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150 one fifty

Chapter one hundred and fifty:

Yan Qingchi held Jiang Mochen coquettishly for a while, before realizing that they had been standing all the time, pulling him to sit down on the sofa.

Have you eaten yet? Yan Qingchi asked, Let's have something to eat.

@Infinite good text, all in

Jiang Mochen really didn't eat. He drove all the way because he wanted to see Yan Qingchi as soon as possible. After arriving, he didn't go to eat, but went directly to his room. Therefore, he nodded, Exactly, we can eat together.

Okay. Yan Qingchi ordered and waited for the waiter to bring it.

Jiang Mochen asked him, Mo Jianying was fired?

Well, Director Fu got it. She couldn't tolerate this kind of thing happening in her crew, so she fired Mo Jianying.

Then his role?

He only had one scene left, and it was changed, and it was changed to my one-man show. The part of the previous filming was retained. After all, it is very troublesome to reshoot and reshoot, and there are a few scenes, which I played very well. Director Fu is worried that if I retake the film, I won't be able to feel that way, and it won't be good for me and the show if it's not as good as before.

Jiang Mochen nodded, Fu Minzhi's worry is not unreasonable, many times acting is like creation, inspiration and excellent performance are in that moment. If it is remade, it will indeed be a punishment for Mo Jianying, but the loss and uncertainty faced by the remake are too great. Fu Minzhi didn't want to miss Yan Qingchi's extremely spiritual scenes, and he didn't want Yan Qingchi to take this risk, so that was the only way.

That's it, Director Fu's concern is justified. Mo Jianying was not caught by anti-pornography and anti-drug campaign, and it will not affect the screening of the film. It's just that if something like this happens, his footage will definitely be deleted, but this also It doesn't matter, for most of the films, a lot of scenes will be deleted when the final film is reviewed. So you don't have to worry, just leave this matter to Director Fu to deal with it.

Yan Qingchi said um, I'm not worried about it myself, I'm an actor, I'm only responsible for acting well, and the rest is up to the director.

Jiang Mochen smiled, You're in a good mood.

When did I feel bad? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Jiang Mochen thought about it for a while, but he didn't seem to have it. He reached out and touched Yan Qingchi's hair, Then you are very powerful.

Yan Qingchi squinted at him, puzzled: What are you doing, do you think I'm a chess player?

Jiang Mochen was helpless and put his hand on his shoulder, Do you know what it means to kill by touching the head?

Yan Qingchi was a little surprised, This trick can also be used on boys?

Of course not regular male friends, but are we regular male friends?

Yan Qingchi couldn't, and silently picked up his hand and put it on his head, Then you can touch it.

Jiang Mochen: ...

Jiang Mochen couldn't help laughing. He didn't touch his head again, but kissed Yan Qingchi directly, Why are you so cute?

Yan Qingchi: ...just be happy.

By the way, Jiang Mochen suddenly thought, Why do you want to send the recording in two parts, and send it directly the first time, so that everyone can understand how the whole thing went? Wouldn't it be good for you to divide the recording into two parts? ?

Of course not, it's just that we mentioned you in our conversation. I told you, he thinks I like you, and he also said that you came to visit the class on the first day of the new year. If this is released, wouldn't it be more It was a bloody storm, so I cut the audio and cut out that part. I originally wanted to post the two together, but Guan Mei said it looked like I had done something, otherwise why would the audio be missing? Yes I'm not good. Let me post the first paragraph first. She said that someone will definitely say the latter. She asked me to play the latter audio, and then I will play it again, so that no one will notice the interruption in the middle. Sure enough, Everyone didn't find it. @Infinite Good Text, all in

Jiang Mochen nodded, Both of you are very careful. If you don't say it, I didn't notice it. You deliberately put it in two parts in order to cut it out.

I just can't let you know. Yan Qingchi was very proud.

Jiang Mochen embraced him and smiled softly.

After a while, the waiter brought in the dishes ordered by the two of them. The two ate together, and after talking for a while, they were ready to rest.

Yan Qingchi asked him, Are you going to sleep in my room tonight?

Jiang Mochen thought he wanted to avoid suspicion, and said warmly, When I came, I asked Director Fu's assistant to open a room for me. I'll go to sleep in that room.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect him to have this plan, and was a little surprised, So you don't sleep with me?

Do you want to sleep with me? Jiang Mochen asked him.

You came all the way here, and I let you sleep alone, doesn't it make me feel ruthless?

Jiang Mochen didn't expect that he would have such a benefit tonight, so he said, Then I'll be more respectful than obedient.

He looked at Yan Qingchi and smiled, I thought you wanted to avoid suspicion, so I asked me where to sleep.

@Infinite good text, all in

Hearing this, Yan Qingchi bent his eyes and smiled, Just be careful, it's fine. Besides, he smiled, The important thing is that I want to sleep with you tonight.

Just want to sleep together? Jiang Mochen asked him.

Yan Qingchi squinted at him and smacked his tongue, I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you turning yellow again, Mr. Jiang, be more self-respecting.

Mrs. Jiang, didn't you deliberately induce me to go up the mountain and down to the sea?

I'm just stating the noun sleep, who made you think about the verb!

Jiang Mochen was amused by his statement, You must have learned Chinese very well when you were in school, and your Chinese teacher must like you very much.

Yan Qingchi chuckled lightly, but did not speak.

As always, this debate ended in a victory for Yan Qingchi. However, when he actually got to the bed and simply slept under the quilt, Yan Qingchi felt that Jiang Mochen seemed a little pitiful.

He thought for a while, then poked Jiang Mochen, Do you want to drive? Actually, it's not impossible, just don't leave a mark on me.

Don't you want to?

I didn't want to, I was just worried about affecting the filming.

Then you're not worried now?

Yan Qingchi leaned against his arms and whispered, Then I feel sorry for you too.

Jiang Mochen felt that his words were enough. He came all the way, not to drive to the edge of the city with Yan Qingchi, he just wanted to see him and stay by his side at this time. . Others are not important.

He hugged Yan Qingchi and said in a low voice, It's alright, I'm just teasing you, I don't really want to do it, you are the first to film, and when you finish filming, we will have time.

Yan Qingchi looked up at him.

Jiang Mochen lowered his head and kissed his forehead, Really, I won't lie to you.

Okay then. Yan Qingchi leaned back into his arms again. In the quiet night, he could hear Jiang Mochen's heartbeat, making him feel at ease and nostalgic.

He is really a good lover.

Good night. Yan Qingchi said.

Good night. Jiang Mochen reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

On the second day, Mo Jianying finally couldn't bear the abuse on the Internet, and apologized to Yan Qingchi on Weibo. He said that he did this wrong because of his love for Yan Qingchi. Qingchi apologized and apologized to the vast number of netizens for failing to live up to the love of netizens. However, netizens don't like his tricks, and the comments they make are full of cynicism, without the slightest pity, Don't you think everyone is a fool and will be on your side? You have also failed our love. , speaking in a high-sounding manner, do you really take everyone's respect for you seriously?

The netizens continued to scold, and Sister Oatmere said mercilessly, Come on, you still like it? Our brother really spent eight lifetimes of blood mold before you fell in love with him? Old rascal!

However, Yan Qingchi has no time to pay attention to these, because he is filming a very important scene with the actor who plays Saito - the scene where Saito and his sword showdown in the martial arts hall.

In this scene, Yan Qingchi used a traditional sword, and Saito used a Japanese sword. The duel between the sword and the sword. On the bright side, it was the duel between Wen Yao and Saito, but it was actually the two ethnic groups of China and Japan. matchup.

Fu Minzhi told the two people about the scene, told them the key points of the shooting, and then called action.

Jiang Mochen sat on the resting chair in Yanqingchi, watching him wearing a white training suit and holding a sword. That was Yan Qingchi, whom Jiang Mochen was not very familiar with. His expression was indifferent, his eyes were bright but he didn't have much warmth. His movements were fast and his movements were very beautiful. Facing Saito, his eyes were full of turbulence, and he was very calm, but he didn't know where the confidence and spirit of a young man came from.

Their action scenes were filmed for a long time, Fu Minzhi was very careful with the movements and expressions of the two people, and kept making the two people stop and start again. Every time she took a shot, she let Yan Qingchi and Saito watch the replay on the camera, and gave them an analysis of what expressions and movements should be when they were filmed, and what would be the benefits of performing like this.

The two of them didn't stop working until seven o'clock in the afternoon to eat. Yan Qingchi walked up to Jiang Mochen and asked him, Are you bored?

It's okay. Jiang Mochen said, It's not too boring to watch you, and it's a gain to listen to Director Fu teach you a play.

At this time, you only need to say the first half of the sentence.

Jiang Mochen followed his kindness like a stream, Looking at you, how can you be boring.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Ruzi can be taught.

Jiang Mochen left on the morning of the third day. He only gave himself three days off, so when the time came, he should leave. Yan Qingchi felt that his trip was quite tossing, Three days off, two days on the road, we actually stayed together for a whole day, it's too hard for you.

How come, seeing you, it's worth it.

Why are you so good at talking today? Yan Qingchi looked at him with a smile.

Jiang Mochen reached out and hugged him in his arms, kissed him, and whispered, It's just the truth.

Yan Qingchi reached out and hugged him and pressed against his shoulder, I asked Guan Mei to pick up that variety show. When my show is finished, we can be together.

it is good.

Yan Qingchi looked up at him, I will miss you.

I'll miss you too. Jiang Mochen said gently.

After sending Jiang Mochen away, Yan Qingchi once again threw himself into the busy shooting task, and this shooting took place in the first ten days of April. On April 13th, Yan Qingchi was officially finished. He took a photo with Fu Minzhi and Yanzi and posted on Weibo, thanking for this encounter, and looking forward to this work to bring new surprises to everyone.

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