shops and didn't see Rose Garden Art Museum written on the mission card. Yan Qingchi looked at the passers-by, walked up to a blond boy with a backpack, and asked him, Do you know the Rose Garden Art Museum?

The little brother shook his head.

He went to ask the girl standing next to him waiting for the bus again, and the girl repeated his question and showed him the way.

Yan Qingchi politely thanked him and looked at Jiang Mochen beside him, Go ahead a little bit.

He looked at the various shops on the street in front of him, and eagerly suggested to Jiang Mochen, Let's go shopping, or we'll be there first. Even if the painting is finished and the teacher judges, Fei Jingyu is not at the scene, so it's not interesting.

Okay. Jiang Mochen agreed that it was rare for them to go abroad together. Unlike other people who recorded programs specifically for recording programs, the two of them had more of a feeling of traveling at public expense. It's okay to wait for Fei Jingyu.

I knew we wouldn't run so fast just now. Jiang Mochen said.

That's different. Yan Qingchi looked at him, If we don't run so fast, our time will be wasted on the road. Where can we go shopping? Come on, let's go in and have a look. Yan Qingchi pointed to him a shop.

The two walked in together. This is a bookstore. There is a round table on the floor near the window. There are young men and women sitting on the chairs reading books. Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen looked at the books on the shelf and backed out silently. They walked to the next door, which was an jewelry store. Yan Qingchi wanted to go in. Jiang Mochen had just walked two steps with him when he suddenly thought of something and grabbed him, Forget it, go to the next door.

Yan Qingchi was a little puzzled, Jiang Mochen didn't speak, and dragged him directly to the next store. @Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi thought he was weird and asked him, Why didn't you enter the store just now?

Jiang Mochen said in his heart, why else, I'm afraid you see the ring and ask me about the ring or want to buy it. He was a little worried, why is it only May, why is it not even June, he has been waiting for so long, why hasn't it been Yan Qingchi's birthday yet. He was thinking about it when he looked up and saw the name of the store - candy.

Let's go, Jiang Mochen turned Yan Qingchi around and pushed him into the store, I'll buy you candy.

Yan Qingchi heard the words, saw the name of the store as soon as he looked up, and walked in happily.

The owner of the store, a young girl with a high ponytail and a white dress, saw them come in and said welcome—in Chinese.

Yan Qingchi looked at her and asked, Are you Chinese?

The girl smiled, I

Don't you look like Chinese?

Like, I'm a little surprised when I meet my compatriots in a foreign country.

Do you want to buy candy? the girl asked him.

She glanced at the cameraman behind the two of them, Are you recording a show?


Then you are stars. The girl was a little surprised.

Yan Qingchi glanced at Jiang Mochen unconsciously. He knew that Jiang Mochen was well-known internationally in the setting of the original book, but it seemed that this girl did not know Jiang Mochen.

Yan Qingchi nodded.

The girl was very happy, Then you can choose, I will give you a discount, I hope this episode can be broadcast on TV at that time.

I can't guarantee that.

It's okay, the girl smiled. You are the first celebrities to come to my store. Although I don't chase celebrities, I have some surprises, so I can give you some discounts.

Thank you then.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen gathered around the sugar cabinet and started to pick out candies, and the girl enthusiastically recommended them the signature fudge in her store. Yan Qingchi tasted one, It's delicious, and the fruit flavor is full.

He picked up one and handed it to Jiang Mochen's mouth, Jiang Mochen lowered his head, and Yan Qingchi directly fed it to him, How is it?

Jiang Mochen nodded, It tastes pretty good, let's buy some.

Well. @Infinite Good Text, it's all there

The two bought several flavors of the signature fudge, and the girl gave them some other candies, and then quoted them the price.

Jiang Mochen paid the money, Yan Qingchi walked out with the candy, and the girl brought a drink to the two of them, Help me promote it if you can.

Okay. Yan Qingchi replied.

The two of them went out with their drinks and sat down under the umbrellas outside the store, drinking the drinks and tasting the sugar they just bought.

While they were eating, Yan Qingchi saw Fei Jingyu and Yue Ziming walking towards him.

He took the drink in his hand and said to Jiang Mochen, Let's go.

Jiang Mochen looked up and saw Fei Jingyu, said um, and stood up.

When Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen appeared, Fei Jingyu and Yue Ziming were a little surprised.

I thought you had already started painting. Yue Ziming said.

I originally wanted to go, but, Yan Qingchi chuckled and looked at Fei Jingyu, Since I want to compete with you, I should stand on the same starting line with you, otherwise, who knows that after I win, you will I don't think it was because we arrived first and you were late that you lost.

Fei Jingyu laughed, Brother Yan is really not humble, and he's not afraid of being slapped in the face.

Yan Qingchi took a sip of the drink and said with a smile, Then look at the two of us, who will be slapped in the face then.

Rose Garden Art Museum is located on the east corner of Jenny Street. It is a very petty-bourgeois studio. The owner of the studio is a man in his thirties. He is very handsome, and his brown eyes always look affectionate. It is said that he He has won many awards, and it is also said that he has a very beautiful girlfriend.

He looked at the four people in front of him, and took out a painting. The painting was a pair of men and women drawn in pencil. The two of them sat on the bench with their heads lowered.

This painting was drawn when I was in school, and it is also a painting that I have always liked. I hope you can make a follow-up to this painting, and paint a scene where a boy confesses to a girl, is that okay?

This is not difficult, Yan Qingchi and Fei Jingyu both nodded.

@Infinite good text, all in

I have a question, Yan Qingchi asked. The task card says that the two of us need to paint together, so do the two people need to paint the same length and strokes?

The boss shook his head, There are no rules for this, you can mix and match freely, but both of you must draw, I will watch you.

Okay. Yan Qingchi replied.

Then you can start. I hope you draw more emotionally and delicately. If your drawings are not good enough in my opinion, then you may need to keep revising.

it is good.

Several people understood the rules and selected seats. The boss provided them with pen and paper and told them that they could start painting.

Yan Qingchi and Jiang Mochen discussed, We still use the previous method.

Then what do I paint? Jiang Mochen asked him, I still paint fences?

Let go of the fence, the style of painting doesn't match. Yan Qingchi had already thought about it, You paint street lamps.

Street lights? Jiang Mochen felt that his lover probably didn't give up on his painting skills and had expectations before making such a bold request.

Yan Qingchi was speechless, and whispered in his ear, The pole.

Only then did Jiang Mochen understand, It's almost the same.

Yan Qingchi handed him the pen and paper and pointed him a few places, Here, here, two are enough.

Will it make me look a little less drawn? Jiang Mochen was very guilty.

Then let's draw a bench too. Yan Qingchi tapped another spot on the paper, You are here, draw a horizontal line.

it is good.

After Jiang Mochen finished the painting, Yan Qingchi started to write. He looked at the painting copied by the boss for their reference and asked, Is it based on your figure?

Yes. The boss replied.

Okay. Yan Qingchi understood.

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