Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

143 one forty three

Chapter 143:

Su Qing gave her mobile phone to her mother, who took a group photo for the two of them together.

In the photo, Su Qing is innocent, cute and beautiful, and Yan Qingchi is standing next to her, reaching out and comparing her head - like a rabbit's ears.

He told her what Jiang Mochen told him about Su Qing last night, and asked her to think carefully about taking on the drama when she was an adult. Su Qing nodded obediently, and assured him, Don't worry, Brother Lin, I promised you that if I want to film when I grow up, I will tell you, and you can remind me later.

Yan Qingchi felt that she was really treating herself like a sister treating her brother. She was obedient, sensible, quiet, and well-behaved. He smiled unconsciously, and said warmly, Okay.

Su Qing smiled softly, the small dimples looked particularly intoxicating.

Not long after Su Qing was finished, Jiang Xiaoming was also finished. Jiang Xiaoming and most of the male compatriots in the crew had a good time. He happily took a group photo with everyone in the crew, and chose a few people he liked to shoot. Solo photo.

Before leaving, he pulled Yan Qingchi, Qi Ruan, Fang Tuo, the three martial arts alliances, and said, Remember to miss me.

The three nodded, and Yan Qingchi reluctantly touched his small bald head and asked him to study hard.

When Jiang Xiaoming heard the study, his head became big, and he left reluctantly while shouting to stop talking.

After sending them off, Yan Qingchi watched the variety show Best Partner sent to him by Guanmei in his spare time-the two teamed up with each other to travel abroad and compete in games together. He thought of the day when Mo Jianying asked him who Jiang Mochen was in chess? He didn't want Qiqi to visit the class with an unclear identity every time. He felt that Jiang Mochen was right, the two of them should really pave the way for them to go public.

Come on, but how many months is this?

I heard from the program team that it is initially scheduled for late April, but it has not yet been determined.

Yan Qingchi was relieved to hear her say that. In late April, by that time, he should have already finished his career, so there would be no problem with the variety show.

Apart from this variety show, what are your plans for the second half of the year? Do you want to pick up a TV series or other movies? Guan Mei asked him.

Is there a suitable book? Yan Qingchi asked.

I'm still watching, I need to make sure that your time is okay?

Okay. Yan Qingchi said, But I hope the script can be better. If it's normal, then forget it.

Okay, I'll let you know when I meet someone suitable.

Yeah. After Yan Qingchi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, put the phone aside, and continued to concentrate on reading the script.

Mo Jianying is about to be finished in the past two days. He is the most popular person in the crew except Fu Min. Although he is not the male lead, with his brilliant experience, anyone who sees him will call Mr. Mo.

Yan Qingchi has been filming with him for the past two days. He feels that Mo Jianying is worthy of being a senior and can always give him a lot of useful advice. Sometimes his words can make you instantly enlightened.

Yan Qingchi admired him very much, so every time he thanked him politely, Thank you, Teacher Mo.

Mo Jianying liked his obedient and sensible appearance, and smiled, You're welcome.

He looked at Yan Qingchi and asked him, Have you made up your mind?

Yan Qingchi shook his head, Not yet.

Do you still want to make a movie?

If there is a suitable one, of course.

Do you want to act in the film directed by Lei Hao?

Yan Qingchi did not expect that he would say Lei Hao. Lei Hao is different from Fu Minzhi. He is a famous commercial film director, and he is also the director of commercial films with the most box office appeal. Last year's box office champion was Lei Hao's Left Left. turn right.

@Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi nodded quickly, Of course, who doesn't want to be in a film directed by Lei Hao?

When Mo Jianying listened to his frank words, he didn't think he was a philistine, only that he was very frank.

He thought about it and said, Then let me ask, and I will tell you in a few days.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that he would be supported by Mo Jianying, and he was a little surprised, That's really thank you.

It's okay, I said, you are very sensible, and I like sensible people.

Since Yan Qingchi grew up, few people used sensible to describe him. He felt that it was a bit strange for Mo Jianying to say this word, so he said, Mr. Mo, can you describe me in another word? Used to describe a child.

Mo Jianying asked him kindly, Then what adjective do you want me to change?

Yan Qingchi is very talkative, As long as it's not sensible, it's fine.

Mo Jianying had a rare idea of ​​teasing him, Be obedient?

Isn't that a meaning?

Then what do you like? Mo Jianying asked him.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, Either praise me for my strong learning ability, I think I should be regarded as a relatively strong learning ability.

Okay. Mo Jianying obediently said, You have a strong learning ability, which is very good, work hard, and the future cannot be expected.

Thank you, Teacher Mo. Yan Qingchi thanked him.

As soon as he finished thanking him, Fu Minzhi called him over. Yan Qingchi told Mo Jianying, ran over and asked Fu Minzhi, What's wrong with Director Fu?

Fu Minzhi pointed to his camera on the camera and said to him, Look here, you're in a good mood in this part, but this part is a little light. You can reconsider it later and retake it.

Yan Qingchi nodded, Okay.

He looked at himself in the camera. In fact, the difference between the two emotions was not big. Wen Yao himself was a person who didn't like appearances. Fu Minzhi told him that the indifferent gentleness and compassion for things in Wen Yao, He is somewhat similar to him at times, which is one of the reasons why she chose him.

Yan Qingchi felt that he had really worked hard on the role of Wen Yao, and Wen Yao's words did not change much, so many emotions could only be conveyed through eyes. This is a test of his acting skills. For example, his lightness in this scene is really a very subtle difference. If Fu Minzhi doesn't say it, he will definitely not find it, and the audience will not find it, but Fu Minzhi just sees it. .

At this moment, Yan Qingchi finally understood why she was the director who won the award, because she was strict and meticulous about the camera, she was like a precision testing instrument, her eyes and senses were the best testing tools, That's why she can control every shot and produce one masterpiece after another.

Yan Qingchi quickly went to make up the scene. Mo Jianying sat in a chair and looked at him. The assistant beside him asked him, You seem to admire Yan Qingchi.

I appreciate it a bit. Mo Jianying said honestly.

That's really his luck, the assistant said.

Mo Jianying smiled and said softly, I hope he feels the same way.

The assistant immediately echoed: Yes.

At night, Yan Qingchi was reading the script when he heard a knock on the door. He went out and opened the door. Seeing that it was Mo Jianying's assistant, he was a little surprised, Are you looking for me?

The assistant nodded, Mr. Mo is looking for you.

Yan Qingchi was puzzled. He thought about it and thought that it might be the matter of Director Lei Hao that he mentioned earlier, so he didn't ask any more questions, closed the door and followed Mo Jianying's assistant.

Mo Jianying was watching Lei Hao's new script, and when she saw Yan Qingchi coming, she waved her hand to let the assistant leave and let Yan Qingchi come over.

Yan Qingchi walked over and saw a script on the coffee table in front of him.

Sit. Mo Jianying patted the sofa beside him.

Yan Qingchi sat down and asked him, Are you looking for me?

Mo Jianying pushed the script on the coffee table in his direction, This is the script of Lei Hao's new drama The Roaring Theater, there is a second male lead, who is the male lead's nephew, and lives under the same roof as the male lead. , The two did not like each other well. They always tossed each other in different ways in the early stage. In the later stage, they were forced to cooperate with each other due to the performance of the Grand Theater, and they became new partners. This male second has a good character and has many scenes. It is played by actor Wu Tu, I would like to recommend you to play the second male lead, what do you think?

I think this is like a pie in the sky. Can such a good thing really turn my back on me? Yan Qingchi doubted, Of course I would, but is Director Lei Hao willing?

I've worked with Lei Hao on a few plays, and I still have the right to speak. If you have the intention, you can go to the audition first. I think it should be about the same.

Yan Qingchi still feels uneasy. He has come this way, and it is indeed smooth in terms of film and television resources. Jiang Mochen helped him connect with the audition for Lost, but that was because he and Jiang Mochen were husband and wife, and he was an artist from Nancheng; Guan Mei helped him take over Let's Fight! friend! , Cotton Candy Cotton , that's because Guan Mei is his manager, her duty; Fu Minzhi gave him the male protagonist of Wulin in the Mist, partly because of to mr.q, partly because of to mr.q It's because it fits the personality.

But Mo Jianying, why is he willing to support himself so much?

With all due respect, Yan Qingchi said, Of course I'm very happy to be recommended by you, but I don't quite understand why you are willing to support me like this? He glanced at the script on the coffee table, This The book, it should be the best book you have received right now.

Mo Jianying smiled, he felt that Yan Qingchi deserved to be the person he liked, he was really smart, You are right, this is indeed the best script I have at the moment, I will play the third male in it, if you can Participate in this film and play the second male lead, then we can continue to work together.

He looked at Yan Qingchi, Why are you asking me? Then I'll tell the truth, I admire you a lot, and even like you a little bit. With all my strength, I strongly recommend you to be the second male lead in this drama, of course. I have my request. I hope you can get closer to me.

Yan Qingchi was shocked. He thought that he was probably hallucinating. Otherwise, how could Mo Jianying, who always looked like Zhou Zheng and reliable, say such shameless words. This is to, unspoken rules him?

Yan Qingchi felt that her career in the entertainment industry was complete in this instant! He met Ji Sixing, who worshipped high and stepped low, Song Li, who was supported by the boss of an economic company, Zhang Cong, who was supported by a wealthy businessman, and Ruan Wenxuan, who called his brother a scolding behind his face, now! He finally encountered the unspoken rule in the legend! Still such a well-dressed and respected old senior! Yan Qingchi suddenly remembered the sentence on the Internet: These bad old men are very bad.

He looked at Mo Jianying, his previous respect and admiration disintegrated in an instant, and even the tone of his speech lost his previous respect. He touched the recorder in his pocket, pressed the switch, and pretended to be confused: Mr. Mo, you I don't know what that means.

Mo Jianying smiled, You are a smart person, don't you understand?

Yan Qingchi looked at him, I really don't understand, he said, no one has said this to me before.


Jianying saw that he understood and pretended not to understand, thinking that it was someone he liked, and it was appropriate to coax a few words, so he said: You follow me, you follow me, I will not treat you badly.

Yan Qingchi smiled, How do I follow you? Like your assistant?

What do you say?

I'm not a good actor myself, why should I be like your assistant?

Mo Jianying sighed and grabbed his arm. Yan Qingchi avoided it on the spot. He stood up and looked at Mo Jianying condescendingly.

Mo Jianying thought that his appearance was also very interesting. He himself was attracted to Yan Qingchi's face and personality, and felt that he was sensible and obedient in front of himself, but very powerful in front of others. He remembered the time when Yan Qingchi taught Zhang Cong, that kind of youthful arrogance, that was his lost youth, but it was the years that Yan Qingchi was going through. So he was attracted by Yan Qingchi, and after seeing Yan Qingchi's cuteness in front of him, he fell in love with him.

He persuaded Yan Qingchi in a good voice, You don't have to do this. Didn't we get along very well before? I am a considerate lover, and I will treat you well. @Infinite 好文, all in

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that he could really say such words outrageously. He looked at Mo Jianying, We got along well before because I took your predecessor and respected you, okay?

You can do the same in the future.

Yan Qingchi sneered, You're really not ashamed.

I don't need you to like me, I just like the way you are sensible in front of me. If you respect me, then you can continue to respect me.

Yan Qingchi thought it was ridiculous, Respect you for what? Respect me, do you want to unspoken rules?


Don't call me that, Yan Qingchi interrupted him, We don't know each other well, I sound disgusting.

You're not familiar with me, you're more familiar with Jiang Mochen, right? Mo Jianying said suddenly.

Yan Qingchi raised her eyebrows to look at him.

Mo Jianying asked him, Do you like Jiang Mochen?

What are you doing to other people?

He came to visit your class on the first day of the new year. It's too early at this time.

If you have a bad mind yourself, you think that everyone in the world has a bad mind. Yan Qingchi mocked.

At least I can give you the movie directed by Lei Hao. Can Jiang Mochen give it to you? Besides, I don't ask you to like me, you just need to be by my side.

What do you think of me? Yan Qingchi thought it was funny, Do you have a pet? I'm still staying by your side. Would you like me to give you a bark twice?

You're too excited now, calm down, think about it, and we'll talk about it.

You think too much, Yan Qingchi said indifferently, I'm not excited at all, I'm calm, in contrast, I think you need to be calm and take a good look at what you just said, it's what people said. Do you? You look like a human too, and you talk like a beast.

Mo Jianying couldn't help being a little angry when she heard this, I'll give you face, don't give too much shame.

I'll return this sentence to you without changing a single punctuation. Yan Qingchi mocked, Don't be ashamed of yourself.

Yan Qingchi, have you thought about it? You are picking up Fu Minzhi's film now, but Fu Minzhi's film is not very popular. If you don't have a commercial film, and if the box office is not recognized, you will never be able to live in As the leading role in the commercial film of the big director, you can only play those youth idol movies.

That's not bad. It's better than what you can't do now if you want to.

You promise me that you won't lose anything?

Did you persuade others like this before? Yan Qingchi asked him, I'm not the first at your routine, right? Who else have you used this trick to sneak in? I can't see it, you still hide it well. Deeply, the old senior who is also virtuous and artistic, Yan Qingchi snorted coldly, rubbish.

Don't go too far! Mo Jianying stood up.

He is 1.82 meters tall, a little taller than Yan Qingchi, but where is Yan Qingchi afraid of him? He looked at Mo Jianying, If you have the guts to say these things to me, you should be prepared to be scolded by me. , Do you think you are not garbage? Wearing human skin, you look like a human, the younger generation trusts you, the director trusts you, but the result? Take off your human skin, you are a beast, or the most shameless kind of.

Mo Jianying raised his hand and wanted to teach him a lesson. Yan Qingchi grabbed his arm and detached his wrist. Mo Jianying screamed, Yan Qingchi twisted his arm and pressed him directly on the coffee table, You are called Dad twice in the play, and you really think of yourself as a dad, and you still want to beat me, are you worthy? He looked at Mo Jianying, who was twisting his arms and grinning, You still want to sleep with me like this? Don't take a mirror and look at yourself as a dog.

After Yan Qingchi finished speaking, he loosened his arm and kicked him so hard that he knocked the man to the ground, then clapped his hands and turned to leave.

Mo Jianying fell to the ground and was full of anger. She never thought that the little lamb she was looking for was actually a little wolf, Yan Qingchi, I won't let you go. He shouted. @Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi looked back at him and said with a sneer, Then I want to see why you don't let me go.

What do you think, if I say on the Internet that you are bullying me because of your popularity and popularity, which side will everyone stand on?

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