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Shu Yan frowned, We signed a three-month contract. According to the contract, you can't take it back without any reason while I'm renting, or you will have to compensate me for the loss.

It's not for no reason. It's because my relatives came and I can't do anything about it. I also hope to rent the house to you. I still have rent to collect every month. Let’s talk about this compensation, I will refund all the deposit and rent to you, and let you live for half a month in vain, which is regarded as compensation for your loss.”

Taking a deep breath, Shu Yan suppressed the irritability in her heart, When will your brother-in-law come?

They will come tomorrow.

Come here tomorrow? It's too sudden. Anyway, let me know in advance so that I can prepare myself mentally. Where can I go to find a house now? Shu Yan really didn't expect the landlord to take it back.

I was also caught off guard by him, but he already bought the ticket, look at this...

Not tomorrow. You have to give me at least three days to find a house, isn't this an excessive request? Shu Yan opened the door and let the two children go in first.

The man looked at Shu Yan and the two children who entered the door, and sighed, I can't ask too much, but I really can't help it. My wife gave me a death order.

Well, he is a man who is very afraid of his wife. Obviously, his wife has ordered him to take back the house. It is useless for Shu Yan to get angry. The house belongs to others. Even if the contract is signed, the landlord really wants to take it back. Such is the sadness of renting a house.

Okay, I see.

The house leaked in the rain all night. The store was busy recently, and I had two children with me. Now there is a problem with the house. Shu Yan didn't have the heart to cook anymore. I've been thinking about what to do when I'm in the bowl.

Mom, can't we live here?

Seeing her worried daughter, Shu Yan tried her best not to let her heavy breath affect her child, and smiled hard: It's alright, my mother bought a new house near your school, didn't she take you to see it? There It has been renovated, and we will be able to live in it during the Chinese New Year.”

Aren't we going home for the new year?

Shu Yan was stunned, and it took a while to realize that the home Ye Jingjing said was the hometown of Xicheng.

Ye Jingjing is older than Tianbao, she already remembers things and knows many things.

Do you want to go back? Shu Yan asked her directly.

I don't like it. Ye Jingjing shook her head. In the past, she was always scolded by her grandmother as a loser in the countryside. Her parents ignored her and only cared about her brother. Now she follows her mother. Her mother treats her as good as her brother, and sometimes compares her to her. The younger brother is even better. She also met many new friends here. They are very clean, polite, and never swear. This place is heaven compared to her hometown. She can't wait to never go back.

Well, my mother doesn't like it either, so this is our home in the future, and that over there...let's take it as my grandmother's house, and then move around as a distant relative. This was said to Ye Jingjing as well as to herself.

The house must be moved, after all, it belongs to someone else, not to mention that she is a woman with two children, and she is a foreigner, so she can't be a landlord. Fortunately, I wanted to live for a while, and I didn't buy too many things. I threw away the things that should be thrown away, and Shu Yan packed them up and sent them to the new house. Things are small things, mainly how to arrange the two children?

Ye Jingjing is in the first grade of elementary school, and she couldn't keep up. She must not miss her homework. When Shu Yan went back to pick up her children, she saw that some students in the cram school lived directly there. Maybe some parents entrusted their children to the teacher. , Shu Yan planned to ask, if possible, she decided to let Jingjing live with the teacher for a month.

I only have one spare room here. There are two male classmates living here. It's not suitable for Ye Jingjing to live in. Otherwise, ask Mr. Liu. Although she also accepts a male classmate, her daughter has a room. Her daughter has been vacant since she got married, so it should be fine to live for a month.

Teacher Liu is Jingjing's English tutor. When she heard Shu Yan's intention, she said, No problem, you can put your child here. Anyway, my daughter rarely comes back, so she sleeps in her room.

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