In the first class, Iruka was ready to explain the content of"Will of Fire" of Naruto as usual.

When his eyes swept over Hinata, he changed his mind and quietly took back the manual of Will of Fire. He decided to first explain a ninjutsu to wake them up.

He cleared his throat, smiled and said to the students:"Today we will first explain a simple and practical ninjutsu to you. I hope it will bring you some surprises!" When the students heard this, they immediately became excited. If we talk about this, we won't be sleepy.

Iruka picked up a piece of chalk from the podium and wrote the name of the ninjutsu"Clone Jutsu" on the blackboard."

"This is one of the three basic ninjutsu of Konoha, called the clone jutsu.

The advanced ninjutsu above it is the shadow clone jutsu of B-level ninjutsu.

The difference is that the clone jutsu only creates an illusion, which can only confuse the enemy, and the clone will disappear when attacked.

The shadow clone jutsu is different, it is real, and has 1/2 of the power of the original body, and the memory of the clone will be transmitted back to the original body when it disappears.

So don't even think about using this jutsu. If you create too many clones, the human mental endurance is limited, and excessive mental shock will turn you into an idiot.

I will show you how to perform this clone jutsu.……"Iruka explained in detail.

Iruka began to demonstrate the seal,"Wei-Yi-Yin, clone technique!"

His body quickly became blurred, and with a bang, a puff of white smoke appeared, and then two identical Iruka figures appeared.

The students stared with wide eyes, amazed.

"Wow! That's amazing!""I want to learn this ninjutsu, too!" Excited shouts came from the classroom.

Except for the 12 little strong boys, the other children listened with gusto.

Some children from civilian families had never received ninjutsu training, and they were very surprised to see Iruka split into two identical versions of himself.

For those who are learning ninjutsu for the first time, the visual impact of the clone technique is indeed great.

It is simply a transformation of a living person!

Hinata lay on the table with little interest in Iruka's transformation technique. She rolled her eyes. Her setting was to have no chakra, and this transformation technique was the most basic of the basics, which really did not arouse her interest.

The other 12 little strong boys also performed mediocrely. They were not very interested in this basic ninjutsu. Ninjutsu, they were already accustomed to it.

However, Naruto, who was sitting next to Hinata, was very excited. This was the first time someone performed ninjutsu in front of him. He widened his eyes and looked at Teacher Iruka with anticipation. His eyes were full of desire. In contrast, Hinata seemed a little listless.

Seeing this scene, Iruka felt a little helpless. He knew a little about Hinata's situation. She couldn't use chakra due to her special circumstances.

Iruka, who was full of responsibility, walked to Hinata, patted her shoulder gently and said:"Hinata, although you may not be able to use chakra now, it doesn't mean that you can't learn these ninjutsu in the future. As long as you have confidence and perseverance, you will become an outstanding ninja one day."

Hinata pulled a smile on her face after hearing what Iruka said, thinking to herself, Teacher Iruka, you are overthinking it,

I can only use fairy techniques, not ninjutsu.

After hearing what Iruka said, the other children did not react, but Uchiha Sasuke thought in his heart, it is as expected! My brother must be lying to me, how could there be a freshman stronger than him, he is just a loser who does not even have chakra.

When Sasuke was at home, he had already practiced the Uchiha clan's chakra refining technique, and could barely release the Great Fireball Technique.

As expected, my brother was lying to me, there might be a freshman stronger than him, he is just a loser who does not even have chakra.

Sasuke had already started practicing the Uchiha clan's chakra refining technique at home, and now he can barely mobilize the chakra in his body and perform ninjutsu such as the Great Fireball Technique.

He looked at Hinata with disdain and sneered,"Huh, it's just a clone technique, what's so great about it? Ninjutsu of this level is not worthy of being called a real ninjutsu!"

Hearing the superiority-filled speech of Sasuke, Hinata looked up at the sky in silence.

This bullshit king, the bloodstains you awakened are probably not the Sharingan but the result of pretending.

In Hinata's heart, Sasuke is regarded as a child rather than a peer. As an adult, how can she take the provocation of a child to heart?

Hinata didn't say anything, but Naruto next to Hinata couldn't hold back. He seemed to be born to dislike this pretender named Sasuke.

When he heard Sasuke's sarcastic remarks, he slapped the table and stood up, staring at Sasuke, and retorted bluntly:"Bah! You sissy, you dare to brag here shamelessly! If you have the guts, show us your clone technique!""


Sasuke raised his chin proudly, walked up to the podium, made the same hand seal, and shouted"Clone Technique!"

Bang, bang, three identical Sasukes stood in place, looking at Naruto provocatively,

"How is it?"

He also seemed to dislike this blond boy with a beard on his face, and wanted to provoke him whenever he had the chance.

"You are so special……"

Naruto's teeth were clattering, and his anger seemed to make his hair stand up.

He stared at the black-haired boy in front of him, feeling that this guy was extremely annoying.

Damn it, just wait, when I learn the clone technique, I must clone 10 times more than him. The cocky boy can clone 2, I want 20, no, 30!

Iruka saw the confrontation between the two and quickly stood in the middle to block it.

He said to Sasuke,"You are worthy of being from the Uchiha clan. You did a great job. Now please go back to your seat."

""Hmph!" Sasuke snorted proudly again, and walked back with a step that didn't recognize anyone.

Then he turned around and comforted the seventh generation:"Okay, then Luduo, everyone's starting point is different, you just need to work hard to catch up in the future."

Then he said loudly to the students in the class:"I know that some of you have already learned some ninjutsu, but please don't be proud, and listen carefully in the future. Students who don't know don't need to be disappointed. Everyone's starting point is different, but as long as you work hard enough, you will definitely catch up. Your road to becoming a ninja is very long, and now you are just getting started. The efforts in the future must be more careful than the previous tricks."

"Yes." The children who had been injected with chicken blood shouted excitedly, with Naruto shouting the loudest. He clenched his fists and was so excited that tears seemed to flash in his eyes.

"Humph! Idiot."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto and Hinata, then raised his chin proudly.

"What did you say?"Naruto seemed to be particularly concerned about Sasuke's attitude, and his face turned red again.

Hinata still yawned lazily, not taking Sasuke seriously at all.

Iruka taught everyone the chakra refining technique and arranged for school to end.

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