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104 one hundred four

Chapter 104:

A little girl with double ponytails and a red cloak saw it and came over. She didn't like to play snowball fights, but she really wanted to build a snowman with others, so she stepped forward and asked, Are you building a snowman?

Yan Qingchi nodded.

The little girl asked timidly, Then can I play with you?

Yan Qingchi looked at Qiqi, Qiqi pouted reluctantly.

Yan Qingchi smiled and said to the little girl, No, the two of us are going to build a snowman with our own efforts. Thank you for your help, but we have to do our own business, so let's build it ourselves first, you really are A kind little girl.

@Infinite good text, all in

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, Then call me if you need help, and I'll go and make one myself.


Seeing her gone, Yan Qingchi looked back at Qiqi and gave him a wink.

Qiqi pursed his lips and said embarrassedly, Dad, is it not good for me to be like this?

His little hands were wearing gloves, and he patted on the snowball that had been formed. He bowed his head and blamed himself a little.

Yan Qingchi said softly: No, everyone has their own minds. It's normal to not want her to play with us in chess and chess, as long as chess and chess are happy.

After hearing what he said, Qiqi was relieved and explained: Qiqi has not built a snowman with my father, so I want to build it with my father, no other people. Wait until the next time, Qiqi can be with the children. piled together.

Yan Qingchi said um, Dad has never made a pile with chess and chess, so Dad also wants to pile up with chess and chess to build a snowman that belongs to the two of us.

Qiqi curved his eyes and smiled, without speaking, he continued to build a snowman.

After a lot of hard work, the two finally built the snowman. Yan Qingchi asked Qiqi to stand on the other side, took a selfie of him, Qiqi and the snowman, and took a few separate pictures of the snowman. Then he put away the phone, thinking that he would never go back, Jiang Mochen estimated that It was time to worry again, so he took the chess and chess back home.

Chess was still a little reluctant to bear the snowman, and asked him, Can't you take it home?

No, the snowman will melt when you bring it home.

Chess looked back at the snowman behind him, and asked him reluctantly, Can I come down to see it later?

Okay, we'll come down later.

Well. Qiqi said happily.

Jiang Mochen saw from the upstairs window that the two of them had had enough fun and were finally ready to go back to the house, so he was relieved and went to the kitchen to continue learning how to cook. It's really worrying, he thought. Before, I only had to worry about one, but now I have to worry about two, ah no, it's three, it's really a sweet burden.

The meal that night was made by Jiang Mochen. The meal was very simple, with preserved egg, lean meat porridge, and the buns made by Yanmu for Yanqingchi.

In the kitchen, Jiang Mochen called Yan Qingchi in to try the taste, and said with a guilty conscience, This is my first time cooking, so it's relatively simple and the taste is average, you can worry about it.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, took a spoon and scooped a spoonful of porridge, I'll try it first.

Jiang Mochen was a little nervous for a moment, and kept staring at Yan Qingchi, Is it okay?

Yan Qingchi looked at him nervous, and shook his head with emotion, Oh, I still remember the first time I came to this house, Aunt Zhang was cooking, you said you couldn't cook, I was there at that time. I think, you are really the habit of the young master. I didn't expect that one day, when I was still in this room, I actually ate the food you made. Yan Qingchi snorted, It's really a father and a son. he joked.

Jiang Mochen heard the words, but his expression slowly changed. He looked at Yan Qingchi and asked in a puzzled way, Do you think that I learned to do this because of my child? Is it good for you?

Yan Qingchi didn't expect him to ask such a question, and said Ah in a dazed way.

Jiang Mochen reviewed their relationship. It was true that Aunt Zhang was cooking before, and Yan Qingchi occasionally cooked a few dishes to give them a different taste. But I have never been cooking, and I haven't even revealed the meaning in this regard.

He started to learn to cook, and even wanted to learn to cook. After Yan Qingchi became pregnant, he had a child and was inconvenient. They didn't plan to let Aunt Zhang stay at home, so he proposed to cook by himself. But it wasn't because of the child in Yan Qingchi's belly, it was just because he felt sorry for him.

He looked at Yan Qingchi and said sternly: Qingchi, I think you misunderstood something.

Ah? Yan Qingchi wondered.

I didn't think about learning to cook because you were pregnant and had a baby. Of course, the trigger for things was after you became pregnant, but in the final analysis, it was just because you were pregnant. Although it is shameful to say this, but since I was an adult, there are many people who want to have children for me. If I want to have children, then even if I like boys, I will have my own now. own children.

Yan Qingchi didn't expect that one of his jokes would attract such a serious explanation from Jiang Mochen, so he quickly said, I didn't mean that.

I know, but I want to make it clear. The reason why I am nervous about you now and learning to take care of you is not because I care about the child in your womb—of course, I still care about this child, but more It's me who's afraid that you'll be uncomfortable during pregnancy, so I want you to do as much as possible

Be comfortable. If one day something happens to you and your child, and you can only choose between the two, I will choose you without hesitation, do you understand?

Yan Qingchi listened to him more and more serious, and for a while regretted that he shouldn't have said more, he approached Jiang Mochen, stretched out his hand and took his arm, Okay, I see, I'm just joking with you, what? I think you explained it to me so seriously. Let’s skip this topic, I think the preserved egg and lean meat porridge is delicious, and you have a great talent for cooking.”

Jiang Mochen smiled slightly, As long as you like it.

Then I'll call Qiqi, take out the meal, let's eat.

it is good.

Yan Qingchi listened to him, turned around and walked out of the kitchen to call Qiqi. Jiang Mochen turned his head to look at his back, and slowly took the chess and his bowl from the cupboard.

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Jiang Mochen didn't expect such a word in Yan Qingchi's heart. He stopped the movements of his hands for a while, only feeling that the time of this child's arrival was indeed a little inappropriate. ——He has sent the final draft of the ring to the designer and asked him to contact the production department to make it as soon as possible. Jiang Mochen originally planned to use this pair of rings to propose to Yan Qingchi on Valentine's Day, or a little later, in April or May, but now it seems that even if he gets the ring, it is not suitable for marriage proposal.

When he had no children, he proposed to Yan Qingchi. He could tell Yan Qingchi generously and tell everyone that he liked him and simply liked him, so he hoped that he could be with him forever. . But once he has a child, everything will change, even if he can still tell Yan Qingchi generously and tell everyone that he simply likes Yan Qingchi, but other people, even Yan Qingchi himself, will letter?

Do you feel like you are only looking out for your children?

Jiang Mochen didn't like this kind of assumption, but Yan Qingchi's joke today made him have to worry.

Their relationship should have nothing to do with the child, but only from love, but now, it happens to be mixed with the child's factor. This gave Jiang Mochen some headaches, and even wanted to move this marriage proposal backwards. What he likes is only Yan Qingchi who is Yan Qingchi himself, not Yan Qingchi who is pregnant with his child. If he proposes now, it will make Yan Qingchi or others misunderstand his liking, then he can wait until Yan Qingchi gave birth to the child and only existed as an individual Yan Qingchi. At that time, he proposed to him again.

Jiang Mochen made this decision almost instantly, so that's fine, he thought, if he really only cares about the child, then Yan Qingchi who has given birth to the child should be worthless, let alone propose marriage, he should even treat him Indifferent, indifferent. Don't you see many actresses who try to use their children to marry into wealthy families. After giving birth to children, they all go to their mothers to keep children. The children grow up in wealthy families. .

If he really proposes after Yan Qingchi has given birth, then at that time, whether Yan Qingchi or others, he should see clearly who he cares about. Jiang Mochen felt a little better when he thought of this, but it was a pity, he thought, but it was a pity that Yan Qingchi had to wait for a while.

Thinking of this, he felt a little pity.

Jiang Mochen filled the porridge, took it out, and put the hot steamed buns on a plate and took it out.

Chess and chess had already been seated at the dining table. Seeing that there was no dipping sauce on the table, Yan Qingchi went into the kitchen to adjust three bowls of dipping sauce and took it out.

Let's eat. He looked at the simple food on the table, stretched out his chopsticks and took a bun, but it was not placed in the plate in front of the chess and chess, but in Jiang Mochen's plate, Thanks to today's chef , the chef has worked hard, please continue to work hard in the future.

Jiang Mochen smiled and said warmly, Okay.

At night, it was still snowing in the sky, Qiqi took one last look at his snowman, and saw how fat it looked after being covered with snow, he giggled for a while, and then extended his finger to Yan Qing. Chi Kan, Look, Dad, it has gained weight.

Yan Qingchi thought his statement was very interesting, so he replied with a smile, Yeah, maybe the little snowman is eating too.

Qiqi turned to look at him, But Qiqi has also eaten, so Qiqi is not fat.

So Chess is very good. Yan Qingchi coaxed him, Okay, Chess and Little Snowman say goodbye, it's time to sleep.

Qiqi then waved at the little snowman, left reluctantly, and went back to his room to sleep.

Yan Qingchi watched him close his eyes, turned off the light, and returned to his bedroom. He looked at the heavy snow flying outside the window, thinking that this afternoon, he and Qiqi both went out to play in the snow, but left Jiang Mochen alone in the room, plus what he joked in the kitchen later, for a while I feel a little sorry for him.

He turned his head and asked Jiang Mochen, Do you want to go out and see the snow?

Didn't you go out to play all afternoon?

That's draw chess, not with you.

Jiang Mochen smiled when he heard the words, Why, do you want to watch the snow with me?

Yan Qingchi looked at him, Can't you?

Then you won't let me go in the afternoon.

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That's why I know that when you go out to play with me, you will definitely have to take care of things, and you are afraid that I will fall and I will freeze.

So you think, now I

Going out with you, won't you care about it?

Of course not, Yan Qingchi approached him, it's just, now I'm willing to let you take care of it. He looked at Jiang Mochen, So, do you want to go out with me to see the snow?

His tone was gentle, and his eyes were full of warm light. Jiang Mochen looked at him and nodded without principle, En.

Just as Yan Qingchi thought, Jiang Mochen was indeed afraid that he would fall and freeze, and there were no shortage of down jackets, scarves, and hats. Yan Qingchi felt helpless, I'm just a bigger version of chess now.

Then you don't have to listen to me. Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi smiled, But I know you better than chess.

Jiang Mochen laughed when he heard the words, Let's go, let's go out.

@Infinite good text, all in

The snow in the sky was still falling, Yan Qingchi looked at it and turned to Jiang Mochen, Is it romantic?

To be honest, I've never really understood, what's so romantic about snowy days. Jiang Mochen said.

Yan Qingchi thought for a while, It's not romantic when it's snowing, but who is romantic by your side?

Jiang Mochen looked at him, That is indeed quite romantic.

Do you want to play snowball fights? Yan Qingchi asked him.

Jiang Mochen chuckled, How old am I?

But I want to play.

After Yan Qingchi finished speaking, he threw a snowball at him. Jiang Mochen was about to talk about him when he saw another snowball coming towards him. Jiang Mochen had no choice but to play with him.

The two of them played for a while before Yan Qingchi finally gave up. Jiang Mochen walked over and touched his gloves. Sure enough, they were all wet.

Are your hands cold? He said, and took off the gloves on Yan Qingchi's hands, My mother said, you can't catch cold during this time, and it's best to keep your hands and feet warm.

Jiang Mochen said, pulled off his down jacket, put his hand in, put it on his sweater, and covered it carefully.

Yan Qingchi looked at him, and his heart slowly warmed.

@Infinite good text, all in

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Mochen thought he felt too nervous again, so he said, You said it yourself, you are willing to let me take care of it now.

Yan Qingchi felt a little sad for a while, he struggled to get his hands, Jiang Mochen felt his movement, so he loosened the hands that had been holding his wrist, and then Yan Qingchi wrapped his waist and pressed his chin against his shoulders, hugged him.

Jiang Mochen was a little surprised, he reached out and hugged him, What's wrong with you?

I apologize to you, Yan Qingchi said, whether it's not letting you come down to play with us this afternoon, or the joke in the kitchen.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Mochen, I know you are doing it for my own good, and I know that everything you do is because you care about me. Although this is a bit difficult for me to adapt to, I will try my best to adapt. I'll know you're worried and won't let you follow, I promise.

Jiang Mochen thought what happened to him, but he didn't expect it was just because of the afternoon, It's okay, I didn't blame you, I've been a little nervous recently, I know, you don't need to care.

Then let's make a step, don't let me do anything, treat me as a sick patient, and I will listen to you. If you are really worried, I will not do it.

it is good.

Yan Qingchi hugged him with a pity, In the afternoon, it was actually quite lively here. There were many children, chess and chess, and I built a snowman together. Unfortunately, I didn't let you down.

Jiang Mochen leaned close to him and pressed his forehead to his forehead, However, I prefer the two of us to be together rather than lively. A group of people playing in the snow is lively and interesting; two people are walking in the snow and talking. , snowball fights, this is romance. I like romance.

Yan Qingchi felt that he was really gentle, he raised his head slightly and kissed Jiang Mochen.

Jiang Mochen hugged him and kissed him thinly. The snowflakes in the sky were still falling lightly, falling on the green holly, on the dry branches, on the white bench, and on the snowman in the chess stack. , also fell on them both.

Jiang Mochen hugged the person in his arms and chuckled lightly. After kissing, he kissed Yan Qingchi's ear and said softly, Now, I also think snowy days are very romantic.

Yan Qingchi thought that the snow would fall all night, but it didn't. Before midnight, the snow stopped. The next morning, the sun was even higher in the sky, emitting its own light and heat rarely.

Qiqi woke up in the morning and saw that the snowman he had built had melted. He couldn't help feeling a little melancholy, and looked at Yan Qingchi pitifully. Yan Qingchi touched his head, When the sun comes out, there will be no one in the snow, so the little snowman will also be gone.

Chess said angrily, Can't the sun come out later?

No, it won't be bright until the sun comes out. If the sky doesn't brighten, everyone can't do a lot of things.

Chess is still a little sad to hear the words.

Yan Qingchi comforted him, Didn't we take a picture of the little snowman yesterday? Then today, shall we draw it according to the picture?

Qiqi became happy after hearing what he said, Well, let's paint.

Yan Qingchi rubbed his hair, only to feel that the child's emotions really came and went quickly, and it was very coaxing.

So, Yan Qingchi called Jiang Mochen and started their traditional family of three painting time together with Qiqi.

However, as the saying goes, some people are happy and others are worried. Compared with the warmth and happiness here in Yanqingchi, Yuan Mingxu has not had a good year.


He looked at the man in front of him hugging from side to side, listening to the noisy and chaotic voices in the bar, a heart seemed to be immersed in ice water, and it was so cold that it formed a layer of fine ice slag. The soft inside was broken, making him feel painful but ironic. How could he really give him hope? How could he really think he was in love with him! Yuan Mingxu thought it was ridiculous, but he couldn't laugh. He didn't say anything, he turned around and left.

Only the shocked Zhou Yixing was left. After he left, he chased after him as if he had just woken up from a dream, calling him, Xiao Xu, and anxiously said, Listen to my explanation!

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