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Shu Yan looked at the laughing Hu Ruixue, who was leaning forward and backward.

I'm not crazy, it's really cool. Hu Ruixue looked at Shu Yan with bright eyes, I asked people to send the photos to the hometowns of Ale and Zhang Bozong, so that people in their hometowns could learn about their glorious deeds. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, it must have caused a great sensation. If they go back to their hometown, they must be very beautiful, right?

Shu Yan: ...

He still wants to compete with me for the custody of his daughter, and he doesn't think about who he can rely on to have what he is today. Since the Hu family can give it to him, he can take it back. Coincidentally, Zhang Bozong runs a garment factory, and he is not bad. I have a bit of skill, the original small workshop has developed quite a scale, and now this factory is owned by me, you happen to open a clothing store, and we can be regarded as peers.”

After that, I'll ask Boss Hu to take care of me more. Shu Yan felt that Hu Ruixue was well protected by her family, so she was so easily attracted to Zhang Bozong. She even suspected that Hu Ruixue and Zhang Bozong might have been designed by him. Otherwise, they all meet by chance, and it's not an idol drama.

You're welcome, I don't know anything about this, and I may need you to take care of me in the future. The sadness in the corner of Hu Ruixue's eyes was much less.

Divorce is not a bad thing for her. Hu Ruixue looked at Shu Yan and admired her very much. After she found out that her husband was irretrievable, she simply let the scumbag go out of the house and attacked the mistress. With two children and her own business, Hu Ruixue felt that her problem was small compared to her.

Help each other. Shu Yan smiled and didn't take it seriously. She didn't know what Hu Ruixue's family did, but she was definitely not small. Just helping her would be worth her years or even decades of hard work.

The innate advantages are different. Shu Yan is very open to this aspect. Whether before or after crossing, she is a person who has to rely on her own hands to eat.

The two chatted for a long time, and Hu Ruixue found that Shu Yan really didn't look like a village woman in the countryside who had never read.

If Shu Yan knew what she was thinking, she would definitely say that she thought too much, because she was simply an outsider, and besides, she had an advantage in vision for 20 or 30 years, and she was simply carrying a cheating device.

They chatted very speculatively and had lunch together. When they left, Hu Ruixue told Shu Yan his phone number.

I don't have any skills myself, but my father and brother are still talking in Nancheng. If you encounter any difficulties, you can call me.

Okay thank you.

Hu Ruixue drove Shu Yan to the store. When Shu Yan got out of the car, Hu Ruixue suddenly asked, Can I find you for dinner next time?

Shu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, Of course.

Boss lady. Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying were having lunch and did not see Hu Ruixue's car.

Why are you eating so late? Shu Yan glanced at her, Zhang Huaxiu was still a meat and a vegetarian, Yingying's food was better, at least she saw meat, Shu Yan didn't ask too much about the employees' personal affairs, she opened the drawer to see today morning account.

I sold it for more than 600 yuan in the morning. These days it averages about 1500 yuan a day, and 45,000 yuan a month. Excluding the rent, water, electricity and labor costs, I can earn more than 20,000 yuan a month, which is a lot.

Madam, are you going to stock up tomorrow? Yingying asked hesitantly after eating.

There's enough stock now. I'll call tomorrow to restock. I won't go to stock up yet. Is there anything wrong? Shu Yan had already seen it, but a few items were missing, so she was lazy and didn't go this weekend.

It's okay, I just want to take a leave of absence at home tomorrow. Yingying lowered her head, she came a month later than Zhang Huaxiu, but no one asked for leave, she asked for leave first, she was very worried that it would be bad for the boss to stay The impression that the current job is easy and the salary is so high, she must not lose it.

Okay, you already have two days off each month, just tell me in advance, you write a leave note, I'll sign it, and I'll be here by myself tomorrow. I originally planned to visit the new house tomorrow, I stopped by to buy home appliances, but Yingying wants to take a leave of absence, so she will put it away for the time being.

Shu Yan glanced at Zhang Huaxiu, Are you going to ask for leave? You haven't asked for leave since you went to work. It will take a month, right? Don't go to work all day, you have to rest when you need to rest.

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