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Shu Yan couldn't help thinking too much, how could it be so coincidental, there was a conflict with Ale, and a brother-in-law suddenly came over there. It seemed that Zhu Hong was looking for an excuse to take back the house.

Immediately open Ale's profile. He is only 20 years old this year. He graduated from junior high school at the age of 16 and went to work in Nancheng. He was introduced to a wealthy family as a nanny by a friend. Just throw it out.

The hostess's maiden family is not an ordinary person. The hostess's father is the support of the hostess. At that time, he knelt down and cried and begged for forgiveness from the hostess. It didn't take long for the two to hook up again and buy them for Ale in the south of the city. After buying a house and opening a clothing store, Shu Yan looked up at Lao Hu without being confident, Did you check?

It's definitely not wrong. This matter was a big deal at the time. Many people knew that it was just for the lady's face and it didn't spread. If it wasn't for the investigation this time, I wouldn't know that he was raised directly outside. In the past two years, his reputation has been very good, and he has shown that he loves his wife very much. Lao Hu did not expect to find such a big fish, so he took out another piece of paper and handed it to Shu Yan, This is the address of Ale's lover and his home phone.

Shu Yan looked up at Lao Hu and smiled, Your business is thoughtful enough.

There's no way, we can't do it without being thoughtful. Old Hu was slightly proud.

Okay. I'll trouble you this time. Shu Yan gave an extra 100 yuan when she paid the balance. I don't want a third person to know about this.

Don't worry about it, this is the norm, I don't dare to break it.

After getting the information, Shu Yan thought about a hint of anger in her eyes. She thought that Ale would come over and poke a few holes to make some damage and disgust her. I didn't expect that she would ask Zhu Hong to deliberately check out the house. She doesn't care, she can just find a hotel, but she still has two children. Since you are unkind, don't blame her for being unrighteous.

Revenge would not last overnight, so Shu Yan found a public phone booth on the way back and called directly to her lover's house. At this time, it was lunch time, and someone answered the phone right away.

Hello, who is it? The voice was very gentle.

Hello, is this Zhang Bozong's family?

Yes, who are you? The woman frowned slightly. She was always frightened recently, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Do you know Yang Le?

The woman froze for a moment, and glanced sideways at the man who was eating, Of course, or are you?

I don't beat around the bush. I had a conflict with Yang Le, and then I asked someone to check her, why is she so reckless, and I found a very interesting story. She came to Nancheng at a young age to work hard, and she was good with her employer. I went there. After being kicked out by the hostess, the employer approached her again not long after, not only bought her a house, but also opened a clothing store for her. You don’t need to doubt me, just go to the post and telecommunications community in Chengnan District to find out. Shu Yan felt that the other party's performance was a bit calm. According to the information, this woman liked her husband very much, otherwise she would not ignore the opposition of her parents and marry a poor boy, and she chose to forgive after that happened, so now Knowing that her husband is still with Ale, this is definitely not the reaction.

I see. Can you tell me who you are? The woman was holding the microphone with white fingers, but her tone was very calm.

You don't need to know who I am, but we are both fallen from the end of the world. As someone who has come here, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, dogs can't change from eating shit. She talks too much.

Who is it? Zhang Bozong asked gently.

I'm a friend. The woman smiled, and then said to Shu Yan, I know it in my heart. I will investigate this matter. If it is true, hehe...

The woman's last laugh, Shu Yan's heart, was trembling, but who cares, a scumbag and a mistress are not good things.

On the last day of the event, Shu Yan posted a few big red advertisements and asked two temporary workers to go out to hand out flyers. Many people came, even busier than the previous days. Shu Yan couldn't care about Tianbao, so she bought a bag of snacks to let He eats after the cash register.

Finally, after working for a while, Shu Yan took a sip of water, and the corner of her clothes was pulled, Mom, I want to tie a balloon too.

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