Transformers In Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 997: Crazy dark superman

At some point, Darkside had already risen from his throne, his rock-like body stood quietly in place, and his daunting gaze stared straight at the dark Superman with several scars on his body.

The youngest son he adopted has successfully completed the task assigned to him by Darkside.

This is good, and Darkside is very satisfied.

Darkside raised his head to look at the dark Superman with a penetrating smile: "You have done a very beautiful job, Clark. The results you have done have greatly exceeded my expectations. I have to say that you are a little bit better than me. A trash child is too strong."

At this time, Kalibak had just returned with the Demon-Like Army and the Destroying Japanese Army. He was stunned for a moment. He looked at the Dark Superman with an annoyed look and immediately lowered his head, hiding his expression.

The Dark Superman at this time is simply the center of the Apocalypse. No matter how arrogant Kalibak is, he has to admit that he is not as good as Xia Guang's brother.

Darkside didn't even look at Calibuck, his red blood eyes just looked at the Dark Superman.

"Come back, the war is over, you are not Downey's opponent now, even if you want revenge, it is not now."

Darkside said solemnly.

The Dark Superman suddenly turned his head and took a deep look at Darkside.

Suddenly, he grinned: "Why should I listen to you?"

All the gods heard this, and paused, each sneered watching this scene.

Very good, this is too normal and reasonable, right? The strong on the apocalypse is respected. The only law of respect is that the weak and the strong eat the strong. Whoever is strong is the master of the superior. Whoever is weak is the dust in the dirt. Isn't it fair?

"Now, Darkside seems to be the weak one..." Some gods laughed maliciously, as if suppressing some thoughts.

The Dark Superman glanced at Downey sullenly, then reached out his hand to dig out all the damaged parts of his body, discarded and destroyed, and grew a new body part.

Downey was expressionless, looking at Dark Superman for a while, and Darkside for a while.

Wei Shandi quietly stood beside Downey, and said lightly: "Do you need my help? If we join hands, we can kill the Dark Superman in one breath. This idiot can kill him without a clone..."

Dark Superman's face changed in an instant, black and blue, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Emperor Wei Shan viciously.


Emperor Wei Shan directly blasted out a dark magic, hit the opponent's eyes directly, but was hurriedly dissipated by the dark superman halfway.

Emperor Weishan pointed out one of the most fatal defects in the life essence of Dark Superman.

He has no clone.

For Dark Superman, if you want to separate part of your own power, you can only create a projection and put it in a certain position. Unlike other gods, you can directly separate your own godhead. Apart from strength, it has nothing to do with the body. The clone of difference.

If you want to kill the Dark Superman, you only need to kill it once, and the problem can be solved once.

The most important thing is that as long as Emperor Weishan and Downey join forces, the situation of Dark Superman will be even worse. No one will stand up to help him, and they want to kill him and replace him.

"Let's go, spare him a dog." Downey suddenly said, "This kind of idiot who doesn't know the so-called, as long as he is alive, is the big problem that Darkside must face, a stupid son who is out of control...Hey! "

The new creation star is gone, where is the apocalypse? How long can Apocalypse support it?

In other words... How long can it last for Darkside?

An ambitious dark superman, even a tyrant like Darkside would feel a headache...

"Darkside, you owe me a favor. It's really not easy. Don't die."

Downey looked at Darkside with a faint smile, and said something.

Darkside looked at him coldly, fell silent for a moment, and threw out a mother box directly.

"Take it and get out of here." Darkside said.

Downey gave a chuckle, grabbed the mother box, juxtaposed with the parent box in his other hand, took a deep look at Darkside, pondered, and threw the mother box back.

"I don't need this thing anymore. I have a better and less trouble-free substitute." Downey grabbed the parent box and said lightly.

Darkside was a little surprised. Standing in place, he watched the mother box fall on the surface of Apocalypse. He looked at Downey as if he had met Downey for the first time, with a hint of surprise in his blood-colored pupils. And deep meaning.

Darkside nodded slightly, and said coldly: "Leave here, this does not belong to you."

Downey left without looking back.

Every step, a diameter equivalent to a multiverse was crossed by Downey, and disappeared from the sight of the gods in a blink of an eye.

Emperor Weishan followed closely behind Downey.

"Why not kill them? Whether it is Dark Superman or Darkside, as long as we work together, we can easily kill them."

Emperor Wei Shan was a little puzzled.

"It's not so calculated, especially when it involves Apocalypse." Downey shook his head, the ease and carelessness that had just disappeared long ago, and there was something solemn on his face.

When the new creation star is gone, it will be gone. Downey can't take it seriously, because the most powerful source on the new creation star is after all the scepter in the hands of Heavenly Father, with an amazing origin.

But the apocalypse star... the background and crisis of the apocalypse star have never been Darkside, and certainly not a dark superman.

It's the one who got on the wall of origin.

By Ka Khan.

A real tyrant who makes the world inside the wall feel uneasy.

Even if Darkside and Dark Superman were killed, nothing changed in the end. Could it be that Downey would run to rule the Apocalypse?

He was full and supported the Cybertron star well, to intervene in the Apocalypse with the backstage?

Although Downey also has a backstage, but also a hard group.


The key is that the backstage is reliable enough. Downey guessed that if he went to find a fulcrum to help in a fight, the fulcrum smiled at most and took out a glass, filled himself with a glass of wine, and then politely let him get out.

Of course, if Downey stayed in the fulcrum bar for the rest of his life, of course it would be absolutely safe.

"The Apocalypse is very important, and many gods have ignored it. The collapse of the new creation star is definitely not the end of the Apocalypse. These are two concepts. If I guess correctly, this is a new beginning, and the Apocalypse is about to usher in. A huge transformation may also be what the one wants to see."

Downey looked solemn.

The huge phantom of Emperor Weishan was a little fuzzy, and the three light clusters on his body fell silent at the same time, seeming to be contemplating, but it was even more astonished and surprised after thinking.

"You mean, Yuga Khan?! That guy has already been on the wall of origin, and he is still arrogant enough to condense all the clones and the body, and become one, trying all his strength to attack the wall of origin, how can he may……"

"There is nothing impossible. He is the greatest deity of the third generation. No one denies this. Even if the deities of the first two generations are pulled out, it may not be comparable! This, you should Clearly than I am, you have experienced the era of Yuga Khan."

Downey looked at Emperor Wei Shan earnestly, and said solemnly.

This is also the fundamental reason why Downey gave up holding the mother box and directly returned it to Darkside. He didn't want to get entangled with the important information of the Apocalypse. Once the critical moment was reached, everything would be big. trouble.

Maybe, Downey really wanted to flee to the fulcrum bar.

"But this... no one has ever been able to break free after getting on the wall of origin..." Emperor Wei Shan still didn't believe it.

This is against common sense, and it is the truth derived from the collection of countless genius monsters from three generations!

It is the true meaning of the world inside the wall!

"I don't count anything, what the facts say, we just wait and see." Downey didn't excuse anything, everything will move forward and everything will change.

Downey knows the horror of Yuga Khan, and he knows that this guy will be able to break free from the wall of origin... once!


As Downey and Emperor Weishan walked away, the gods almost breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved.

In this world where the eighth-level gods are the mainstream, the two quasi-ninth-level gods are just like ancient behemoths. Even if they don't do anything but just stand there, they will feel uncomfortable.

It's all right now, only Dark Superman is left with a quasi-ninth level.

Everyone is ready to watch the excitement.

Dark Superman sneered again and again, his eyes turned red again, and before many existences could react, the terrifying hot sight once again shot out, sweeping across all of them in the scene horizontally. For a while, several gods were cut and shattered by the hot sight on the spot. Evaporated into the most primitive particles, floating in the realm of gods.

"what are you doing!!"

"We never provoke you!"

"Clark, do you want to declare war on the entire realm of gods!!!"

The gods were frightened and angry. In the dodge, they tried their best to still have the gods fall. They roared and became angry.

The Dark Superman paused, and immediately, another hot line of sight blasted out, and the **** who threatened to "declare war" blasted him into scum.

"Declare war? You **** are also worthy of representing the entire realm of gods?"

The Dark Superman laughed, seeing the many gods who were originally high and could easily kill him in the past, becoming so fragile in front of him, which made the Dark Superman feel extremely comfortable.

Ha ha ha, this is the feeling of power. Standing at the super level, he can easily obliterate the multiverse gods who are still jumping up and down like monkeys in batches!


He can openly kill so many eighth-level gods, then, this means he has the ability to kill Darkside, who is also at the eighth-level, his adoptive father!

What's more, this Darkside, who is now sitting on the Apocalypse Star, is a bigger scum after rebirth. He can't even beat Heavenly Father and Orion stupid things. What is the comparison with his great and noble dark superman?

What qualifications does such a Daxide have to order him again? !

The Dark Superman cleared the field forcefully, killed more than a dozen gods, and drove away hundreds of other gods like pigs and sheep.

A group of gods were chased by Ji Fei Gou jumped, and fled in embarrassment. Countless angry and hateful eyes looked over, and they were all regarded as admiration by the dark superman.

"You guys aloft, aren't you slaughtered by me now?! What is the difference between you like this and me in the past! No one can order me anymore, no one can ask me to do things that I don't want to do! !!!"

The Dark Superman was almost mad and crazy.

The ghost knows what tragic things he experienced during the days when he was educated by the Golden Superman-Oh, including the **** and cruel apocalyptic education that Darkside had adopted after him.

The dark superman was panting, his eyes were bloodshot and red, like a hunter with a gun guarding the manor, turning around like a demon, and killing him when he saw the gods.

Until all the watching gods were killed or expelled by him one after another, the Dark Superman slowly stopped this madness.

From beginning to end, the Apocalypse Star was extremely calm, and countless residents and powerful beings on the Apocalypse Star were silently watching his madness.


Darkside stood on the highest platform of the Apocalypse, standing in front of his eternal throne, with his hands behind his back, looking at the Dark Superman indifferently, and then asked again: "Is it finished?"

The Dark Superman suddenly lowered his head, separated by hundreds of millions of distances, and his bloodthirsty eyes met with Darkside's surprisingly calm eyes.

Yes, it's like being upside down.

I don't know why, and I glanced at such a peaceful Darkside, the dark Superman's inner violent dissipated like the ebb tide, and a hint of inexplicable anxiety and chill came to my heart.

It was as if the old days, when Darkside was cruelly training him, it repeated the same, that kind of nightmare-like shadow, the dark superman could not breathe.

"No, not yet!!" The Dark Superman yelled, staring at Darkside ferociously.

The crazy superimposed power in the body gave the dark superman a sense of security that he had never felt before.

No one knows what he experienced since he had the memory. Under the tyrant of Darkside, the tyrant in the realm of the gods, or as a son, who can feel his pain? !

Who can understand his helplessness and despair of being almost killed by Darkside himself how many times? !

"Everything is different. You want to treat me as a sharp blade to destroy the new creation star. I did it. I completed the meaning of life you gave me..."

Dark Superman smiled, his mouth full of white and neat teeth, stained with rich blood, revealing the smell of blood.

He growled: "Now, I am no longer your accessory, I should live according to my own will!!"

"I did what you wanted me to do, what I wanted me to do, I haven't started yet!"

The dark superman rushed towards the Apocalypse star madly, and the power in his body directly triggered the crazy resonance of the entire Apocalypse star.

"Darkside, I hope you die!!!"

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