
Lin Yan also finished reading. She glanced at the computer on Yang Mi's desk without leaving a trace, and her face showed the same fearful expression as Yang Mi just now.

The girl was not surprised.

In fact.

Her script might be even more terrifying than the original.

Considering that the technological level in the original movie world is out of line with the current technological level.

For example, in the original version, old-fashioned televisions and landline phones were used...


In order to increase the horror, she made some magical changes to the original script.

The cursed videotape in the original version was changed to a USB flash drive.

The landline phone was changed to a smart phone.

The old-fashioned TV was changed to a smart TV.


Not only that, Sadako can also crawl out of the computer screen.

In addition, some plots and background settings have been changed.

This is to enhance the sense of immersion in the movie.

Let the audience get an immersive viewing experience.

"Judging from the expressions of Yang Mi and Lin Yan, this magic modification should be successful for the time being. The girl blinked her eyes.


After calming down, Lin Yan closed the script and muttered to herself:

"This script……"

She admitted that she had made a mistake.

This script is excellent.

When she read the script just now, she went from being dismissive at first to being completely immersed in it, and finally she was even scared by the script.

It is not like a Western horror movie full of blood and killing.

It is also not like the kind of horror movie that pursues disgust.

《The Ring is a horror movie that causes great psychological damage to people.

In particular, the medium that Sadako uses to curse people in the script can be found everywhere in daily life, such as smart TVs, mobile phones, USB flash drives, etc., which increases the horror of the movie.

"What do you think?"Yang Mi asked.

Lin Yan nodded slowly:"We can shoot."


The two of them looked at the twins, looking at them as if they were looking at a pair of monsters.

They are monsters! It's okay to be able to write songs! After all, although genius composers are very rare, they do exist.

But, writing scripts?

And writing such high-quality scripts?

It's hard to imagine.

The two girls felt very magical at this moment, like a dream.

At the same time, they felt a little dizzy.

They felt that they had not only signed a pair of composers, but also a pair of gold medal screenwriters.

Yang Mi took a deep breath, and her chest rose and fell violently.

The girl blinked, breathing a little quickly.

She was afraid that the white shirt that Big Mimi was wearing today would suddenly explode.

"I want this script." Yang Mi's voice trembled a little.

She really loved this script.

And the role of the heroine in the script felt like it was tailor-made for her.


Yang Mi discussed the copyright fee with the girl.

Although the girl is an artist of Jiaxing Entertainment, the screenwriter was not taken into consideration when signing the contract, so this aspect needs to be calculated separately.

Yang Mi gave two options, one is to buy it out directly at a fixed price, and the other is to share the box office revenue.

The girl naturally chose the second one.

Compared with the market price of three million for a fixed price buyout, it is better to take a chance on turning a bicycle into a motorcycle.

In the end, it was decided that she could get 3% of the box office revenue.

This share ratio is already very high in the screenwriting industry.

"Besides, I want to play Sadako." The girl put forward her conditions.

There was no need to think too much about the heroine.

The character of the heroine was a divorced wife. At her age, she could not play the role at all. On the contrary, Yang Mi was very suitable to play the heroine at her current age.

Then there were other supporting actresses...

The girl was not interested in these supporting roles.

It would be better to do something big.

She might as well play Sadako herself.

Anyway, Sadako's image was that her hair covered her face and her expression could not be seen.

She did not need much acting skills, as long as her body language was in place.

Yang Mi nodded.

Sadako's role was not important.

Since the twins wanted to play it, let them try first.

If it really didn't work, it would be too late to change people.


Although it was decided to shoot"Midnight Ring", it was not something that could be done just like that. There was some preparatory work to be done in the early stages.

For example, finding a director, casting, estimating investment, shooting locations, shooting plans, etc.

In this regard, Jiaxing has professionals to take care of it.

The girl was not worried.

After meeting Yang Mi at the company, they returned to the dormitory.

As an artist, you don't need to be on duty in the company except for meetings and special times.

Of course.

Except for those trainees who are preparing to debut as a group, they need to go to the company to practice every day except for vacation.

And the girl... she is very busy, so she doesn't have the time to spare.

Not only is she busy writing the script for Sword III, she is also busy copying"The Great Ruler".

Making money is the most important thing.

The money you earn now is your future life.

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