In the next few days, the atmosphere in the crew suddenly became very harmonious.

The filming went smoothly.

There were very few NGs.

Because the pressure was too great, the two directors were watching, and the actors were very nervous. Every time they went on stage, they tried to show their best.

They were afraid of encountering mixed doubles.

In this case, the filming progress was accelerated.

Even after the twins' directing ability was completely recognized by Li Yaohuo, two crews were directly opened to film simultaneously.

Under this harmonious appearance, the actors had their own thoughts.

For example.

One day during the filming.

Zhu Xudan and his assistant brought two bags of milk tea:"Sister, this is my milk tea, what flavor do you want to drink?"

Xu Youyue:...

One night.

Dai Si mustered up the courage and knocked on the twins' door:"Editor Xu, you have worked hard on the filming all day. I have a good massage skill. Let me give you a massage."


One day during the day, the girl played games.

Zhang Yunlong came over with his mobile phone:"Brother Yue, let's play together. My Gongsun Li is super six."

Since You Mingyue can write scripts, be a screenwriter, and shoot and direct, it is really strong. I don't know which staff member in the crew was the first to call"Brother Yue", and then this name quickly spread to the entire crew.

In the end, sometimes even Zhang Yunlong and Li Yaohuo called him that.

And their attitude towards You Mingyue... is actually a very realistic choice.

Especially the artists of Jiaxing Entertainment.

Obviously, in the future, Jiaxing may have a situation where You Mingyue writes the script and then directs it herself. In this case, in order to get good roles and good resources in the future, it is very necessary to build a good relationship in advance.

Isn't it just licking people? Who can't do that?

And for other extras, it's almost kneeling down to lick.

Even director Li Yaohuo's attitude towards the twins has changed greatly. Every time they meet, he greets them with a smile.

This situation continued until Yang Mi joined the crew, and there was no change.


She had already learned from other artists in the company's group that the twins could direct.

Not only was she not surprised at those people's almost"licking" attitude towards the twins.

Even her own attitude towards the twins became better.

At the same time.

She was shocked in her heart.

"Composer, singer, director, screenwriter... Are there really talented players in this world? Born to be in the entertainment industry?"

Yang Mi is a hard-working person.

She doesn't want to believe that such people exist. But the facts are in front of her.

"、""Talented players" describe the twins, and there is no other reason to think of it.


Time flies

《The shooting progress of"Midnight Ring" was very fast. In mid-August, a wrap-up party was held, which meant that the shooting was officially over.

From the start to the end, it took only twenty days.

It was as fast as making a bad movie.


First, the movie itself does not involve many scenes.

Second, it was shot by two crews until the end.

Such a shooting speed is the result of continuous improvement.

Otherwise, it might be finished in ten days.

During this period.

For Xu Mingyou, many things happened.

The hard work in the past brought her a harvest season.

In the music scene.

At the end of July,"Red Ling" successfully held the first place with 23.225 million downloads.

She became the monthly champion of the July music scene. She officially became a first-line singer in the Chinese music scene.

At the same time.

Another song,"Bubble" won the second place.

The two songs won the first and second place respectively, which completely shocked the music scene and made a sensation on the entire network.

In addition, the ancient style song"Jie Mingyue" written for Jiaxing trainees, with the opening of the girl group idol creation camp, became a hit on the entire network. Many aunties on Douyin and Xiaopo Station danced with fans.

In the end,"Jie Mingyue" made it to the monthly music list and stopped at the 15th place.

After all, the quality of this song is actually much worse than"Chi Ling" and"Foam".

And these three songs.

After the commissions and taxes of various platforms, they also brought her about 20 million in revenue. She has completely become a small rich woman.

The pressure of making money has been reduced a little.

In terms of novels.

Because of being busy with filming, the girl did not explode.

But with the previous manuscripts and continuous updates,"Zhetian" has been updated to the 97th chapter, Ye Fan entered the realm of destiny and is about to go to the ancient holy land to explore.

Compared with the song income of more than 20 million, the July manuscript fee was directly zero, because Feilu Novel Network stipulates that new books need 300,000 words to be put on the shelves.

But the gratifying thing is that as the plot progresses, more and more readers are watching.

I think that when the novel is put on the shelves in two days, the subscription performance will not be bad.

It is worth mentioning that, seeing that it is about to be put on the shelves, Feilu Novel Network editor Gu Qingyao has been urging for updates on WeChat every day, but the girl is very calm.

As for live broadcasting... the girl has been late for a long time.

She only posted two videos from the crew at the beginning of filming, and has been late until now.

Her fans have increased by 11 million, perhaps because of the celebrity effect.


Fans say that they are the most idle female anchors in history, but they also understand that they are very busy.

In addition.

In the middle of filming, the girl returned to the mountain city and received the admission letters of the two sisters.

"School is about to start……"In the hotel room, Xu Youyue and Xu Mingyue slept together, their eyes fixed on the ceiling.

She was looking forward to the start of school.

There should be a lot of beautiful ladies in the Acting Department of the Imperial Capital Drama Academy.


August 16.

The girl returned to the imperial capital.

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