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Take the money and leave as soon as possible, and the longer she stays in Xicheng, the worse it will be for her.

Ye Zhiqiang's face darkened, and he tugged at his fist, I can only find someone to collect 300,000 yuan. You can't spend it for a while with a child, so you can lend it to me, and I will give you two cents.

Shu Yan still shook her head, I don't care what method you use, within three days, the money must be credited to my account. In addition, if there is any danger between me and my child within three days, I will count it on your head. It’s hard to say what it will do.”

Just kidding, this money can be borrowed and returned? That is meat buns beating dogs, there is no return.

In the afternoon, they went through the transfer procedures. Shu Jianyang found an acquaintance, and the green light all the way, it took more than an hour to get it all done. When Ye Zhiqiang flung his sleeves and left, Shu Yan’s bankbook increased by 300,000.

Shu Yan was extremely fortunate that it was the 1990s. If it were in 19 years, there would be absolutely no way for Ye Zhiqiang to leave the house. No matter how thick the skin was, the threat would not exist.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiang's gloomy face, Li Jiaojiao asked in a low voice, What's wrong with my husband?

It's nothing. I'm going to get divorced in a few days, are you happy? Ye Zhiqiang asked with a smile, hugging Li Jiaojiao.

She agreed to the divorce? Li Jiaojiao's eyes lit up, she touched her stomach unconsciously, and asked gently, Did she not threaten you?

Ye Zhiqiang lowered his face, She wants all the houses and cars.

She's talking like a lion. Li Jiaojiao exclaimed.

There's no way. Ye Zhiqiang sighed, It's really not good for us to go to court. Ye Zhiqiang played a trick and didn't tell Li Jiaojiao the truth.

The next day, Shu Yan had another house under her name. She breathed a sigh of relief, and through the book, she finally won the first stage.

On the way back, Shu Yan gave Shu Jianyang the car book and the car keys. When the property was transferred yesterday, she wrote Shu Jianyang's name directly, and he would just go through the formalities when he came back.

What are you doing?

Third brother, don't be in a hurry to refuse, just listen to me and finish what I have to say. You know Ye Shiqiang, I forced him to do this this time, he will definitely find a way to retaliate, and my parents' side. People, you also know that, knowing that I have money in my hands, I will never have a quiet life with my children in the future. I plan to sell the real estate here and take my children to another city to start over. I will not Driving, throwing it is in vain, the third brother is fine, send Buddha to the west, and help me drive this car, so as not to become scrap metal. If it wasn't for Shu Jianyang to help run around, Shu Yan wouldn't get anything .

What nonsense, this car is well maintained, at least it can sell for hundreds of thousands. This thing is too expensive, I can't have it.

Ye Zhiqiang's things, don't want them for nothing. Shu Yan put the things in Shu Jianyang's arms directly and could not refuse.

Shu Yan's character is very simple, if you are good to me, then I will be good to you, if you are not good to me, then I am sorry, don't think that I will take care of you, not even my own brothers, parents just do their duty, It is impossible to dig out the heart and the lungs.

Unable to beat Shu Yan, Shu Jianyang finally accepted the car.

To be honest, the other houses are particularly attractive, and if they wait for a few years, they can increase their value by dozens of times, which is better than any investment.

If she wants to break it, she will clean it up, and she will simply sell all the houses. Anyway, the house prices in the whole country are cheap now. When she goes to other cities, she just buys it with her eyes closed, and she can make steady money after ten or twenty years.

Third brother, please help me out of these houses. After hesitating for a while, Shu Yan said, I don't know how much money you have earned over the years. If you have money, buy a house. Ye Zhiqiang's vision is not bad. Yes, these places are all in the city center, especially the facade. I don't know how he bought them. I heard that a pedestrian street is going to be built there. I’m reluctant to sell it. Third brother, you are good to me, and the younger sister also said a few words from the bottom of her heart. It’s best not to last long in what you are doing now. Who knows when you will be stricter/strike again. Stop it if you can. , I haven't been to school or read, and I don't want to be the boss. Third brother, you are only stronger than him, and you have a bunch of brothers under your command. Why don't you go to contract projects, if you have money and people, are you afraid that you won't be able to do business?

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