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It was really painful to lose weight and diet, especially when the two little pigs were snoring. Shu Yan looked at the dishes in her bowl and imagined that it was the most delicious meal before taking small bites.

The original body has a good appetite. Before, he had two big bowls of rice, and he had to eat big fat meat. After Shu Yan came through, she consciously ate 80% full and did not eat pork for dinner, and she has lost a little weight by now. I'm only six minutes full tonight, and I'm still hungry before nine o'clock.

Afraid of waking up the child, Shu Yan leaned against her stomach, only felt hungry and panicked. Her stomach was burning like a fire, and she kept secreting saliva. Shu Yan closed her eyes in discomfort, thinking that she would fall asleep as soon as possible so that she would not feel hungry. Then she found that she couldn't sleep at all because she was hungry.

No wonder it was said that starvation was the most painful, and Shu Yan finally realized it. She took a deep sigh and got ready to take a sip of water. Shu Yan felt that her limbs were shaking. Of course, this was an illusion. After drinking two sips of hot water, her stomach felt a little better. She glanced at the leftovers on the table and swallowed. Saliva, quickly go back to bed to sleep.

Shu Yan has been doing ideological struggles, isn't Fatty bad? Eat whatever you want, how happy is your life? No, you have to lose weight and persevere. Now you go out and say that it is the grandmother of Jingjing and Tianbao. Do you poke your heart? Lose weight, be beautiful.

I don't know when I fell asleep. When it was dawn, maybe I was too hungry, but I didn't feel very hungry. Shu Yan went out to buy breakfast. .

You still have to eat breakfast, and you can't lose weight without disregarding your body. Shu Yan ate breakfast on the way back, with happiness on her face.

I'll take you to school soon. Shu Yan peeled eggs for the two children and went into the kitchen to prepare lunch for Ye Jingjing.

When washing rice and cooking rice, Shu Yan deliberately cooks a little more. At noon, she can fry rice by herself, or make soaked rice. The pork belly is braised. It took a long time. Shu Yan fry it in the pot and put it directly into the pressure cooker, peeled two hard-boiled eggs and put it in for ten minutes. Just set aside a little lean meat and mash it, cut the beans into cubes, and the simple minced beans come out. Two dishes plus two eggs completes the bento.

Mom brought you a lot of food. Remember to share it with your classmates. This is milk, don't forget to drink it, and don't forget to eat fruit after eating. Bananas are here for you, don't overwhelm. Shu Yan helped to pack the things and explained them carefully.

Understood, thank you mom. Ye Jingjing nodded obediently.

Ye Tianbao's school can eat lunch, but Shu Yan brought small biscuits, which can also be shared with the children.

From the house to the kindergarten, they passed Chengxi Primary School, and they happened to pass together.

Mom, I'm going to school. Ye Jingjing trotted to the school gate and entered hand in hand with a girl.

Shu Yan showed her aunt's smile with relief. The friendship between the children was really fast, and they made good friends who went to the toilet together in just one day.

Compared with her daughter, Shu Yan was even more worried about Ye Tianbao, and worriedly explained that he must not fight at school and should get along well with his classmates.

What if someone hits me? Ye Tianbao pouted in disapproval.

Shu Yan: Suddenly stuck, how do I answer this, wait online, I'm in a hurry...

Being stared at by Ye Tianbao's eyes, Shu Yan hesitated for a long time, and replied, It's wrong to beat people, so Tianbao can't fight with others, but if someone beats you, you have to resist and protect yourself, or you can Ask the teacher for help.

Is that the right answer? Shu Yan has a deep heart, it is not easy to raise a child.

Remember to share the biscuits with the children, come in. Shu Yan patted his head.

Mom Tianbao wait. Ye Tianbao's teacher, Teacher Liu, stopped Shu Yan.

Mr. Liu. Shu Yan looked at her suspiciously. Could it be that Tianbao was in trouble in just one day?

That's right, we are a bilingual kindergarten. The most important thing about language is to speak and listen more, so it is best for parents to teach their children to speak foreign languages ​​at home. I hope you can listen to a class with your child when you are free, and grow up together with your child. Teacher Liu handed a leaflet to Shu Yan.

After talking for a long time, let her sign up for the training class.

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