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Who is it?

It's me, the owner of the women's clothing store on Chengnan West Road last time, Master, are you going out tonight? Shu Yan smiled.

Why did you call so late? You need to agree in advance for a chartered car. The master said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth.

There are a few items in the store that are out. I'm going to replenish. What's wrong? Is your place full, master? Shu Yan was anxious.

Later, she went to Hangzhou again, also in this master's car. In the middle of the night, she asked a woman to take a stranger's car to Hangzhou. She didn't have the courage.

I happened to be going to Hangzhou today, but my car was packaged by two people. If you want to carpool, you need their consent. The driver doesn't really care, the money he charges is the same.

Then please ask the master for me, and if I can, I will go with you. Shu Yan felt that they would definitely agree.

There's no reason to disagree. One more person means less money. Sure enough, the master called immediately and said the other party agreed.

Where are you? Or will I pick you up at Chengnan West Road?

Shu Yan: No, I'm on Fuqian Street on the Nancheng University side, do you know?

Master: I know, where are you? Tell me your address and I'll pick you up.

Should I wait for you at the bus stop on Fuqian Street? Shu Yan thought about it, Fuqian Street seems to be the best way to recognize the bus stop.

Okay, I'll be there in about half an hour.

Shu Yan hurriedly went home to take a shower, changed into casual clothes, changed her shoes to flat shoes, her hair was tied into a neat ponytail, and there were still ten minutes left, so she quickly poured out all the money she received today and counted it.

Today's activities are all large-scale banknotes. Shu Yan simply counted it, and it was more than 6,000 yuan. This is not 19 years, and 6,000 yuan in 1992 is a lot. Of course, it may not be so high in the future because of the activities. It is conservatively estimated that even if she earns 1,000 yuan a day, she can still earn 500 or 600 yuan. After removing the rent, water, electricity and labor, there are still more than 400 yuan, at least more than 10,000 yuan a month, really. Profiteering industry.

All the money is folded and placed in the bag, and it will cost a lot of money to buy goods today.

Fuqian Street is still very lively at night. Many people eat supper outside. Not long after Shuyan arrived at the bus stop, the master came over.

You're in a hurry too. It's better to tell me in advance next time. It's impossible to go back and there just happens to be an empty seat.

It's mainly because I have no experience myself, so I won't next time. Shu Yan smiled and nodded to the two people in the car, You are also going to Nancheng to buy goods?

Yeah, you open a shop on Chengnan West Road? They heard the driver's phone call just now.

Well, how about you? Shu Yan looked at the clothes of the two. They were not particularly fashionable, but they looked very comfortable.

We are in the north of the city, a little far from you. One of them laughed.

Chengbei is different from Chengnan West Road. The main products there are cheap clothes, and the price is much lower than that of Chengnan West Road. Budget-conscious housewives and students love to buy clothes there.

Shu Yan is still a novice in the clothing industry, and took the opportunity to ask them for advice. Not doing business on the same street means that there is no competition, so they didn't have much reservations and answered many of Shu Yan's doubts.

You also have to buy more often? Or we will carpool together in the future. The two of them turned out to be 4 people working together. Now one can't drive back to their hometown, and the other one doesn't need to buy goods for the time being. In the end, the two of them can only charter a car to go there. Now that there is another Shu Yan who has no competition, it is definitely a very cost-effective thing to help with some extra money.

Okay. Shu Yanzheng worried that no one carpooled to Hangzhou. During this time, the store was being renovated. She often went to the surrounding area to say hello, but unfortunately everyone already had companions.

It was only after 1 o'clock when we arrived in Hangcheng. The three of them found a place to sit down. After a busy day, Shu Yan was very tired. It will be a while before the market opens. Why don't we open a room and sleep for a while?

She actually wanted to go by herself, and it was not good to leave them alone.

Don't go. The market will open in more than two hours. Why waste that money? In fact, Shu Yan's current age is equivalent to her own parents' generation, and they are all very economical and willing to endure hardships , how could he be willing to rest in a hotel.

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