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This makes Xia Rou puzzled. She only found President Shu before she got off work, and she gave her all the manuscripts. How could she be fired for not having any manuscripts?

Uneasy came to the personnel department, and everyone inside saw her with a smile and congratulations.

Congrats on what? Congrats on her dismissal? That's definitely not the case, that's why she's going to change? Xia Rou tried her best to calm herself down and entered the office of the head of the personnel department.

Xiao Xia is here, please take a seat. President Shu called me just now and told me that you are a rare talent, and it was my negligence that caused you to be dusted for so long. In addition to handling the regularization today, President Shu also made an exception to promote you as the team leader. The head of the personnel department said in a kindly manner, anyone with a brain knows that Xia Rou is in Shu Yan's eyes, and I am afraid that she will soar to the sky in the future, not to mention becoming friends, at least not feud.

Team leader? Xia Rou was a little stunned. There are three team leaders in the design department, and all of them have people. She is the team leader...

This is the contract of a regular employee. You can take a look. If there is no problem, you can sign it here. Also, when you go back, call Lin Shanshan for me and ask her to come over.

With Xia Rou's cleverness, she immediately guessed the intention. In other words, she took Lin Shanshan's place. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. She doesn't feel any guilt for taking Lin Shanshan's place. She believes that if Lin Shanshan can fire her, she will do so without hesitation.

When she came, she was apprehensive. When she left, Xia Rou held her head high.

Seeing Xia Rou coming back, Lin Shanshan said with a chuckle, Don't be discouraged. Didn't Mr. Wang always value you? I believe that if you go back to her and cry, she will find a relationship to help you.

Lin Shanshan's words contained a lot of information. Everyone looked at Xia Rou. They didn't expect that an intern position would be recruited by someone.

Xia Rou originally wanted to ridicule her a few words, but suddenly she felt that she had nothing to say, The personnel department asked you to come over.

What is the personnel department looking for from me? Lin Shanshan took the hand of the document and paused.

What else can the personnel department find you for? It must be to promote you. There is not a vacant deputy supervisor position. A female colleague next to her laughed.

This person is a regular employee of their group, and also Lin Shanshan's son-in-law. As long as Lin Shanshan says left, she will never say right.

Don't talk nonsense, there may be some other people who have been transferred. Lin Shanshan knows that her education and ability are incomparable with the other two team leaders. It is definitely impossible for the deputy supervisor. It is estimated that it is because of Xia Rou's dismissal. She must be looking for a new intern.

As soon as Lin Shanshan left, the dog leg turned around and asked Xia Rou, It's strange, why don't you pack your things?

Xia Rou glanced at her and slowly packed her things.

Xia Rou, are you really leaving? Another intern looked at Lin Shanshan reluctantly.

Well. I want to leave, but not leave, and change to a desk.

After waiting for a while, Lin Shanshan came back angrily, looking at Xia Rou with a gloomy face, Did you find President Shu?


Why do you submit the manuscript privately? You are leapfrogging. Do you know that it is not allowed in the company's rules and regulations? Lin Shanshan asked with gritted teeth.

It's also stated in the rules and regulations, except for special circumstances. Do you think my situation is considered a special case? Xia Rou said lightly.

Lin Shanshan shook her lips, Go and tell President Shu right away that there is no conflict between us, it's just a misunderstanding.

Lin Shanshan, are you the clearest misunderstanding between us? Just because of a little thing in the school, you suppressed me everywhere, trying to force me to leave, and now ask me to help you lie to President Shu, are you crazy or am I stupid?

Everyone in the office is staring at them, and now they have heard some problems. It is not Xia Rou who is going to leave, but Lin Shanshan.

Lin Shanshan was fired, and Xia Rou took her place as the leader of the third group.

The dog-legged face who had just ridiculed Xia Rou was ugly. She used to be sister Shanshan before and after, but now they don't give it away. Seeing that Xia Rou moved office supplies to Lin Shanshan's place, she came to help very attentive.

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