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The company's affairs have come to an end. The two children are about to go on vacation. Shu Yan has to go to the school to hold a parent-teacher meeting. Tianbao's side is easy, and there is an elite kindergarten. Such an older child still focuses on playing, and Jingjing has a harder time. She It turned out that when she went to the second elementary school, because she couldn't keep up with her classmates for more than a semester, she found that she was still behind most of her classmates when she arrived here.

The children here have good family conditions, so they have been trained since childhood. Needless to say, everyone's talents are still very outstanding. Jingjing's tablemate is already grade 10 on the piano.

Now Jingjing is concentrating on learning dance and language. It turned out to be English. After she arrived at Nanshan Primary School, she learned another French at the suggestion of her teacher. Shu Yan told her earlier that if she doesn't want to learn it, forget it. My energy is limited, so I don't have to force myself. I didn't expect Jingjing to like it.

A semester has passed. With Jingjing's hard work, she can now rank in the 20th place in her class. There are about 30 people in a class. Shu Yan is quite satisfied, because the top ten are almost full marks. It's a fraction of a point or a point. The most important thing is that Nanshan Primary School's exam paper is really difficult. Shu Yan had read it a few times before signing it, and once suspected that she was going to a fake primary school. I only learned it in junior high school, and I actually saw it on the second grade test paper.

Jingjing's current grades are definitely in the top 20 in the grades of the second elementary school. If you use the second elementary school paper, it will definitely be in the top five. It doesn't mean that the second elementary school is not good. It can only be taught that things are different. Shu Yan also hesitated. Let Jingjing go back to the second elementary school, but finally gave up.

Raising children happily is of course good, but it is not good for the future of children.

In the class, Jingjing is a middle-class student, and she will not be praised or criticized, so every time Shu Yan comes to hold a parent-teacher meeting, she just sits down and listens, without any sense of existence.

Hello, my sweet mother, are you Jingjing's mother?

Tiantian is the same tablemate at the piano grade 10. She looks sweet as the name suggests, and her mouth is sweet.

Yes, hello Mommy Tiantian. It was Tiantian's father who came to hold the parent-teacher meeting before, and her mother still looked back. How should I put it, the facial features are really not good-looking when they are taken apart individually, but they are very beautiful together. There is temperament, and in the words of Shu Yan's hometown, it is very romantic.

I keep hearing Tiantian mention you, but I'm too busy to attend the parent-teacher meeting. I finally saw you today. Tiantian's mother's voice was also nice.

The two chatted for a while, and Shu Yan learned that Tiantian's mother runs a beauty chain, so it's not surprising that she can talk so enthusiastically.

This is the supreme membership card in our store. Go back to the store to try it out and give me your opinion. Tiantian's mother said it very nicely.

Then I'm welcome. She had heard of this beauty salon, but had never been there.

The beauty salon she often goes to now was introduced by Hu Ruixue, and it is more advanced, mainly because the skin care effect there is really good, and Shu Yan has no plans to change.

After talking for so long, I don't know what you do? Tiantian's mother asked with a smile.

I opened a clothing company myself to make a little money, and I can't compare with you. Shu Yan smiled.

Although Shu Yan said so, of course Tiantian's mother would not take it seriously. If she really just opened a small company, how could she enter Nanshan Primary School?

If Tiantian's piano talent is excellent, then her study is really a mess. Maybe all the talents are lit up on the piano. This exam is the last one again. Usually, Tiantian's father is criticized. Today, Tiantian's mother came over and was also named by the teacher. Let her do a good job in the education of the child at home. Don't ignore the child just because you are busy. score.

Tiantian's mother kept smiling, the parent-teacher meeting was over, she said goodbye politely to Shu Yan, pulled Tiantian and left, Shu Yan frowned slightly as she watched Tiantian trot to keep up with her mother's footsteps.

Mom, sweet mother is definitely going to beat her again. Jingjing really said.

Tiantian's mother beats people? She smiled kindly.

Well, Tiantian said that her father seldom came home and seldom cared about her. Her mother said that her father didn't come back because of her poor grades, and then she would beat her every time she knew her grades. Jingjing used to I am especially envious of the children in the city. I only found out when I was in the city that not everyone's children are happy.

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