Huaxia, a mountain city.

The night falls, activating the city's Jianghu spirit.

For many people, the real day's life has just begun.

In the crowded Jiefangbei Food Street.

Tourists who leisurely watch the night view are mixed with pedestrians in a hurry.

However, at this moment.

On the street, both tourists and pedestrians unconsciously slowed down their pace. All eyes looked at a milk tea shop.

I saw a pair of stunning twin sisters appearing at the door of a newly opened milk tea shop called"Pearl Milk Tea", soliciting customers.

They have regular facial features and eyes like phoenixes. Their skin is fair and delicate.

They have long straight black hair, and their black and shiny hair falls silkily to their waists.

They are full of sweet and lovely temperament...

But looking down, many people's eyes widened in vain.

Huge European size.

It's hard to imagine that this is the size that only girls of sixteen or seventeen can have.

Slender waist.

It can be called a fatal waist.

Further down, a pair of legs are almost perfectly straight and slender, and the long white legs are extremely eye-catching.

This is a rare golden ratio figure.

Coupled with an eye-catching red girlish-style dress, it makes people drool.

If you look at the face, the girl is an angel.

Then, looking at the figure, the girl is a devil, a true comic character entering reality.

The angel and the devil have reached an agreement in one person, living in harmony, just to show the most beautiful side of the girl.

The key is that there are two such stunning girls!

Not only do the girls have almost the same appearance, height and weight, but even their hairstyles, clothes and dressing are exactly the same.

It is difficult to tell who is the older sister and who is the younger sister.

But at this moment, no one wants to tell the difference.

It's like seeing the most beautiful scenery in the world, forgetting time, forgetting space, forgetting what to do, and just wanting to deeply engrave the girls in my mind.

The brain has crashed, and my mind is blank.

"Wake up, my drool is flowing out"

"Still watching? Go back home and kneel on the washboard tonight!"

"I'm in love"

"Wow, such a sweet girl, love it!"

"It's so beautiful. Someone, please help me call an ambulance."

"This figure is so hot, I really want to see them wearing HS!"

"I have seen twins before, but this is the first time I have seen such beautiful twin sisters. They are thousands of times more beautiful than celebrities."

"Anyone who marries them must have saved the galaxy in his previous life!"

"Needless to say, it must be me, double happiness here I come!"

"Whoever urinates yellow, wake him up"

"Ladies, stick with me!"

"I am a female college student, I am using my real name, I really want to post it"


Listening to their discussions, the two girls who were originally working had countless well characters on their foreheads, and the corners of their mouths twitched imperceptibly.

Marry you, you big-headed ghost.

Stick you, you big-headed ghost.

You win!

Xu Mingyou felt really awesome at this moment!

Just yesterday, she traveled to this parallel world that was very similar to the earth.

If you say you can travel through time, then so be it.

It’s not that I can’t accept it. After all, I have read time-travel novels for so many years, and I am quite immune to time-travel.

Even if I travel through time and become a transformed girl, from convex to concave, and without a little brother, it doesn’t matter. Time will always heal everything, and I can slowly accept it.


"What the hell is it to transform into two super beautiful girls!"Xu Mingyou roared in his heart!

Xu Youyue!

Xu Mingyue!

That is Xu Mingyou's current name.

You can call her Xu Youyue, or you can call her Xu Mingyue. On the surface, they look like two people, but in fact, they are one person.

In other words, the two girls in red with angel faces and devilish figures are actually Xu Mingyou.

This is one soul with two bodies.

It is equivalent to having one body and another avatar, and it is a twin-like avatar. It seems wonderful, but in fact there is no distinction between the primary and the secondary. It is probably equivalent to a split soul.

Who cares!

Xu Mingyou now only wants to destroy the world.

Don't love it anymore.

Destroy it.

Can you imagine what it feels like to wake up every morning and hug another"self" who is fragrant, soft, and has a hot body?

Double happiness?


This is double torture!

"Alas, there are more weird time travels."

Xu Mingyou muttered to herself while working.

Hey, weird, why say again?

Never mind, don't dwell on these details.

She now has a more troublesome thing than turning into twins, that is, her system has not been activated until now.

This is the most terrible thing! A time traveler who has transformed into a woman, with a super high appearance and a great figure, but no system?

I'm afraid she will be caught in the anime that perverts often make!

《Twins... Hell?》

《Sister, you don’t want your sister to be bullied at school, right?》


Hiss, just thinking about it is scary, it makes my scalp tingle.

Super insecure!

The transformed girl must not die in anime!

"Ding, host time travel detected, entertainment krypton gold system activated."

PS: Well, finally, the orange article that everyone likes is here. I wanted to write other topics, but for One Soul Two Bodies, I feel that entertainment articles are more suitable. Please support me, thank you.

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