Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 157: Mr Fantastic

Anna still attached great importance to the invitation of the Ministry of Defense Net Assessment Office. She stretched out her hands, stood on tiptoe, and accepted the invitation.

Stark's gray face... He felt that the world was full of malice towards him.


In Washington DC, Anna stayed at the Hilton Hotel, right next to the US Capitol Hill.

Put on anti-myopia glasses and open the document: "The maximum speed of the power armor exceeds Mach 3, and the conventional weapons of the armor are the sixth-generation shock wave nuclear weapons, and the missiles are divided into two parts, ..."

Colonel Roddy's report is quite detailed, and the report includes all the weapons of the power armor.

"I didn't mention the most critical life-support system, the air circulation system, the underwater seal rescue system... I didn't mention these, I don't know if you ignored it, or..."

"Like the ambulance called by 'Dududu', Stark's ambulance has to be different, otherwise how can he highlight his handsomeness."

Anna knocked on the report and said that Anna felt that Colonel Roddy had absolutely ignored this 25th boy.

Obviously, the power armor can be evaluated as a "rescue expert", so he prefers firepower.

Colonel Roddy was helpless: "I made ten similar reports, and all ten were called back."

"The military is very hungry for Tony's armor, and this time, Tony didn't peel off his skin and it was difficult to get off Capitol Hill."

Anna scoffed, she felt that as long as Stark was serious, the US military could only be shriveled in front of him.

Through the live screen of the 47-inch large color TV, Anna saw Stark sitting in the seat, just like the defendant in the court.

This time, Anna couldn't help Stark, she just came to get familiar with the military forces.

Soon after Colonel Roddy had gone, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is..."

Anna frowned. She was sorting out the documents when the knock on the door came so suddenly that the documents were all thrown under the table.

The door of the administrative room opened, and a gentleman walked in, a young man with white hair on his temples.

"Hello, my name is Mr. Reed Richards."

"Hmm... alumni, I know you, Dr. Richards."

This is the second meeting between Anna and Dr. Richards. The last time was at the 2007 Science Prospects Conference. As the youngest and most outstanding scholar, Dr. Richards was sitting next to Professor Selvig.

Dr. Richards is a well-known scholar. When visiting Morningside Heights, Anna also met him and was made into a portrait to hang on the wall of the Butler Library, as the youngest honorary alumnus of Columbia.

At the age of 36, he is the only one who can achieve such an honor.

"What's the matter, Dr. Richards." Anna was busy picking up documents. She got under the table and lay on the ground. A document floated into the legs of the table, and Anna had to work very hard to pull it out.

"Cough cough..." Dr. Richards coughed, feeling a little uncomfortable looking at his expression.

"Hello, Miss Hansen, I have a picture here."

Dr. Richard pulled out his wallet, took a picture from the wallet's compartment, and held it out with both hands.

Anna thought it was strange, she didn't think the photos were any good.

Just like Dr. Richard's cautious appearance, and because he is an alumnus, Anna is not good at saving his face.

Take it, it's a picture of a woman.

The woman in the photo is actually young, just a teenager with white hair and pale hair, standing in front of the camera, with her right hand clinging to her neck and her left hand between her crotch, she seems to be a little restrained.

Looking closely, the brows and eyes reveal a touch of vicissitudes, and it looks like a woman with a story, which is quite flavorful.

The background of this photo is really bleak. In the distance is an endless desert. In the yellow sand, you can occasionally see a few small black spots.

The surface of the photo is severely creased and wrinkled, and the pixels are not high, so you can't see what the small black spots are.

"Is it an art photo? It's very impressive."

Anna said, flipped through the photo and was stunned when she saw the back of the photo.

Susan Stone Richards.

Seeing the signature, Anna finally recognized the identity of the woman in the photo—the invisible woman.

The original Mr. Fantastic's spouse, but, in this world... Anna didn't find it.

"Mr Richards, what's the point of you looking for me?"

"Anna, I know you've seen that woman named Lorna."

Dr. Richards said, covering his forehead, as if feeling a little uncomfortable.

Anna was not surprised. With Mr. Richards' contacts, he must have communicated with S.H.I.E.L.D., FBI, CIA, etc. With his intelligence, it is not difficult to find out Lorna's files.

However, knowing the real name of Polaris is debatable.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Lorna's code name is indeed Polaris, but because Lorna first appeared, it was at the North Pole.

The code name given by the director of Braised Egg himself.

Now S.H.I.E.L.D. is still hunting, I heard that Polaris went to Canada.

In that vast and sparsely populated place, finding an Omega mutant is too hard to find.

"How did she communicate with you?"

"Lorna told me that the woman in the photo is my wife, and I will go back to see her."

"Damn, I actually believed it!"

"I must be crazy for believing that some woman I've never met is my wife!"

Dr. Richards covered his forehead and shook his head vigorously, looking in pain.

For the past few months, Dr. Richards has been intertwined between rationality and emotion, and he feels that the whole person is about to be schizophrenic.

While hammering his head, Dr. Richards shouted: "I checked the name of Susan Stone, and according to the information given by Lorna, she was already dead, and was crushed to death by a large Mercedes-Benz truck at the age of six. , tombstones stand in Brooklyn's Holy Trinity Park."

"But in the photo Lorna gave me, Susan is still alive and waiting for me to pass."

Anna took out the bottle from her satchel and took a mouthful of milk. She had no feeling for Dr. Richards' pain. It was the senior brother who was crying beside her, and Anna couldn't drive him out.

It seems that in some parallel world, there is a big boss who has been targeting mutants.

Thanos, Swallowing Star, or OAA, or Kang the Conqueror, probably from the technology side.

But she's not a mutant, it's none of her business.

Anna felt that the bottle had been stored for a long The milk powder had settled down. Two little fat hands hugged the bottle and shook it up and down, left and right. After shaking it, she took a mouthful.

Feeling that Mr. Richards was crying a little loudly, Anna stretched out her right hand and touched his head.

"Don't cry, don't cry, isn't it just a woman, and Senior Richards, you believe that crazy woman... Did she say what she was here for?"

Anna just asked casually, and didn't expect Lorna to give Reed Richards a heart-to-heart.

Unexpectedly, Dr. Richards really said it, raised his head, and said with a serious face: "She came to find a woman called 'Peerless'."

Peerless? !

Ahaha... The name of the second middle school, she doesn't remember that "Peerless" appeared in Marvel.

Wait... The little short legs suddenly lowered their eyebrows, turned around and took out the small book from the satchel, and the fat hand flipped through it... Finally, he turned to the title page of the small book.

Instantly grimaced.

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