Even God would shake his head at the ability of human beings to spread rumors.

"Have you heard? You Mingyue has written a new script."

Ten o'clock in the morning

"Have you heard? You Mingyue tailored a script for Zhu Xudan."

At twelve o'clock in the morning

"Have you heard? You Mingyue and Zhu Xudan's relationship is not pure, what kind of relationship is there between the three of them?"

"Hey, then Sister Dan is like a sandwich? Can she handle it?"

"Congratulations on discovering the blind spot. I want to know that, too."

1 p.m.

"Needless to say, I know that the twins took advantage of Sister Dan and even wrote a script specifically for her."


It was outrageous.

There was a lot of gossip in Jiaxing.

Even Yang Mi heard about it.

However, she didn't think You Mingyue and Zhu Xudan were lesbians.

Instead, she was interested in the new script.

"I don't know what the script is this time, and whether there is a role suitable for me.……"

At her level, there is no shortage of scripts.

But it is difficult to come across a good script.

The Jiaxing artists kept a close eye on the girl's movements.

If there was a new script, she would definitely go to Yang Mi's office and discuss it with her.

Everyone was restless.

Even Zhang Yunlong came to the company.

However, they were disappointed.

After the girl entered the post-production team department, she did not come out again.

Even for lunch, she ordered takeout.


At 2 p.m.,

Gu Qingyao, the editor of Feilu Novel Network, sent the first-day subscription results of the novel.

32,241 subscriptions.

Feilu Novel Network was in an uproar, and the second editorial team was very proud.

The girl felt this joy from Gu Qingyao's words.

"Great God, 30,000 subscriptions!"

"too strong!"

"Ahhhhhh, how can I thank you?……"

"God, you took me flying!"

"It's so cool."

The girl said,"Not bad."

This book can be called the ceiling of Xiaobaiwen.

It's reasonable to get good grades.

It's unscientific to get bad grades.

Then, Xu Youyue went offline.

She was very busy.

Gu Qingyao:"……"

I have never seen such a calm author who does not flatter the editor.

If it were any other author, they would have been so happy that they would have taken off and asked the editor to arrange all the recommendations that could be arranged.

However, You Mingyue did not seem to care much.

"Just writing a song can make her the top singer in the music industry. Perhaps such an achievement is only good enough for her."

The joy gradually faded.

Gu Qingyao suddenly felt depressed and felt that geniuses were very unreasonable.

They easily achieved what others could hardly achieve in their lifelong pursuit.

She looked at the heated discussions in the company's editorial group and the crazy discussions in the author group she was in charge of... and shook her head.

These people would not know that such an explosive first order result only earned You Mingyue's evaluation of"not bad"

"But this... is my youth."Gu Qingyao whispered, smiled, and began to arrange various recommendation positions for Zhatian.

Although the girl didn't say it, she couldn't not do it.


, her high salary for a long time in the future depends on this book.

No one can go against money.


In the following time, the girl was busy with the post-production of the movie.

School would start at the end of August, and she hoped to complete the post-production before then.

However, this move made Jiaxing artists and staff members murmur.

Could it be that the news about You Mingyue's new script was fake?

There was no such thing at all?


Time flies. In a blink of an eye, it is the end of August.

There are only five days left before the start of school, and only five days left before the end of the August music festival.

And at this time.

Under the rush of work, the post-production of the movie has been completed.

Next, the remaining work is to submit for review, determine the release time and publicity.

These things will be done by Jiaxing’s staff, and the girl doesn’t have to worry about it.

On this day.

Jiaxing’s artists and staff were surprised to find that the twins, who had not appeared together for a long time, appeared at the same time.


One of them was carrying a backpack on her back.

The two super beautiful girls walked hand in hand towards Yang Mi’s office.

This rekindled hope in their hearts, who were almost waiting for the flowers to wither.

One by one, their eyes moved intentionally or unintentionally with the movement of the twins’ long legs.

The heartbeat was accelerating


Yang Mi's office.

The layout is the same as when the twins first came here a month ago.

At this moment,

Yang Mi is not the only one in the office.

There are also her assistant and two other executives.

Yang Mi has communicated with the twins privately and learned that they will see a new script today, so she called two executives from the company's film and television department to come and consult together.


There was a knock on the door.

Yang Mi's eyes lit up.


"Sister Honey"



We are old acquaintances, so there is no need to be polite.

"This is Lv Liang, who has been in the film and television industry for many years."

"This is Ning Fei, he used to be a TV director, now he mainly does production work.

Yang Mi introduced them separately.

The girl smiled and greeted them.

She had actually seen Lv Liang and Ning Fei in the company, but she was not familiar with them.

Then, the girl took out the script of Xian Yi from her backpack.

A thick stack of

"Xueer, go make two more copies of the script." Yang Mi said to her assistant.

Although she wanted to see it, there were two other people who wanted to see it.

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