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The unfamiliar voice made Shu Yan's vigilance instantly rise, We didn't use the bathroom just now, how could it leak? Shu Yan asked deliberately.

But the guests downstairs said there was a water leak, so I'll come in to confirm the problem and won't bother you for too long. The waiter explained patiently.

Shu Yan hesitated a little, I'm inconvenient now, you can check it later.

But the guests downstairs are waiting. Can you make it easier? I'm a part-time worker. If the guests downstairs complain, my salary for this month will be gone. The waiter said very pitifully.

Then change his room and put the money in my account. This is too coincidental, so be careful, Shu Yan would rather spend a few more money.

After a while, Shu Yan didn't hear anything. She didn't open the door to make sure that anyone had left. Many people in movies and TV had accidents because of their curiosity. She was timid and stopped being curious.

About ten minutes later, Shu Yan heard Xiao Fei's voice, Who are you? Why are you standing here? Stop...

Shu Yan's scalp was numb and her heart was beating violently. There was really a problem.

Mom? Ye Jingjing grabbed Shu Yan's hand and looked at Shu Yan with a pale face, terrified.

It's okay, Mommy is okay. Shu Yan slowed down for a while, then heard the knock on the door again, her heart tightened unconsciously.

Sister Yan, I'm Xiaofei, and the third brother asked me to bring food.

Shu Yan opened the door, this time she could see the person clearly, and it was Xiao Fei that Shu Yan dared to open the door.

Did someone block my door just now? Shu Yan looked out, but there was no one in the corridor.

That grandson ran away. Xiaofei didn't expect that anyone would dare to break ground on the third brother's land. I have asked Abiao to report to the third brother. I will stay here, you don't have to be afraid.

Shu Yan nodded in fear and finished dinner absentmindedly. The two children sat in the car for a long time and fell asleep after a while. They covered them with blankets, and Shu Yan followed Xiaofei to the room opposite, where Shu Jianyang was waiting for her.

Xiaofei has already told me about the matter. It seems that Ye Zhiqiang is in a hurry. I don't think it will take three days. I will go to him tomorrow. This matter must be settled as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night. Shu Jianyang narrowed his eyes, it seems that Ye Zhiqiang didn't inquire carefully. , dare to take action on the ground of his third brother Shu.

On the other hand, Ye Zhiqiang knew that not only did he fail to catch Shu Yan, but he was shocked by the grass, and his face was even more ugly.

Brother Hei hasn't answered the phone yet? When they were working on projects, they inevitably had to deal with some local forces. Brother Hei was the eldest brother he met, and he usually had meals and drinks together.

The men shook their heads. They had already made more than a dozen calls, but they never answered.

Damn, I usually call him brothers and sisters, but when it comes to a critical moment, there is no one left. Ye Zhiqiang's voice just finished, the phone rang, his eyes lit up, and he answered the phone immediately.

Ye Zhiqiang, I changed my attention. Three days is too long. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you come to the teahouse next to Huayuemen. When the time is up, you don't show up. We'll see you in court. Shu Yan hung up the phone. Auntie doesn't have time to play with you, she must fight quickly. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Ye Zhiqiang arrived at the teahouse on time and brought only two people. Besides Shu Jianyang, Shu Yan also brought only two people.

I came here today to negotiate, not to fight.

Yan Yan. It's said that a husband and wife are blessed for a hundred days. We have been a husband and wife for so many years and have two children. You don't have to do such a thing, right? .

Ye Zhiqiang, where did you have the face to talk to me about a hundred days of grace? Why didn't you talk about it when you forced me to divorce? Did you find someone to hurt me yesterday? If I hadn't been careful, I could still sit here now? Do you feel guilty for saying this? Shu Yan gasped, almost mad at him, Okay, who doesn't know who! Don't pretend here, don't say these useless nonsense, I'll just ask Do you agree with the above conditions? Yes, we will sign the divorce right away, no, then we will see you in court. What should be done is handed over to the state for judgment.

In the early 1990s, the society took the issue of personal style very seriously. Shu Yan's evidence was conclusive. If she really wanted to go to court, she would definitely win.

Are you sure you want to go to court? All the photos in court will become public evidence, and all those who appear in court and jurors will be able to see it. Anyway, it's not me who is embarrassed. I don't care. Shu Yan Haoyi Said calmly.

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