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Can we buy it from us? Tian Bao asked dejectedly.

Did you buy one to bring back? Forgot how we got here?

At the thought of being squeezed into a small private room with such a big mother sheep, Jingjing shook her head immediately, Forget it.

Okay, when you get back to Nancheng, mom will buy you a puppy. The puppy is also very cute and will protect you. Shu Yan actually wanted to raise it for a long time, especially after buying a yard.

Okay then. Tian Bao-free agreed to that.

When they left, the old village chief and herdsmen held a grand farewell party for them. The whole village came. Everyone sang and danced around the fire. Fang Zeyu and Shu Yan were also coaxed to dance for a while.

Early the next morning, even when one person got up and packed his things, Lin Dazhi drove a tractor and dragged a group of them to the city.

Old Fang, the army's telephones can be connected now, call me if you have any problems, and remember to keep in touch. Lin Dazhi already knew Fang Zeyu's experience over the years, smacked him on the shoulder, and whispered, Brother and sister are very good. Yes, treat her well.

It's up to you to say this? Fang Zeyu rolled his eyes at him, who is not good to his daughter-in-law? Come to Nancheng when you are free.

All the way back to Nancheng, Shu Yan let out a long sigh of relief when he got off the bus.

Grassland is fun, but the traffic in the past was too inconvenient. At this time, it was really inconvenient to travel. For example, from Nancheng to Beijing in the future, the high-speed rail will only take four or five hours, but now it will take nearly twenty hours. one and a half.

Fang Zeyu saw that Shu Yan was tired and asked them to wait by the exit and drive by himself.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the community. Most of the people had come back from get off work. Fang Zeyu hesitated for a while, then came down generously and escorted Shu Yan upstairs.

Some people who knew Shu Yan or Fang Zeyu met and whispered there.

Is it true? That Fang Zeyu is getting along with a woman in our community?

What's better? People treat people normally. Grandma Zhang spoke for Shu Yan.

Doesn't that woman have children? Her son seems to be in kindergarten here.

I know this, she's already divorced, the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, what's wrong with being together? Tell me that Fang Zeyu can't find a single lesbian of the right age at his age. It's just right to find a second marriage, and Shu Yan looks good. , good character, if not divorced, I don't know how many people chase after. Grandma Zhang knew some of Shu Yan's situation and said for her.

Within three days, many people nearby knew that Fang Zeyu had a partner, a divorced woman with two children.

Most people say that Fang Zeyu is smart. At his age, he doesn't have a job, and his face is disfigured. It's hard to find a good girl, and it's so good to find a woman with a second marriage and a child. You don't need to give a betrothal gift, and you don't need to drink alcohol. A lot of money. I heard that the woman has a house in the capital of Nancheng, which means that there is still some money, what a good thing.

Didn't it mean that he never talked to someone? Why did he talk about it? Zhou Xiaomei came back from get off work and heard the gossip from her neighbors on the road, and hurried home to ask her mother.

How do I know where to go? You too, why do you suddenly look at Fang Zeyu? Even if he was wronged back then, it is true that he was in prison and lost his job. Now I don't know what he is doing outside? The only one The advantage is that he has a room, but his stepmother is not easy to get along with, such a person is not a good match at all, Xiaomei, Mom will find you a good one another day, we are not in a hurry. Zhou Ma still felt that her daughter was stimulated to look up. Zeyu.

Zhou Xiaomei is the 30-year-old female teacher mentioned by the old lady and sister.

She lowered her head and didn't speak. She never told her family that two years ago, on her way back from get off work, she met a hooligan who was jealous. At that time, she was really desperate, and Fang Zeyu, who was passing by, came down from the sky and rescued her.

Although she didn't succeed, Zhou Xiaomei was touched all over her body. At that time, she begged Fang Zeyu not to tell the police, and she didn't call the police. She is a teacher. If this is known, how will she behave in the future? Fiance studying abroad.

Later, she was divorced, so she thought of Fang Zeyu, thinking that it would be good if she could marry him, so she mentioned it to Zhou's mother, but she was strongly opposed by her mother at that time, and her parents thought she was sad because of the divorce. . Not long after, she heard that Fang Zeyu had been wronged, and Zhou Xiaomei couldn't help but be overjoyed, and asked her mother to help find someone to inquire about the news.

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