Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

116 one eleven six

Chapter 116:

After the two of them had had enough, Jiang Mochen took clean water to help the two of them rinse off the foam on their bodies, wiped the water droplets on their bodies with a towel, and then put on pajamas for the two children.

After Qiqi took a bath, he was about to go to sleep. Boyan wanted to drink some water, but the mineral water in the Qiqi room was gone, so he went down the stairs.

Yan Qingchi wanted to eat oranges before going to bed. There were only some apples left in the small refrigerator in the bedroom. Jiang Mochen was still cleaning the bathroom. The two little guys poured water all over the bathroom. . So Yan Qingchi went downstairs and sat on the sofa in the living room, peeling oranges and eating.

Seeing that Boyan had come down, he reached out and handed him a few oranges and asked him, Do you want to eat?

Boyan shook his head, I've brushed my teeth.

Yan Qingchi didn't teach bad children, so he took his hand back, Then I'll decorate you with chess and chess tomorrow, and you can go to school to eat.

Boyan knows that the parents of chess and chess often bring him something to eat, either fruit or snacks. Sometimes when he looks at it, he also thinks, if only his father could pack him some snacks.

He looked at Yan Qingchi, walked over, walked up to him, and asked in a low voice, Uncle, are you Qiqi's biological father?

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that he would ask himself this, so he sat beside him, patted the seat next to him and asked him to sit down.

Boyan sat down, still looking up at him.

Why do you ask that? Yan Qingchi said softly.

Boyan thought for a while, and pursed his lips. He didn't know whether to say it or not. He actually wanted to ask Yan Qingchi, even if he wasn't his own father, would he still be good at chess and chess? He knew that his father was about to get married, and he was married to an aunt who was not familiar with him. Every time he saw him, the aunt would laugh, talk to him, and touch her hair.

But Boyan didn't like her very much, so Boyan wanted to ask Yan Qingchi, even if it wasn't her own child, would her aunt treat her well? Will you always be nice to yourself?

However, he was not familiar with Yan Qingchi, so he was embarrassed to ask, so he had to bow his head.

Seeing him bowing his head, Yan Qingchi leaned over and tilted his head to look at him, and asked, What's wrong? Is there anything I can tell my uncle. Uncle is an adult, maybe he can help you solve it.

@Infinite good text, all in

Boyan raised his eyes, Yan Qingchi smiled at him, very gentle, Boyan thought about it, and said softly: Uncle, can you and Uncle Jiang not quarrel or divorce?

Yan Qingchi was stunned by this question, and did not understand how Boyan would suddenly ask this question.

Bo Yan didn't wait for him to answer, and continued to speak quietly, Qiqi doesn't like divorce, he doesn't want to be separated from you, can you always be as good as you are now?

Yan Qingchi suddenly felt a little distressed for him, he looked at the little boy with his head bowed in front of him. Bo Yan is young, but he is obviously more concerned than Qiqi. His own parents are always quarreling and divorced. He and Qiqi are good friends, so he is afraid that such things will happen to Qiqi. He didn't want Qiqi to have the same experience as himself, so he said these words to Yan Qingchi.

Yan Qingchi reached out and hugged him, Don't worry, I won't quarrel with Uncle Jiang, and I won't divorce him. We will watch Qiqi grow up.

Boyan thought this was very good, and felt a little envious, so he nodded and said thank you uncle.

Yan Qingchi looked at him and rubbed his head, Yanyan is so sensible and cute, even if your parents are divorced, they will definitely like you very much, and they will take good care of you as you grow up.


Yan Qingchi nodded and comforted him, Well, really, their divorce is a matter between the two adults, and it has nothing to do with you. You are still their favorite baby.

Then why did they quarrel and divorce? Boyan asked.

Yan Qingchi can't answer this question. There are many reasons for the quarrel between husband and wife, and there are many reasons for divorce. He is neither Bo Feng nor Fu Minzhi. He doesn't know why, he only knows that Bo Yan is innocent.

But Bo Yan is the most seriously injured here.

I don't know. Yan Qingchi said honestly, But, I think you are very good, so I think your parents must also like you very much.

Boyan didn't speak, he looked at his knees, and after a while, stood up.

Uncle, what we said today, don't tell others, including chess, okay?

Yan Qingchi nodded, Okay.

Boyan stretched out his finger, Yan Qingchi checked with him, Boyan let go, picked up the glass and drank half a glass of water, said good night to Yan Qingchi, and then went up the stairs. @Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi sighed. He felt that Bo Yan still had something he wanted to ask him, but he didn't feel embarrassed to ask. He just thought it was not easy for this child. He couldn't help lowering his head and looked at his belly. Every child came with love and tenderness. They were full of expectations and should be the happiest existence in the world. However, their growth is different. He hopes that all children can be treated warmly, but he can only protect his own children.

Jiang Mochen watched Qiqi go to bed and lay down, and he talked with him for a while before leaving. He went back to his bedroom, and seeing that Yan Qingchi was not there, he went down to the living room to look for him. He saw him as soon as he walked down the stairs.

Sitting on the sofa eating oranges. Seeing him come down, Yan Qingchi also took the initiative to ask, Do you want to eat?

Jiang Mochen felt that he was a bit like being caught stealing a bag. It felt a little funny, but he couldn't help but laugh. He walked over to help peel two, and then put away the rest, This is too much to get angry, don't eat too much.

Yan Qingchi just wanted to eat all of a sudden. He ate some now and was satisfied, so he nodded obediently and said um.

I just came down to drink water and talked to me for a while.

What? Jiang Mochen asked him.

I checked with him, and I can't tell others, so I can't tell you. Yan Qingchi looked at him, I just think this child is quite sensible, and it's very distressing.

Jiang Mochen couldn't tell himself about his conversation with Bo Yan, so he didn't care much. After all, Bo Yan was still too young, so what the two of them said probably wouldn't be a big deal.

He stretched out his arms and embraced Yan Qingchi, Parents' divorce is not always a good thing for children, but it's someone else's housework, and it's not convenient for us to take care of it.

Well, I just sighed.

So, we have to take precautions. Jiang Mochen looked at him, Absolutely not divorce.

Yan Qingchi smiled, After talking for a long time, your focus is here.

Am I wrong? If we get divorced, Qiqi will probably run away from home.

Yan Qingchi thought about the way Chess was pulling the suitcase and holding the fish tank, and thought it was quite cute, but, Then I'll buy him a dog first. At that time, Chess can hold the suitcase in his left hand and hold the dog in his right hand. Even if they run away from home, they are the coolest of these runaway babies.

Jiang Mochen was amused by his description, Then I'll buy an eagle for Qiqi. When the time comes, the left will lead Huang, the right will be Qingcang, and the brocade hat and Diaoqiu will be holding the suitcase. It's not easy to look at.

Yan Qingchi laughed, You think he's Erlang God, there are not many of them. He stood up, Let's go, go back to the room and sleep, Erlang God is his father.

Jiang Mochen stood up and touched his stomach, Okay, Daddy Nezha.

The next morning, Yan Qingchi sent chess and chess to school with Boyan. Boyan was very polite. Before leaving, he said thank you to him. Yan Qingchi invited him to come and play often when he had time.

In the afternoon, Jiang Mochen and Yan Qingchi came to pick up chess. The two of them were sitting in the car, Yan Qingchi touched Jiang Mochen, Jiang Mochen looked up, and saw Zhou Yixing walking towards him not far away.

I was really right. Jiang Mochen squinted at Yan Qingchi.

Then it's up to you to deal with him. Yan Qingchi said warmly.

After a while, Zhou Yixing knocked on the window glass of Jiang Mochen's side, Jiang Mochen shook the glass down, looked at Zhou Yixing's surprise for a moment, and smiled, Long time no see.

It's been a long time. Zhou Yixing looked in and saw Yan Qingchi in the car, I thought I recognized the wrong car. He looked at Yan Qingchi, Fortunately, I saw you, so I can rest assured.

Yan Qingchi felt that his psychological quality was really good, and he wanted to tease him across Jiang Mochen.

Seeing this, Jiang Mochen felt a little unhappy, and snorted, Zhou Yixing, even if you are inexperienced, your family doesn't value you, but after all, your surname is Zhou, so the news won't be blocked so much that I don't even get married last year. You know. Or, your family has regressed so much in the past two years that you are no longer in this circle?

Zhou Yixing was a little annoyed by what he said, but he didn't want to admit that he was pretending to be confused, so he could only say: It's not that you don't know that I have been abroad before and only came back at the end of last year.

So the few months you came back, you didn't hear anything out of the window, and only read the books of sages and sages? Don't know anything?

Zhou Yixing was annoyed and said stubbornly, I'm just too lazy to care about things related to you.

Jiang Mochen smiled, Now that you know it, you should also know how to do it.

Zhou Yixing laughed, he thought it was a little ridiculous, Jiang Mochen, what do you mean by that? What should I know?

Stay away from Yanqingchi.

What's the age? You're still doing this shit. The matter between me and Qingchi is our business, why? He married you, so he can't have friends?

Just you? Jiang Mochen smiled contemptuously and turned to look at Yan Qingchi, Is he your friend?

@Infinite good text, all in

Yan Qingchi shook his head, I don't know much.

Zhou Yixing was a little surprised when he heard the words, Qingchi, why do you say that?

Yan Qingchi looked at him, We really don't know each other very well.

I saved you.

So I say thank you to you.

Just thank you?

Then what else do you want? Yan Qingchi asked him, Actually, that day, if you didn't take action, I almost solved it, but you helped me, what else do you want?

Zhou Yixing was stunned by his question.

Jiang Mochen opened his mouth and said, Probably want you to remember him, otherwise, the area where Zhou Shao usually operates is not here, and we went around most of the city to come here, but it's not just to see you in the crowd.

It's a pity that we have made sure that we have no eyes to meet.

Zhou Yixing was speechless by their singing and singing.

I meant it for your own good, but I didn't expect you to be like this. He looked at Yan Qingchi.

Yan Qingchi smiled slightly,

That is, after all, your ex-boyfriend? Your current boyfriend? Anyway, Yuan Mingxu once commented on me. I was hard-hearted, cold-blooded, cruel, and not a good person anyway. I think what he said was very correct and very accurate.

Zhou Yixing: ...

Okay Zhou Yixing. Jiang Mochen looked at him, This is the end of the matter, no matter what you want to do, don't appear in front of us again. If you can't do it, I believe your father is very willing to discipline you.

Don't talk about my dad. For the affairs of our generation, don't bring in the older generation.

If you really don't want to talk about it, get out of the way. Our marriage was decided by the elders of the two families, and now they don't know what you did, otherwise, with the character of my parents, do you think you Can you still stand here now? Your dad should have talked to you long ago. Do you really think I don't know anything about Zhou Qiang?

Zhou Yixing wanted to say something, but he was worried about his own home, gritted his teeth, and didn't speak.

Not leaving yet? Waiting to see our family of three happy? Jiang Mochen said indifferently.

Zhou Yixing glanced at him and had no choice but to leave.

So simple? Yan Qingchi looked at Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mochen nodded and rolled the car window halfway up, Zhou Yixing is not a big trouble, there is a Zhou family behind him, and the Zhou family is his support and restraint, so he dare not do anything that would harm the interests of the Zhou family. Things. He pretended not to know you before, but also to find an excuse for what he is doing in the future. Otherwise, if other people in their family find out that he knows your identity, he will rush to you. In front of him, he even has ulterior motives, he won't have any good fruit to eat.

Then will he meet me again in the future?

Jiang Mochen thought for a while, To be on the safe side, I'd better call his brother. Unlike Wei Xun, his brother Zhou Yixing has probably always wanted to have this brother.

After Jiang Mochen finished speaking, he found Zhou Yixing's brother's number from the contacts and dialed the number.

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