Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 136: Anna is a rich little woman

"Come here!" Maya held out her hand.

Anna lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows. The chubby hand unzipped the bag and pulled out the cards. One, Bank of America, $6 million; two, JPMorgan Chase, $50 million; three , Wells Fargo, $500 million.

Stack the three cards and hand them out.

Maya grabbed it and glanced at the bank card in her hand. After confirming it was correct, she nodded.

She didn't really want to take Anna's money. In fact, the $300 million last time was returned to Anna herself.

Just like Xavier Castle, Anna's name is still written on the property deed.

In order to satisfy her desire for control, she confirmed her status in her daughter's heart.

Now that her daughter is older, Maya feels that she has to change her mind about discipline. In the hotel these days, she tries to make up for the way she communicates with her adolescent daughter.

She felt that when communicating with Anna, she couldn't use the way an 8-year-old child communicated, and she couldn't say "shuishui", "baby milk", "sleep" and so on. She had to use rational thinking and present facts. reason.

It's a pity that the book teaches all bullshit, what about falling in love, knowledge of physiological hygiene, psychological reactions caused by physiological changes, and so on.

Hell, my daughter is only eight years old.


Anna held back her joy, suppressed her raised eyebrows, stood on tiptoe, stretched out two little fat hands to remove the card, then turned around, facing Maya, ready to put it in the card slot.

Anna's shoulder bag is specially made, and the designer has made several card slots. There are a number of cards of any card slot and level.

Bank of America put it in the ninth card slot, JPMorgan Chase, put it in the sixth card slot, Wells Fargo Bank, this one is a large amount, open the zipper mezzanine, there are three card slots in the mezzanine, Anna is placed in the sixth card slot on the second card.

Put it away, feel the hot air rushing through the flesh of the neck, reach out and scratch it, and touch the nose.

Nose... Anna tilted her head and saw her Mom staring at her satchel.

Hell, doesn't Maya know privacy? It's very rude to look at someone else's bag.

"Anna, how many billions have you saved!"


Maya didn't come back in the end, mainly because she felt bad just thinking about it.

I went to bed with a man myself, and then my daughter filmed A嘤嘤V to observe the scene.

"I can't take it anymore!" Maya shouted.

Decent, Maya wants to cover her face and cry.

Coercion, she doubted whether she already had this thing.

However, the money offensive of the short legs finally disintegrated Maya's anger, and she is no longer angry.

How many billions of short legs are there?

In the basement, Anna was holding a pen, she was calculating the ledger.

Xavier Castle invested 300 million back and forth.

"We have to start the second phase of the project." The short legs made a plan and pulled out the menu: "Building a variety of artillery types and building a missile defense network."

Mainly because the last Jericho incident was stimulated.

"Buy Hong Island first!" Anna circled the island next to Xavier Castle, 4 square kilometers, not expensive, at most 50 million.

Originally, I planned to buy West Lake. I thought that the Sheriff of Westchester County would have an opinion, and it would not be good to make trouble, so let's forget it.

"Bulletproof cloth is too profitable."

A full 600 million was earned.

Listening to what Osborn said, 80% of them were purchased anonymously by a big boss, or the kind that paid for and delivered on the spot.

"Super tyrant!"

Anna didn't know which one was taking advantage of.

For the rest, the military accounted for 15 percent, the research labs of American universities accounted for 3 percent, and Osborn himself accounted for 2 percent.

The right to use the oil and gas twin-cylinder technology was exchanged for 5% of the shares of Ao Shi Group, which is 1.28 billion.

"This is real property. Give the voting rights to Osborn."

In fact, even Osborne himself has only 10% of the shares. Recently, he has made a lot of money. Osborne is ready to consider the privatization of the company.

The short legs have a salary.

Officially, Anna is a consultant to S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the government's think tank, which Minister Pierce highly praised at the welcome meeting.

Annual salary of $500,000.

Don't consider it.

Behind the scenes, the little short legs did private work for Nick Fury, and the design fee plus the supervision fee was also 500 million.

The first few times I cooperated with the black director, the director made a lot of money for Anna, and he made a net profit of 300 million.

Add in the dual-track acceleration technology that sold earlier and other additions, and here's $150 million.

Wow...$3.13 billion.

Not counting the daily flow, now there are five or six thousand mice shipped every day, and the intermediate products of other laboratories are also quite popular with the State University of New York system.

There are several other large assets, the patented bulletproof cloth technology, and the patent ownership of the oil and gas dual-cylinder technology. These two add up, plus the ability of the black director to blow again and again, Anna feels that if it is sold in batches, it will be absolutely impossible. That's 20 billion dollars.

Little Short Leg dropped the pen, and checked the number again, it was more than what he had inherited.

If I knew earlier, I would still run Stark Industries to recognize what papa does.

Anna regretted it, and after working with Stark for a long time, she didn't get any money, and she forcibly fixed it into a glutinous rice ball.

Just with those 23 dyers? !

Anna was indignant.

The inducement factor had to be resolved, so Anna called Zhao Hailun.

Gao Li's stick pushed three and four, she felt wronged and was cheated by an 8-year-old girl in business.

Originally, I wanted to sue in the Korean Supreme Later, I thought that the short legs were only 8 years old, and she might be beaten by the short legs if she couldn't do it.

So, she endured.

Anna posted a ten-minute video, from a guinea pig.

On the spot, Zhao Hailun called the Incheon International Airport and bought a plane ticket. Before leaving, she saw Amadeus Zhao doing Sudoku lying on the table, she hugged her and hugged her.

"Let's go, Little Fatty, find your Anna."

On the other side, Xavier Castle was empty, and Anna was not used to it.

She misses Coulson a lot, thinks about his shy old face, she doesn't get angry when she scolds him, she just laughs when she hurts him, she can make milk for herself, can do housework, and can do housework where little hands can't reach Hand it to yourself.

The phone rang, it was the black chief.

Two phone calls in two days.

Nick Fury really misses the short legs, mainly the head of the short legs.

Briefly stated his recent plans, he was going to transfer back to Coulson and entrust him with important tasks.

In other words, the contact between Washington DC and New York Westchester County has to be changed.

"Male or female."


Nick Fury thought about it and thought it was wrong, as if he had been led astray.

The main reason is that the thoughts of the short legs turn too fast.

"The new guy in the bureau just came out of SHIELD Academy."

After speaking, send me the information.

Anna opened it and saw the photo. She was very smart. When she saw the name, her face collapsed.

She knew how frantic Team America was.

This old cow's ability to eat tender grass is comparable to that of Yang Zhenning.

It just doesn't give young people a way to live.

p.s. Ask for collection and recommendation

Thank you to 9 fans for the reward

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