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She sold five houses at the beginning, with a total of 910,000, 1.5 million in company cash, and the original 10,000 yuan in deposits, totaling 2.42 million, and now there is 190 left. Twenty thousand.

Thinking about the future tuition fees, interest class fees, food and clothing of the two children, she will also use it herself. In this way, 1.92 million does not seem to be a lot.

It’s not enough to go on like this, she has to find a way to open source, it’s unrealistic to go to work, she graduated from elementary school, and she can’t get a good job. She doesn’t want to go to the factory, not to mention the two children at home to take care of, and she must be free in terms of time. In fact, the best thing is When it comes to doing business, it is said that the 1990s was an era of gold everywhere. If you are not skilled, you will not be able to get gold in front of your eyes.

Shu Yan's own parents opened a fruit store to support her and her younger brother. Even though the fruit is insignificant, the profit is very high, and it can reach 50% of the rotten ones. However, it is too hard to open a fruit store alone. Yan didn't think she could handle it. She had a cousin who opened a shoe store, and the profit was very high. Shu Yan decided to look for clothing and shoes.

This has to be considered in the long run, and everything will be discussed after the children are enrolled.

Mom, are we here in the future? Ye Jingjing hesitated for a long time before finally asking.

Yes, you will be able to go to school in a few days, are you happy? Shu Yan looked at her daughter who was a little fatter, with good facial features. If she was fatter and whiter, she would be a little beauty.

Can I go to school in a few days? Ye Jingjing's eyes lit up.

Shu Yan nodded, Yes, my mother has already found a good school for you. You should be able to go to school next Monday. Today is Thursday, and Manager Wang said that she will answer tomorrow. Weekend, maybe until next Monday.

Mom, I'm going to school too. Ye Tianbao said with bright eyes seeing his sister so happy.

You go too. Shu Yan nodded his nose, At that time, you have to listen to the teacher's words, you can't fight with other children, you know? Otherwise, the teacher will criticize you, and other children will not be friends with you. There's only one person playing, you know?

I will definitely not fight, I will definitely listen to the teacher's words. Ye Tianbao patted his chest and assured.

This is guaranteed to be worthless in Shu Yan's place, and I won't know until I go to school.

Early the next morning, I made breakfast for the two children, and Shu Yan took a few bites. There are a lot of things to do today. I have to buy quilts, gas stoves, pots and pans, tables and stools, and I have to go to Manager Wang for delivery Ask for a deposit.

There are many daily necessities shops outside the market, two quilts, tables for eating, chairs, pots and pans, chopsticks and spoons, and a bunch of bits and pieces. There are many manpower tricycles in Nancheng. Several cars stopped in front of her and asked if she wanted a car. She chose a young and strong one to help load things into the car. When she got there, she helped Shu Yan move it upstairs. Shu Yan gave him an extra dollar.

Thank you, master. The master who sent the tricycle away, and the master who delivered the gas arrived shortly after. Shu Yan hurriedly led the way, opened the door and smiled apologetically, I just moved, and the house is a little messy.

It's alright, is the eldest sister going to work in Nancheng? The gas master was very enthusiastic.

With Shu Yan's current body and appearance, no one believes that she is doing business, Shu Yan smiled, Yes, the fellow said that Nancheng is easy to make money, so here it is.

After all, it's a big city. You can make money even if you are willing to endure hardships. It's better than farming in the countryside. But now there are not many gas stoves. This thing costs more than briquettes. It's not worth it. I think you should buy it again. A coal stove, use briquettes to cook rice and water, and the gas stove will cook dishes and noodles. The gas master wiped his sweat and helped Shu Yan to connect the gas stove, which was fine after a few fires, Okay. Now, the deposit is fifty, adding up to seventy yuan.

Thank you for reminding me, I'll go buy a coal stove later. Shu Yan thanked.

The cheap must be the cheap briquettes, but Shu Yan couldn't smell that smell herself. Every time she went to buy breakfast, she would have difficulty breathing and keep coughing when she stood a little closer. Besides, there were two children at home, so she didn't save on it.

The mat was taken off and left to dry on the balcony, and the pots and pans were washed. Shu Yan locked the door and went to the tailor to ask if the sheets were covered.

Master, do you remember when I came to make clothes and bed sheets and quilt covers yesterday? Shu Yan walked in and scanned the door. There were not many people in the shop. Now sewing and mending are done by themselves, and they rarely come to a tailor.

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