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137 one thirty seven

Chapter 137:

Chess thought for a while, and said very intimately, Okay.

Jiang Mochen pinched his face, Qingqi is really good.

Qiqi smiled sweetly at him.

Jiang Mochen called Jiang's mother in front of chess and chess and asked her if Yan Yan could travel far at her age?

Mother Jiang asked him, What are you going to do? @Infinite 好文, all in

Qingchi is filming recently, and their crew doesn't have a holiday for the New Year. I plan to take Qiqi to their crew to reunite with him. Qiqi wants Yanyan to go with him. I'm worried that Yanyan is too young to travel, so Ask you.

Oh, Mother Jiang nodded, Yes, yes, but have you taken care of Yan Yan? Either I go with you.

There's no need for this, otherwise, there will be only dad and sister left at home.

Then their grandfathers passed theirs, and we passed ours.

That's not good.

What's wrong, will you take care of the children? If Yanyan cried and made trouble, do you know what to do? That's the decision. Call me when you leave.

Jiang Mochen hung up suddenly after listening to the phone, a little speechless, why was this decided, he obviously didn't agree, okay? ! Jiang Mochen had a headache, and helplessly called Mother Jiang again, but how smart Mother Jiang was, she rightly didn't hear it and didn't answer at all. Jiang Mochen sent her a WeChat message again, but she didn't even look at it, and she followed them with a determined attitude.

Qiqi saw that he sighed helplessly, thinking that Yanyan couldn't go, he didn't want to make Jiang Mochen unhappy because of his insistence, so he grabbed his hand and persuaded him, It doesn't matter, father, if Yanyan really can't go, then Don't let him go for now, we'll take him there when he's older, don't be unhappy.

Jiang Mochen touched his face, Cub, the question now is not whether your brother wants to go, but your grandma who wants to go. Dad is really tired.

Chess was a little confused, Grandma?

Yeah, so your old father is thinking right now, how can you get your grandma to give up on that idea?

Chess puffed up his cheeks and tried very hard to help him think about this problem.

Jiang Mochen looked at his serious appearance and couldn't help holding him on his lap. In fact, the answer is very simple, just leave Yan Yan, but chess and chess is right, this is the first New Year after Yan Yan was born, it makes no sense for the three of them to celebrate the New Year together, but leave Yan Yan here, they It's a family of four, so it's natural to spend this New Year together, even if Yan Yan is still very young.

At the very beginning, Jiang Mochen decided to visit Yanqingchi with Qiqi to celebrate the New Year together and give him a surprise. He never thought that things would develop in this direction-Jiang Family New Year's Tour.

Jiang Xingchen said on the other end of the phone, Anyway, it's been a long time since I went out for the New Year, so I just went out to play.

With all due respect to my sister, the place where Qingchi was filmed is a small town, not a tourist town, but the most common kind of town. What are you going to do?

It's like returning to nature and breathing fresh air. You also know that the air quality in X City has been so bad recently, and it's time to go out for a walk.

Jiang Mochen pressed his temple helplessly, Does Dad think so too?


Okay. Jiang Mochen hung up the phone, thinking that by then, there would be no more surprises. When Yan Qingchi saw their big family, it was estimated that all that was left was shock.

However, things were far more than what he thought. During dinner, Chess and Chess said to him, Dad, Yanyan also wants to go with us, can you take Yanyan with you? Yanyan wants to go with her mother. New Year's Eve together?

Jiang Mochen paused with chopsticks, What did Yanyan tell you?

Qiqi nodded, Yanyan wanted to invite me out to play in a few days, I said I couldn't go, he asked me why, I said I was going to see my dad, he said can he go together? He wants to go there. his mom.

Jiang Mochen thought about it, there are already so many people, of course it is not a problem to bring a Ph.D. researcher, but, I have to ask Yanyan's father about this. Has Yanyan told his father?

He said he would wait until his father came back in the evening to talk to him. Let me talk to you first.

Jiang Mochen gave him a chopstick dish, Yanyan wants to go with us, of course there is no problem, if his father wants, then we will take him there, if his father does not want, then we can only let him stay. It's New Year's Eve with his dad here.

Hearing what he said, Qiqi felt that Yanyan was a bit miserable, so he finally swallowed the dish, and asked Jiang Mochen anxiously, Can Yanyan only spend the New Year with either mom or dad?

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, It's logically the case.

What does it mean to be like this? Chess didn't understand.

Jiang Mochen explained to him, You're right, in most cases he can only spend the New Year with one of his father or mother.

Isn't Yanyan very pitiful, parents and babies should celebrate the New Year together.

Jiang Mochen smiled and rubbed his hair.

Qiqi is very distressed for his little friend, If only Yanyan could spend the New Year with my parents. He looked at Jiang Mochen, and counted for Jiang Mochen with his fingers, Qingqi can be with my father, father, and Yanyan. During the Chinese New Year, Yanyan can only celebrate the New Year with his father or mother, and there are two more chess and chess than Yanyan.

So chess


Qiqi nodded, Qiqi is happy, but Qiqi also wants Yanyan to be happy.

However, this is the matter of the researcher, and there is nothing we can do.

Hearing the words, Qiqi lowered his eyelashes a little sadly, but after a long time, he suddenly turned around and hugged Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mochen was puzzled. Chess raised his head and smiled at him. He said softly, Chess is so happy. You don't have to choose only one, so happy, hehe.

Jiang Mochen lowered his head and touched his forehead, Yes, my chess game is the happiest baby in the world.

Chess shyly buried his head in his arms and smiled happily.

Bo Yan finally joined their New Year's team, not only him, but also his father Bo Feng.

Jiang Mochen was a little confused, Yanyan is going to be reunited with his mother, what are you going to do? Reunite with Director Fu?

How is that possible. Bo Feng refused to admit it on the other end of the phone, Can I do it if I don't go? If I don't go, this kid will run away from home with his tortoise in his arms. At the end of the year, all kinds of lawbreakers are rushing sales. When he went to the train station at this time, it was simply a door-to-door delivery.

Why did he go to the train station? Jiang Mochen was puzzled.

Sleeping at the train station. Bo Feng was exhausted. Last night, I told me that I was going to sleep at the train station for a whole day. Still sleeping at the train station? Does he know where the train station is? This bastard is so angry. I am.

So you agreed?

@Infinite good text, all in

Otherwise, let him sleep at the train station.

Then why don't you let him go with me, why do you go with me?

I'll give you my child for the new year and leave it alone. My parents know they have to break my legs, so why don't I go with you.

Then I think that Fu Dao was surprised to see Yanyan, but terrified to see you.

Bo Feng was dissatisfied, It's just that you went to school, didn't you?

Alright then, get in touch when the time comes.

It wasn't until the first two days of the Chinese New Year that Fu Minzhi finally realized that the New Year was coming. He made arrangements for the crew. On New Year's Eve, everyone would not be filming. They would have a day off together and have dinner together in the evening. If you want to leave, you can leave, but you have to come back before your next day's filming time.

Yan Qingchi was too lazy to toss, the one-day round trip from here to X City was obviously not enough, so he might as well stay in the hotel to rest. He told Jiang Mochen what he thought, and Jiang Mochen understood it very well, I think so too, you have a good rest and filming. When you are done and go home, we will meet naturally.

What about chess? Why haven't I seen him. Yan Qingchi asked.

I'm playing with Yan Yan. Chess and chess are three things I think about every day. Did I say good morning to my brother today? Did I play with my brother today?

Yan Qingchi couldn't help laughing, I knew Qiqi would be a good brother, he is really a sweetheart.

Yeah, I was worried that Qiqi would not like having an extra child in the family, but he was the one who remembered the most and remembered wherever he went. Jiang Mochen shook his head, This may be fate, this life is doomed. Let's be brothers. He thought for a while, then added, Just like us, we are destined to be husband and wife.

Yan Qingchi was amused by his words, This turning point is too blunt, Mr. Jiang.

@Infinite good text, all in

That's right.

Yan Qingchi looked at him and felt that he missed him a little, I asked Director Fu the other day, I may not be able to finish the project until early April.

Normal shooting cycle. Jiang Mochen commented.

So we won't see each other until April.

It's okay, I'll wait for you to come back.

Don't let me go back, it's time for you to film again.

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, I shouldn't be in a hurry to film this year, but maybe I will pick up a variety show and a variety show with you.


I said it a while ago. There are several variety shows that have handed you invitations early. She chose a few for me to watch. I think one of the variety shows with tourism and competition is quite good, suitable for you and suitable for us. Together.

But don't you stay on this kind of reality show?

I didn't pick it up before because it wasn't necessary, but now I want to pick it up because I want to give fans a vaccination in advance. The two of us will be on this variety show together. As partners, there will definitely be close contact and there will definitely be more CPs. Fans, this way, when we make it public, neither my fans nor your fans will be too surprised, and there will be more supporters.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, How do I feel that you have been secretly paving the way for us since the Jingui Award?

Isn't that bad? After all, we always have to be public.

Will it be too early?

No. Jiang Mochen said, he had already received his engagement ring in May last year, and he kept it in his drawer, waiting for the right time.

They didn't choose a date on the day they got their marriage certificate, they just chose a date on the calendar that was closest to their marriage, and they got the certificate just like that. This is something Jiang Mochen regretted so far. If he knew that he would like Yan Qingchi so much in the end, he would definitely choose a day.

So in order to make myself not regret it in the future

, He has been choosing the date of the proposal very carefully. He has considered the New Year and Valentine's Day, and finally decided to put it in June, the day of Yan Qingchi's birthday.

He once received the most moving surprise and the best gift in the world on his birthday. He will always remember the throbbing when he saw Yan Qingchi that day, and remember that on that day, they had inkstones.

Therefore, he also hopes that on his birthday, Yan Qingchi can also receive a gift that he will always remember, so that he can recall it in the future, and still be able to say happily, Birthday, as expected, is the most memorable moment. happy day.

The next step in the proposal should be the wedding where he supplies Yan Qingchi. This time, he wants to make a big deal, let everyone know that they are a couple, applaud and bless them. But between these two steps, there is still a crucial link, which is the publicity on the Internet - it is public that they like each other, that they have obtained a marriage certificate, and that they really plan to live a good life.

Jiang Mochen has everything planned, everything is ready, he only owes Dongfeng, he needs this Dongfeng to help him blow, so that after the public, he will have more voices in support and less voices in opposition. His luck is very good. After a long search, I found it - Best Partner is a large-scale outdoor reality show variety show. The two team up with each other and travel together in many cities around the world. While enjoying the beauty of the food, they have a game session with other partners. competition.

Jiang Mochen was very satisfied, that was it.

Yan Qingchi felt that he was so impatient that he was a little surprised, but he really didn't like this kind of underground romance, especially since they already had two children. It's just, Then I have to wait until I win the award. If I don't win the award, I won't make it public.

Then I think it's fast. You can definitely win the award for Director Fu's film.

You said the same thing as the best newcomer last time! Yan Qingchi reminded him.

It's normal. In my heart, you are so good, so naturally any awards should belong to you. Jiang Mochen put on his own 1500-meter filter again.

Yan Qingchi was helpless, So what you said has no reference value, President Jiang.

Baby, I believe in you. Jiang Mochen said gently.

I only believe in facts. Yan Qingchi said coldly.

Jiang Mochen smiled, Okay, let's talk about the public things, but it's always right to get vaccinated in advance, don't worry.

Yan Qingchi agreed with him on this point. After all, Jiang Mochen was more knowledgeable than himself in this circle.

So do you want to record that variety show?

You're not busy in two days. Guan Mei will tell you about this. You can see if you like it or not. If you like it, we'll record it.

Don't record it if you don't like it? Yan Qingchi teased him.

Yes. Jiang Mochen said warmly.

Then I should like it. Yan Qingchi smiled, After all, you seem to like it very much.

Jiang Mochen looked at him, So, you like me?

Yan Qingchi smiled, No, that's why I should go to bed. Good night, Mr. Jiang. After he finished speaking, he hung up the video call.

However, after a short while, WeChat rang and Yan Qingchi opened. It was Jiang Mochen's language, Good night, Mrs. Jiang.

At this time, Yan Qingchi didn't know yet. Two days later, he would be in this town, in another hotel, and heard Jiang Mochen say to himself, Good night, Happy New Year!

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