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In the countryside, if you don't work hard, you will be criticized, not to mention that the cousin is so loud, he doesn't dare to say anything in front of him, and it's not good to criticize it behind his back. Anyway, Shu Yan's parents have always told their children not to Contact with my cousin, the original body has been in Xicheng for more than a year, and I have never contacted this cousin, which shows how weak the relationship is.

Hara felt that the other party was a hooligan and couldn't be a company, but Shu Yan didn't think so. According to memory, this cheap cousin was very protective of his younger siblings when he was a child. There were people in school who dared to bully them, and he beat them all. The relatives were bullied, and when they found their cousin, he would bring them back immediately. He was also filial to his parents and grandparents. The milk is definitely the first, anyway, it is more than a hundred times stronger than the original brothers.

There is also a risk in finding him, and the divorce must not be known to the old family.

Shu Yan first walked around the city, there were clothes, food, and department stores, but there was no such thing as a private detective, not even a small advertisement.

Seeing a photo studio, Shu Yan hesitated for a moment and walked in.

This comrade wants to take a photo? The person who came was a man in his thirties, with a mustache and long hair, exuding the air of an artist.

No, I'll just take a look. Shu Yan nodded and backed out, wanting to tell him to find him to take a picture of him, I guess he would think she tarnished his art, eh! Find another one.

The man in the next family didn't dress up as an artist, but he was old enough to be her grandfather. Originally, he wanted to find someone who could take pictures and give him more money to help take pictures, but now it doesn't seem to work.

However, this old man is not young and he is a local. It is not a bad person who can take pictures these days. Shu Yan intends to inquire with him.

Old gentleman, do you know that there is no private detective in Xicheng?

The old man glanced at Shu Yan inquiringly and shook his head, Girl, you've seen the Hong Kong movie, how can there be a private detective in China.

There must be, but they don't know it. Shu Yan thanked the old man and turned to leave. It seemed that she could only find her cousin.

After searching several dance halls, Shu Yan found her cousin who was playing cards.

Who do you think is looking for me? Shu Jianyang looked at the person suspiciously with a cigarette in his mouth.

It's your cousin, called Shu Yan. Both are surnamed Shu, shouldn't they lie to him?

Third brother, is it really your cousin? Is she beautiful? Give us an introduction. Opposite Shu Jianyang, the man with dyed yellow hair said with a smile.

The cousin pushed it away and said impatiently, Go away, fifth, you fight for me, I'll go see my cousin.

Seeing his cousin standing at the door, Shu Jianyang raised his eyebrows. Usually, when this cousin saw him, it was like watching the plague. The sun came out from the west today? would come to find him.

Third brother. When Shu Yan saw the person who came, she immediately recognized that it was the cheap cousin, I came to you today because I wanted to ask you for a favor. Shu Yan said straight to the point.

After running around for a day, Shu Yan didn't think she could find someone, so she could only ask her cheap cousin for help.

This kind of Shu Yan made Shu Jianyang even more surprised, and he never thought that his cousin would ask him for help.

Wait a minute, I'll tell them. Shu Jianyang didn't ask anything, he explained a few words to the people not far away, and took Shu Yan to the teahouse not far away.

The guys inside saw that Shu Jianyang was very familiar with him, and led them to the box on the second floor with a smile. Apparently, Shu Jianyang often went to this teahouse to drink tea.

It's safe here, you can say anything you want. After the cousin said, he patted his thigh, confused, the cousin asked him for help is nothing more than helping the scene, it can be a big deal.

Before speaking, can the third brother promise me something? Before coming to Shu Jianyang, Shu Yan analyzed his character.

Shu Jianyang frowned.

It's not a difficult thing to do, it's just that I don't want to let my hometown know, especially my family. If the third brother feels embarrassed, just pretend that I haven't been here. Shu Yan said quickly.

Shu Jianyang was surprised, and looked at the cousin opposite. It was indeed Shu Yan, but her personality changed a bit, Okay, I promise, you can talk.

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