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When they arrived at the cram school, Tian Bao was the only one left in the cram school, and Shu Yan apologized to the teacher embarrassedly.

It's a bit blocked on the road, I'm really sorry.

It's alright, when it's inconvenient for everyone, go home quickly, Tian Bao must be hungry. The teacher sent them away gently.

Ye Tianbao was late, of course Ye Jingjing was late too. Shu Yan apologized to the teacher there again. She was a little silent on the way home. She must learn from this lesson. How long will it be blocked.

Mom, or I'll pick up Tianbao in the future and we'll go home by ourselves. Ye Jingjing looked at Shu Yan, her mother has been very busy recently, and she has to take care of them. She wants to help her share some of the burden.

I'll be obedient. I don't know if it's because of seeing Shu Yan's rush out recently, Ye Tianbao seems to be a lot more sensible.

When the child is too naughty, he has a headache, and he thinks that he will be better. When the child is sensible, Shu Yan feels distressed. One is seven years old and the other is only three years old. It is the fault of adults that they are too sensible.

It's alright, Mom didn't count the time today, so I won't do it next time. Of course it's fine in the countryside. In a big city like Nancheng, with the two children so young, Shu Yan is worried about letting them go to and from school on their own. The aspect must not hold a fluke mentality. If something goes wrong, I really cry without tears.

Ye Jingjing helped pick vegetables, but Tian Bao was also helping out. Shu Yan smiled lightly and quickly cooked rice and vegetables. It was already past six o'clock, and the two children should be starving.

Shu Yan didn't eat a diet meal tonight. It's not that she can't keep going, but she is so busy now that she really can't make it if she doesn't eat at all. She falls down, who will take care of the two children?

She hadn't eaten dinner for nearly a week, and Shu Yan felt that the rice was all sweet, but she still tried her best to restrain herself and only ate half a bowl of rice and some vegetables, not meat. The other two garment factories are also in this area, but they are a little far away. It took Shu Yan a long time to find them. The style of the clothes is similar to the one in Boss He's factory before. The materials are not as good as the boss's. A little bit cheaper, Shu Yan can't be greedy for this cheap if she wants to take the mid-to-high-end route.

Tentatively decide on Boss He's clothing factory, and see if Lao Hu has any good recommendations. Eggs can't be put in one basket.

Boss Shu. Lao Hu brought the two men into the store and smiled heartily: This is what I said about Boss Zhang. Many stores in Nancheng are looking for him to decorate, and the quality is good and the price is affordable.

Shu Yan has been too busy these past two days, so I asked Lao Hu to find a decoration company.

Hello. Shu Yan and Boss Zhang shook hands, I have already told the landlord that this wall can be completely destroyed and replaced with a transparent glass wall, suspended ceiling, eight chandeliers on each side, and the location of the cash register should be Move it here, the small warehouse in the back remains unchanged, and there are two fitting rooms on the right, right? Shu Yan shared her thoughts with Boss Zhang, and there were still a lot of changes.

The person behind Boss Zhang took note of Shu Yan's request, and then drew a sketch, Do you think this is the case?

Yes, that's it. The other party also filled in the places that Shu Yan said was not in place. No wonder Laohu said that many stores in Nancheng are looking for them to decorate, and this designer alone is incredible.

Is there anything else you want? the man asked, quickly writing down the store's data on the draft.

That's all for now, or do you have any better suggestions? She had never opened a clothing store before, and the decoration was completely copied from what the original world saw.

The man paused, I will redesign it according to your requirements, and I will be able to produce a design draft in about two days, and then you will decide after reviewing it.

After sending away Boss Zhang and the others, Shu Yan left Lao Hu to ask questions about the garment factory.

I have inquired about a few friends in this area. Nancheng's clothing is all the same. Most of them still go to Hangzhou for wholesale. It is not realistic for you to just want to wholesale clothes here. Lao Hu knew Shu Yan's situation. It is really unrealistic for two children to often go to Hangzhou for wholesale.

I know this, I want to prepare with both hands. Shu Yan is actually quite big, she wants to make her own characteristics, and maybe she can set up her own brand, whether it is successful or not, set a goal first. As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is, and it is all written. In such an age, and there is capital, why not make a breakthrough?

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